2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryPablo Picasso style of Spanish Cubist pastel music paper oriental dress odalisque haremSee Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryPablo Picasso style of Spanish Cubist watercolor painting music paper musketeerSee Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryTempera on paper Pablo Picasso style of Spanish Cubism portrait painting womanSee Sold Price
2024Setdart Auction HouseSpanish school of the 19th century. "Putti". Pair of oils on canvas of oval format. Relined.See Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryJuan Gris style of Spanish Cubism gouache on paper still life bookSee Sold Price
2024Setdart Auction HouseSpanish school, second half of the XIX century. "Saint" and "Saint". Pair of oils on canvas, gluedSee Sold Price
2024Setdart Auction HouseSpanish school of the 19th century. "Angelitos músicos". Pair of oil on canvas oval format.See Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryMixed media on paper Joan Miro style of Spanish SurrealismSee Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryMixed media on paper Joan Miro style of Spanish SurrealismSee Sold Price