2012 Famous Fabrics President John F. Kennedy & Marilyn Monroe Signed Cut 1/1Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
1952 JOHN F. KENNEDY LETTER to MS. HELEN KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group of FDR and Truman Political Campaign and Satire ButtonsDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Large Collection of Antique Buttons DisplayPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
NASA Apollo Blueprints – Charles Bell Collection (100+ Blueprints)Cardenas Auctions4.2(7)$850(8 bids)83 Lots Away
Denver and Rio Grande Western RR Large Copper and Brass Fire ExtinguisherJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
"THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES" N. CURRIERJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
THE JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL at RUNNYMEDEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Hubert Hilscher CYRK Tiger Cat Polish Circus 1971 PosterBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
JOHN F. KENNEDY, Jr. & AUCHINCLOSS GRANDCHILDRENJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
28PC Collection of New York City Police BadgesBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceMar 18, 2024
Rock Island RR Large Copper and Brass Fire ExtinguisherJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT (11)Lot includes DAK hat shields, wound badge, RAD cap insignia, veterans cap and breast eagle insignia, DRL sports badge, Imperial German Wound badge, RLB member pin. excellentSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL - INSIGNIA LOT (11)11 piece lot includes insignia: Senior NCO shoulder boar\ds, collar tabs for enlisted cavalry, panzer jager, panzer and smoke troops. Medals include: War Merit Cross, Seefahrt tinnie, RAD enameled pinSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT EKI Nürnberg BADGEWWII Nazi German insignia lot including 19 pieces including included are near mint Iron Cross 1st class marked L/11 WWII German dog tag, Combat Infantry Badge in Silver unmarked Nurnberg 1929 rally baSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN FLAG MEDAL AND INSIGNIA LOTlot including a small 11" x 9" party flag, shoulder straps, wound badge stamped 93 and missing pin, shako plate, merit cross with swords, HK insignia and 5 matchbook-size booklets. very good.See Sold Price
SoldMIXED LOT OF THIRD REICH FLAGS MEDALS AND PINSWWII German lot includes: yellow flag with black cross bones and skull poison flag (7.5 x 7.5 in.), Third Reich Nazi cloth party flag (11 x 15 in.), "1914-1918" Non-Combatant's Hindenburg Cross (givenSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT (3)Lot includes three WW2 Nazi German Olympic badge and NSKK badges. excellent.See Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT OF 8 BADGE INSIGNIA WW2WWII Nazi German badge lot including 1) Luftwaffe Ground Combat Badge. Single piece alloy construction, solid backed badge is in the form of a vertically oval, oak-leaf wreath with a Luftwaffe style eSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT NSDAP PANZER BADGE CAPWWII Nazi German lot of medals and insignia AS IS but original including Silver Panzer Badge, Cloth German Cross, DRL Badge 25 Year NSDAP Decoration, Cap Badges from the NSDAP, RAD, Luftwaffe KriegsmaSee Sold Price
SoldWW1 WWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT HEER SA EKII WW2WWII Nazi German lot to include 1) CIVIL AIR DEFENCE HONOR DECORATION 2ND CLASS, 1938. Roughly, 38m diameter, early, die struck alloy construction award with a nickel silver finish. The circular awardSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDALS LOT OF 4 WITH PACKETGroup of four Nazi German medals including 2 Russian Front medals including one in the issue packet and 1 West Wall medal also in the original packet minus ribbon. Finally a 25 year faithful service mSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT OF 8 DRL RAD ECTWWII Nazi German medal lot of 8 badges including 1) SA sports badge in Bronze missing the catch. The badge is in the form of a circular oak-leaf wreath encompassing an upward pointing Roman broad sworSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT W/ ORIG. ENVELOPESGerman medal lot consisting of an Infantry Assault Badge, Black Wound Badge, and Easter Front medal; all in their original envelopes. Also included is a War Merit medal 2nd Class with swords. very gooSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT NSDAP RAD MOTHER CROSSWWII Nazi German Medal Lot to include 1) CASED CIVIL AIR DEFENCE HONOR DECORATION 2ND CLASS, 1938. Roughly, 40mm diameter, later, die struck aluminum alloy construction award. The circular award featuSee Sold Price
SoldWWI & WWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT (4)Lot includes infantry assault badge, 4 year armed service medal, Russian Front medal and WWI veterans medal.See Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT EKII WEST WALL MEDALSCollection of three Nazi German medals including EKII or Iron Cross marked 24 on the suspension ring indicating the maker Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hanauer Plakettenhersteller Hanau am Main, two West WaSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT (4)Lot includes 1st & 2nd class War Merit Cross, SA sports badge, and West Wall Medal. excellent.See Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT - HJ & IRON CROSS 1STMedal lot including a Hitler Youth HJ Badge of Honor. Reverse is marked RZM M1/70 ges gesch 9460. Thin vertical pin back. One piece brass construction. This is the HJ diamond with a brass border arounSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT OF 2 ASSAULT BADGESLot of 2 WWII Nazi German badges. First is a General Assault Badge that is die stamped solid backed zinc award. The nicely detailed badge features a cut-out high relief Wehrmacht styled eagle with dowSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT LUFTWAFFE HEER NSDAPCollection of Reproduction medals to include 1) CIVIL AIR DEFENCE HONOR DECORATION 1st CLASS, 1938.Die struck alloy construction award with a gilt wash. The award features a cross with a swastika to iSee Sold Price
SoldWW1 WWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT W/ PANZER EAGLELot of 3 Imperial German and Nazi German insignia included is an Imperial German gold would badge still retaining most of it's original gilt finish with a complete crimped hinge, pin and catch. 2nd isSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT OF 6 NSDAP HEER WW2WWII Nazi medal lot to include 1) WWII NAZI WAR MERIT CROSS 1ST CLASS WITH SWORDS. Die struck alloy award is in the form of a Maltese style cross with a circular centerpiece with an embossed, canted sSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOTLot includes a German WWII 2nd Class Iron Cross. The suspension ring is maker marked '86'. Includes the presentation ribbon. Three piece construction with an iron magnetic center, German WWII 2nd ClasSee Sold Price
SoldWWI & WWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT (5)lot includes 40 year service medal, Frauenschaft badges, Westmark party pin, and Hindenberg Honor Cross. excellent.See Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN MEDAL LOT EKI SA DRL MOTHER CROSSWWII Nazi German medal group to include 1) RON CROSS 1ST CLASS. 1939 pattern, die struck, three piece, iron and alloy construction Patté style cross with a single piece iron core and two piece alloySee Sold Price
Militaria : a quantity of 20thC British Army insignia, comprising 40th Infantry Division clothClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
WW2 WWII German Police Sleeve badge and 8 year long service medal lotEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Fallschirmajager commerative medallion of crete invasionEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German SS 2nd Lieutenant Insignia Grouping lotEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Twenty-one boxed die-cast scale models of mainly WWII aircraft by Unimax and Ixo, ((21))Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Thirty-seven boxed 1:72 scale die-cast models of WWII fighter aircraft by Witty Wings, ((37))Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
German Honor Cross For The Campaigns 1814-1815Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
WWII German Army Flak BadgeRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
WWII Era German Firefighter's Parade BayonetOld Steel Historical Firearms LLC4.3(39)See Sold PriceJul 09, 2024