Yombe, Nkisi Nkond, D
African Kongo Yombe Maternity FigureFeb 25, 2024Exceptional Yombe Mask, Mid 20th CenturyFeb 24, 2024Bakongo Standing Nkisi Figure, ex HalletFeb 24, 2024Three West African MasksMar 02, 2024A Songye Nkisi Community Power Figure Ex Gavigan CollectionMar 02, 2024Kongo Nkisi Nkondi Fetish FigureMar 06, 2024Nkisi Power Figure with Two Heads, Bakongo People, DR Congo/ZaireFeb 27, 2024Songye statue - DRC ex Zaire - African Art Tribal ArtFeb 28, 2024SONGYE Power Figure Fetish Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1708Feb 27, 2024SONGYE miniature Power figure e statue Congo African Tribal Art 1820Feb 27, 2024A Basonge Magic Fetish Idol Ex Millon AuctionsMar 02, 202420th C. African Songye Wooden Nkisi FigureFeb 26, 2024Maternity figure - Wood - Yombe - CongoFeb 28, 2024Nkisi Figure - Nail, Wood - Yombe - CongoFeb 28, 2024Staff / Scepter - Wood - Yombe - DR CongoFeb 28, 2024Ancestor Figure - Wood, Nails, Feathers - Yombe - CongoFeb 28, 2024Maternity figure - Wood - Yombe - CongoFeb 28, 2024Maternity figure - Wood - Yombe - CongoFeb 28, 2024"Dibu" wooden bell Vili or Yombe Bakongo Kongo people ART PREMIER AfricanFeb 28, 2024Democratic Republic of Congo, Kusu Peoples, Carved Wood Figure, H 13", W 4"Mar 14, 2024African Yombe Phemba Figure (Mother / Child Maternity)Mar 01, 2024African Bakongo Wood Nkisi Nkondi (Power Figure)Mar 01, 2024