A Dan Kran African Mask Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Boki Janus Skin Covered Headdress Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Very Fine Old Bobo Mask Ex William Wright GalleryTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Luba Kifwebe Society Mask Ex Barthels , NetherlandsTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Yoruba headdress mask, Nigeria. African artYoruba headdress mask, Nigeria. Hardwood, glossy dark patina, visible erosions on the left side of the face. Male figure surmounted by antelope horns, face with flat nose, oval embossed eyes, half-opeSee Sold Price
Yoruba headdress, Nigeria. African artYoruba headdress, Nigeria. Hardwood, dark patina, signs of use. Male figure mask topped by two curved antelope horns, raised eyes, triangular nose, open mouth, exposed teeth on two rows, facial scarifSee Sold Price
Yoruba headdress, Nigeria. African artYoruba headdress, Nigeria. Hardwood, reddish patina, traces of blue pigment, signs of use. Female figure with braided hairstyle surmounted by a ribbed crest; oval protruding eyes, triangular nose, halSee Sold Price
Yoruba Headdress, Nigeria. African artYoruba Headdress, Nigeria. Hardwood painted red with patina and textile. Dimensions. Height: 11 in. - 28 cm. Weight: 2.72 lb. - 1.235 gr. Date: 70's (approx.)See Sold Price
Yoruba Headdress, Nigeria. African artYoruba Headdress, Nigeria. Wood, dark patina, red pigment evidences (soil), tribal repair. Female figure with headdress surmounted by antelope horns, protruding triangular eyes, mouth slightly open reSee Sold Price
SoldOld Yoruba Canine mask, Very weathered, African Arthis is a very old and well used Yoruba peoples festival mask or headdress, Nigeria, Africa. This heavily weathered and field used mask features an open mouth dog or canine image, with striking red teeSee Sold Price
SoldYoruba Dance mask from Nigeria, African ArtCarved wooden mask from the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria, Africa. mask has wonderful headdress and facial scars, downward cast eyes. The mask measures 13 x 7 inches. buyer to pay for a 4 lb package.See Sold Price
SoldOld Yoruba Gelede Mask with Dreadlocks, African ArtThis is a very old and well used Yoruba peoples Gelded festival mask or headdress, Nigeria, Africa. This heavily weathered and field used headdress has a wonderful head full of twisted dreadlocks, andSee Sold Price
Yoruba HeaddressAfrican Art Yoruba Headdress is from Nigeria. The dimension is 11 inches high x 6 inches wide. The shipping cost for domestic is $50.00 flat rate shipping within the Continental US, the InternationalSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Nigeria Yoruba Oro Efe Gelede MaskAn African Nigeria Yoruba Oro Efe Gelede mask or headdress carved wood, natural pigment depicting a human face with incised lineage marks on each cheek and atop are vibrantly painted elaborate carvedSee Sold Price
SoldShango staff with West African sculptures.A Shango staff with West African sculptures. 20th century. ++ Yoruba Shango staff. Nigeria. ++ Yoruba Gelede society mask. Nigeria. ++ Ibibio mask. Nigeria. ++ West African style headdress.See Sold Price
Yoruba Gelede mask, African artYoruba Gelede mask, Nigeria. Wood, red and black patina. Female helmet mask carved from a very thin wood, elaborate headdress with an encrusted patina of deep dark. Enamel reddish paint applied to theSee Sold Price
SoldEx ~ Museum Yoruba Gelede African mask, African ArtA carved wooden helmet style mask with traditional face and stylized headdress. Created for the Gelede spectacle, Yoruba peoples, Nigeria, Africa. The mask measures 10 x 12 inches. A metal display staSee Sold Price
SoldOld Yoruba Gelede Mask with DunDun Talking drumsThis is a very old and well used Yoruba peoples Gelede festival mask or headdress, Nigeria, Africa. This heavily weathered and field used mask has a finial representing 2 DUN DUN or Talking drums on eSee Sold Price
SoldA Smiling Old Yoruba Gelede African Mask , African ArtA Very rare, old and interesting wooden mask from the Yoruba peoples, Nigeria, Africa. Carved wooden helmet style mask with a smiling face and open headdress and painted green face. The top of the masSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Three Various African MasksGroup of three various African carved wood masks, including elaborate figural polychrome headdress, possibly of the Yoruba, Benin/Nigeria; mask of red and white coloration, possibly of Dan, CôteSee Sold Price
SoldAFRICAN CARVED WOOD FITURE, SHELLS, TRADE BEADSAfrican carved wood statue, Yoruba-Nigeria, the standing female wearing headdress and mask, adorned in necklaces of trade beads, cowry shells, and wooden disks, 13"h, 6"w, 5"d, 1lb Start Price: $80.00See Sold Price
SoldA Yoruba Janiform Headdress, "egungun"Janus-Kopfaufsatz, "Egungun" Yoruba, Nigeria Mit Sockel / with base Holz, Textil. H 25 cm. Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. Maske des egungun-Bundes, der die Beziehungen zwischen den ASee Sold Price
Sold4 African Masks & Headdresses. 20th c.A group of four African masks and headdresses. 20th century. ++ Kuba style head. D.R. Congo. 20" x 14" x 13". ++ Yoruba House of the Head with cowries. Nigeria. 18" x 9" x 10". ++ Kuba style helmet MbSee Sold Price
A VERY FINE OLD YORUBA GELEDE AFRICAN MASKA Very rare, old and interesting wooden mask from the Yoruba peoples, Nigeria, Africa. Carved wooden helmet style mask with a classic Yoruba style face and open work headdress. The top of the mask shoSee Sold Price
African Yoruba Geleda Society Helmet MaskAfrica, Yoruba (Nigeria) Gelada, wooden society mask with two storks, and various animals including eagle, horse, lion, two eagles, and two snakes on the headdress, remnants of blue, white, and red piSee Sold Price
A FINE OLD YORUBA GELEDE AFRICAN MASKA Very rare, old and interesting wooden mask from the Yoruba peoples, Nigeria, Africa. Carved wooden helmet style mask with a smiling face and open headdress and painted green face. The top of the masSee Sold Price
SoldOld Yoruba Egungun Dance Crest with Canine effigyThis is a very old and well used Yoruba peoples dance crest or headdress, Nigeria, Africa. This heavily weathered and field used headdress has a canine sculpture , twisted horns and an overall fierceSee Sold Price
SoldMid 20th C. African Yoruban Wood Egungun Mask**Originally Listed At $200** Africa, Nigeria, Yoruba, ca. mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved and painted Egungun headdress depicting a bearded visage with very high pointed rabbit-like ears. EgungunSee Sold Price
African Yoruba Gourd Mask, Ekiti, Nigeria, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Boki Janus Skin Covered Headdress Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Yoruba Ifa Divination Bowl Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Yoruba Oshe Shango Staff Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Fine Old Yoruba Female Sculpture Ex Fearing CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Yoruba Egungun Ceremonial Mask Ex Daniel Jones CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
20th C. African Yoruba Wood Shango Cult Figure - OrishaArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
African Art - Large & impressive wooden Mask Probably from Nigeria 16"Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024