SoldZorrilla de San Martín "Maternidad"ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (Uruguayan school, 1891-1975). Charcoal on paper. "Maternity. Signed and dated "1942" lower right. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (escuela urugSee Sold Price
SoldJose Luis Zorrilla de San Martin Bronze FigureUruguay, Jose Luis Zorrilla de San Martin (1891-1975), mid 20th century bronze sculpture with dark patina "Gaucho Desafiante". Vignali & Co. Foundry. 21" H (53 cm) 11.5" (29 cm) x 4 1/4" (11 cm) baseSee Sold Price
SoldJose L. Zorrilla de San Martin. Defiant gaucho. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTIN, Jose Luis. "Gaucho desafiante. 1939.". Escultura realizada en bronce sobre peana de madera. Pátina verdosa. Firmada J. Zorrilla San Martín en la parte inferior dereSee Sold Price
SoldJosé Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975)Dibujo de José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975). Lápiz sobre papel. "Alegoría de Tabaré." Firmado abajo a la derecha. Medidas: alto 22 cm - ancho 23 cm.See Sold Price
SoldZorrilla de San Martín "Artigas"ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (Uruguayan school, 1891-1975). Sculpture in bronze with a dark patina. "Bust of José Artigas. Signed at the bottom right. 24 x 28 x 15 cm. ZORRILLA DESee Sold Price
SoldJosé Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975)Escultura de José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975) en bronce pátina oscura. "Gral. Aparicio Saravia a caballo." Firmado en la base. Con sello de la antigua fundición LabordeSee Sold Price
SoldOil on canvas. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo.ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (Uruguayan school, 1927-1990) Oil on canvas. "Urban landscape with a tramway, cars and people" Signed "AZ" and dated "77" on the upper left. 90 x 110 cm. Work reproducSee Sold Price
Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990) Oil onCuadro de Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990). Óleo sobre tela. "Grupo del 900 en jardín con hortensias." Firmado con iniciales "AZ" y fechado "88" abajo a la derecha. Al dorso fSee Sold Price
Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990) Oil onCuadro de Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990). Óleo sobre tela. "Grupo con aljibe y carruaje." Firmado con iniciales "AZ" y fechado "89" abajo a la izquierda. Medidas: alto 100 cm - aSee Sold Price
SoldAlfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990) Oil onCuadro de Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990). Óleo sobre tela. "Directorio." Firmado con iniciales "AZ" y fechado "79" abajo a la derecha. Medidas: alto 80 cm - ancho 100 cm.See Sold Price
SoldZorrilla de San Martín "Vaimaca Pirú"ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (Uruguayan school, 1891-1975). Sculpture in bronze with a dark patina. "Vaimaca Pirú. Signed on the base. 32 x 15 x 21 cm. Red granite base. AccompanieSee Sold Price
Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990) Oil onCuadro de Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990). Óleo sobre tela. "Escena de bar con bandoneón y guitarra." Firmado con iniciales "AZ" y fechado "86" abajo a la izquierda. Al dorsoSee Sold Price
Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990) Oil onCuadro de Alfredo Zorrilla de San Martín (1927-1990). Óleo sobre tela. "Grupo familiar con árboles y hortensias." Firmado con iniciales "AZ" y fechado "87" abajo a la derecha. Medidas:See Sold Price
José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975)Escultura de José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975) en bronce pátina marrón. "Gral. José Gervasio Artigas de pie." Firmado y fechado "1944" en la base a la derecha. ConSee Sold Price
Montevideo International Film Festival of Uruguay LiberMontevideo International Film Festival of Uruguay "Liber" Award Created by Internationally Acclaimed Sculptor, José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín. From July 6, 1971, the VIII Montevideo InSee Sold Price
Oil on canvas. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, AlfredoZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (Uruguayan school, 1927-1990) Oil on canvas. "Bar scene with accordion and guitar." Signed "AZ" and dated "86" lower left. 80 x 100 cm. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, AlfredSee Sold Price
SoldOil on canvas. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, AlfredoZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (Uruguayan school, 1927-1990) Oil on canvas "Estampa del 900." Signed "AZ" and dated 87 at the bottom left. 38 x 46 cm.ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (escuela uruguaSee Sold Price
Oil on canvas. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, AlfredoZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (Uruguayan school, 1927-1990) Oil on canvas. "Group with well and carriage. Signed with initials "AZ" and dated "89" lower left. 100 x 80 cm. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN,See Sold Price
SoldOil on canvas. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, AlfredoZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (Uruguayan school, 1927-1990) Oil on canvas "Characters with hydrangeas." Signed "AZ" and dated "85" lower right. 38 x 46 cm.ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (escuelaSee Sold Price
Zorrilla de San Martín. Oil on canvasZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (Uruguayan school, 1891-1975). Oil on canvas. "Raúl Montero Bustamante. Signed and dated 1907, upper right. 70 x 58 cm. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, JoSee Sold Price
Zorrilla de San Martín "Fuente de los Atletas"ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (Uruguayan school, 1891-1975). Sculpture in bronze with a dark patina. "Fountain of the Athletes." Puppo foundation. 20 x 8 cm. Presented in a wooden base.See Sold Price
SoldOil on canvas. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, AlfredoZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, Alfredo (Uruguayan school, 1927-1990) Oil on canvas."Group of the 900 in garden with hydrangeas. Signed with initials "AZ" and dated "88" lower right. 80 x 100 cmZORRILLA DE SSee Sold Price
SoldJosé Luis Zorrilla de San MartínZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (Uruguayan school, 1891-1975). Charcoal and pencil on tracing paper. "Leyenda Patria", study for the work on the Oath of the Thirty-three Easterners. SignedSee Sold Price
SoldSculpture. ZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José LuisZORRILLA DE SAN MARTÍN, José Luis (Uruguayan school, 1891-1975). Sculpture in bronze with a dark patina. "Old Vizcacha." Signed on the base. Height 18 cm. Presented on a wooden base. Total height 24See Sold Price
Francisco Goya - Alegrias Antruejo Que Manana SeraDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Francisco Goya - No se puede saber por que (One Can'tDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Gustavo Montoya "Silencio Petreo" Signed Lithograph LEMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1708 HISTORY of CHRISTIAN MISSIONS in MOROCCO by FRANCISCO PUERTO antiqueJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
C?NDIDO PAZOS LÓPEZ (La Coruña, 1943). "Breogán". Patinated bronze. Unique piece. Signed. OnSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
ARTURO ELIZONDO (Mexico City, 1956). "Picante, pelados y pelones", New York, 1994. Acrylic and oilSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
LUCAS UC?N (Vizcaya, 1941). Untitled, 1981. Oil on canvas. Signed and dated on the back.Setdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
LUCIO MUÑOZ (Madrid, 1929 - 1998). Untitled, 1995. Engraving, copy XVIII/XXXIV. Signed andSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Mario Carreno 1947 Gouache on Board Art: 20" x 16" w/ COACarstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
2 Mary Quinnan Whittle Old Florida Art PlacematsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Gustavo Montoya "Silencio Petreo" Signed Lithograph LEMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024