SoldZylindervase ''A lenti''Zylindervase ''A lenti'' Ercole Barovier (Entwurf), Barovier & Toso, Murano, 1940 Rubinrosa Glas mit gerissener Goldfolienaufschmelzung, dickwandig farblos überstochen. In mehreren Reihen versetzt auSee Sold Price
SoldErcole Barovier, A Lenti vaseErcole Barovier A Lenti vase Barovier, Toso & Co.Italy, 1940iridized glass with semispherical applications8 w × 8 d × 10.25 h in (20 × 20 × 26 cm) LiteratureSee Sold Price
SoldVTG Ercole Barovier Murano Art Glass Lenti VaseVintage Ercole Barovier Murano Lenti vase. Crafted of fine quality Italian art glass. Features semispherical bubble modernist design with heavy infused gold fleck throughout. Good to fair condition wiSee Sold Price
SoldBarovier Lenti Murano Glass Table Lamp. Heavy BubbleBarovier Lenti Murano Glass Table Lamp. Heavy Bubble Column design with Golf Flecks. Original Finial. Glass 19 inches-- Dimensions: H: 37 inches: W: 6 inches: D: 6 inches ---See Sold Price
SoldSabi Outdoor Sofa with Rope Back, by Paola LentiSabi Outdoor Sofa with Rope Back, by Paola Lenti Fitted with loose cushions. 29 x 5 ft. 9 in. x 38See Sold Price
SoldSeltene Zylindervase ''Navajo Blanket Cylinder''Seltene Zylindervase ''Navajo Blanket Cylinder'' Dale Chihuly, um 1975 Außen opak graugrün, innen grau-braunrosa marmoriertes, dickwandiges Glas mit aufgeschmolzenen farbigen Fäden, partiell metallSee Sold Price
SoldSeltene Zylindervase mit FischenSeltene Zylindervase mit Fischen Ercole Barovier (Entwurf), Barovier & Toso, Murano, um 1940 Farbloses, dickwandiges Glas mit eingestochenen Luftblasen, formgeblasen. Kräftig reliefierter Dekor: stilSee Sold Price
SoldPair Paola Lenti Italian Runner Rugs 7'9" x 3'2"Paola Lenti, Italian. Pair of two runner length hallway rugs. Cream-colored wool with two rows of brown dots. Bordered by brown stitching and backed with brown wool.Each, length: 7 ft 9 in x width: 3See Sold Price
SoldZylindervase ''Murrine Spicchi''Zylindervase ''Murrine Spicchi'' Rosanna Toso (Entwurf), Fratelli Toso, Murano, 1960 Farbloses Glas mit eingeschmolzenen Murrine ''Spicchi'' in Schwarz und opalisierendem Weiß. Breiter Rand in FarbloSee Sold Price
Sold'Lenti' vase, 1940Ercole Barovier, H. 20.6 cm. Made by Barovier & Toso. Clear glass, included aventurine, fused nodes.See Sold Price
Sold''Incalmo''- Zylindervase mit ''Mezza Filigrana''''Incalmo''- Zylindervase mit ''Mezza Filigrana'' Tapio Wirkkala (Entwurf), Venini, Murano, um 1971 Farbloses Glas. Unterfang und diagonal eingeschmolzene Fäden in Weiß ('lattimo'), in 'incalmo'- TeSee Sold Price
SoldPaola Lenti (b. 1958) rugPaola Lenti (b. 1958) rug Italy felt, cotton cloth label dark gray reverses to light gray 117 1/2"w x 79"hSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Paola Lenti "Wave" Lounge ChairsDesigner & Manufacturer: Paola Lenti Markings: none Country of Origin & Materials: USA; roping like material, other Additional Information & Circa: Pair of "Wave" adjustable lounge chairs. (Key Word SSee Sold Price
SoldPAOLA LENTI "OTTO POUF" OTTOMANPolyester upholstery, polystyrene base, rope cord, Italy, 2000s 10" x 32" diameterSee Sold Price
Sold'Lenti' vase, 1940Ercole Barovier, H. 25 cm. Made by Barovier & Toso. Cased glass, clear, blue and white powder inclusions and burst gold foil. Applied lentil nodes.See Sold Price
Sold'Lenti' vase, 1940Ercole Barovier, H. 18.5 cm. Made by Barovier & Toso. Cased glass, clear, included pink, sometimes blue powders and burst gold foil. Fused lentils.See Sold Price
SoldFRANCESCO ROTA; PAOLA LENTIWave" outdoor chaise lounge with adjustable backrest, Italy, 2000s; Rope and aquatech yarn upholstery, cataphoresis-treated steel, plastic spacers; As shown: 31" x 27" x 75See Sold Price
Kleine ZylindervaseKleine Zylindervase Vilmos Zsolnay, Pécs, um 1895 Porzellan-Fayence mit Eosin. Umlaufend rapportierender symmetrischer Dekor: Vogel- und Pflanzenstilisation. Eosin-Farbstempel. H. 9,5 cmD. 10,5 cm LiSee Sold Price
SoldErcole Barovier Lenti lampErcole Barovier Lenti lamp Barovier & Toso Italy, 1940 glass with gold inclusions, brass, silk 16 dia x 48.25 h inches Signed with applied paper manufacturer's labels to underside: [Barovier & Toso 16See Sold Price
SoldSeltene Zylindervase ''Zebrato''Seltene Zylindervase ''Zebrato'' Pollio Perelda (Entwurf), Fratelli Toso, Murano, um 1950-55 Farbloses Glas mit mehrfarbigen Murrine 'Zebrato', dazwischen verstreut Murrine 'Kiku'. Oberfläche säuremSee Sold Price
OSCAR TORLASCO Lampada da tavolo a tre lenti. 1955TORLASCO OSCAR Lampada da tavolo a tre lenti. 1955. Metallo e vetro. Cm 40,00 x 58,00 x 33,00. Prodotto per Lumi.See Sold Price
Sold'Lenti' vase, 1940Ercole Barovier, H. 22 cm. Made by Barovier & Toso. Clear glass, fused lentils, iridescent.See Sold Price
SoldZylindervase mit IrisZylindervase mit Iris Compagnie des Cristalleries de Baccarat, Baccarat / Paris, um 1880 Farbloses Glas. Geätzter und mit Transparentemailfarben bemalter Dekor: Blüten und Blätter der Iris. KontureSee Sold Price
SoldGrosse Zylindervase China, 20.Jh. Porzellan. VerziertGrosse Zylindervase China, 20.Jh. Porzellan. Verziert mit Blumen-Vogeldekor und figürliche Szene in fassonierten Reserven auf türkisgrünem Hintergrund mit Blumenrankendekor. Rand vergoldet, beriebeSee Sold Price
Modern Italian 2 Sand and 2 Surf Sun Loungers by Francesco Rota - Set of 4Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024