2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryTempera on paper Pablo Picasso style of Spanish Cubism portrait painting womanSee Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryAbstract gouache on paper Sonia Delaunay after French Ukrainian painting circlesSee Sold Price
2024Broward Auction GalleryMyles Birket Foster (UK,1825-1899) watercolor painting antiqueSee Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GallerySonia Delaunay after French Ukrainian Abstract painting gouache on paper geometric shapesSee Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryWassily Kandinsky after Russian Abstract watercolor on paper geometric shapesSee Sold Price
2024Vintage Art Finder GalleryPastel on paper David Burliuk style of Ukrainian American Cubist horse riderSee Sold Price
2024International Art Auction GalleryJoan Miro Spanish 1893 - 1983 Landscape Surrealism Dali Picasso era Oil on CanvasSee Sold Price