SoldWWII BRITISH MILITARY CAPWWII BRITISH MILITARY CAP Labeled: Hobson and Sons, London LTD. 6 3/4 1940See Sold Price
SoldGROUPING OF 4 WWII BRITISH MILITARY CAPS & HATSLot of 4 Military & police British Military caps / hats (Royal Artillery, Army Ordinance, & more). Each with a corresponding badge one of which reads "Royal Army Ordinance Corps", one badge bears imagSee Sold Price
SoldBRITISH SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS GLENGARRY CAP W BADGEWWII era Glengarry cap with British Military cap badge. Size 7. Few mothing holes in wool. Overall, very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldBRITISH SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS GLENGARRY CAP W BADGEWWII era Glengarry cap with British Military cap badge. Size 7. Few mothing holes in wool. Overall, very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldBritish WWII Military Police OD peaked capE-061 British WWII Military Police OD peaked cap. Solid form with the same fabric covering the fiber brim. Brown leather chin strap with National emblem side buttons. Gilt Brass crowned "GR" cypher wiSee Sold Price
SoldWWII BRITISH MILITARY BADGE LOT OF THREELot contains three British military badges. Includes a Naval Observer Wing badge in bullion wire measuring 1 3/4 inches wide by 1 5/8 inches high, an enlisted man's cap badge measuring 2 3/4 inches wiSee Sold Price
Sold6- BRITISH and SOVIET MILITARY CAPSLot includes British Transport Corps shako style hat with red and white poof, senior soviet Navy and Army officer caps / East German cold war era, and tan Tam with pom pom. Post WWII. Good - ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldWWII and POST US & BRITISH VISOR CAP LOT NAZI CAPUS Military cap lot to include 1) WWII US Army Officer's Visor Hat with an unusual shaped cap device. The visor is made by Dehaters Inc. 2) Mechanized Transport Corps Visor Hat 3) Marine Corps Women'sSee Sold Price
SoldSeven foreign military hatsSeven foreign military hats, includes A.B.L. Universal Cap, Montreal 1910, ABL Seymour, Johannes Frank Steglitz, and a WWII British Womens Med Corps visor cap by Dormie HouseSee Sold Price
SoldWW1 WWII & POST VISOR CAP LOT US BRITISH USN USMCUS Military cap lot to include 1) Non Commissioned Officer's Armored Infantry Visor Hat by Kingform Cap Company and is size marked 7 1/8 2) WWII Utility Service Cap called a Dixie Cup and is roughly aSee Sold Price
SoldWWII UNITED KINGDOM MILITARY MEDALS AND PATCHESLot contains a number of British military items mostly from the WWII era. Includes three belt buckles, a parachutist patch, two WWI Victory medals, a Royal Navy cap patch, and two cigarette cases. InSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF BRITISH MILITARY REGALIA including a mA GROUP OF BRITISH MILITARY REGALIA including a mount of WWII and later medals, a Tank Corp Trench Art cap, a cast brass free standing plaque of Wellington and two Regiment badges. Greatest height 8.2See Sold Price
Sold5 BRITISH HATS MILITARY & POLICE5 BRITISH HATS MILITARY & POLICE Grouping of five British hats, including WWII era RAF officers hat, WWII enlisted man's cap, women's RAF & Navy has, and a County Constabulary helmet with badge. CountSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Scottish WWII cap British beretE-197 Lot of 2: (1) Scottish WWII cap. Red/white/black checkered band, black silk bow and ribbons. Silk lining. (2) British black military beret. Two grommets to accommodate a badge. Padded lining witSee Sold Price
SoldCanadian & British WWI & WWII BadgesCanadian and British. An intact collection of military badges from the WWI and WWII era. Assorted regimental uniform badges including cap badges, collar badges and shoulder badges. Many marked by makeSee Sold Price
SoldCanadian & British WWI & WWII BadgesCanadian and British. An intact collection of military badges from the WWI and WWII era. Assorted regimental uniform badges including cap badges, collar badges and shoulder badges. Many marked by makeSee Sold Price
SoldCanadian & British WWI & WWII BadgesCanadian and British. An intact collection of military badges from the WWI and WWII era. Assorted regimental uniform badges including cap badges, collar badges and shoulder badges. Many marked by makeSee Sold Price
SoldCanadian & British WWI & WWII BadgesCanadian and British. An intact collection of military badges from the WWI and WWII era. Assorted regimental uniform badges including cap badges, collar badges and shoulder badges. Many marked by makeSee Sold Price
SoldWWII US Army AAF British English Made Officer Visor CapWWII US Army Air Force Crusher Like Visor. English made Visor. Olive Drab. Hop sack material with tan knobby band. Back strap and Jumbo Eagle insignia. Especially designed for Maurice L. Rothschild. TSee Sold Price
SoldEX DEALER STOCK MILITARY COLLECTIBLES WWII TO GULFLarge dealer-stock of militaria including 22.2 grams sterling hat badge WWII POW letters from British camps, USMC and Navy button collection, rank insignia from WWII forward, medals, cap badges, Big RSee Sold Price
SoldMilitary Insignia US, British and Canadian (24pc)Twenty four piece lot of WWII and post war patches, cap badges and mixed rank and unit insignia.See Sold Price
SoldBritish Royal Navy WWII issue HMS Hermes Sailors Cap (MOS)This British Royal Navy WWII issue HMS Hermes Aircraft Carrier Sailors Cap is in fair condition.See Sold Price
SoldWWII to MODERN MILITARY ITEMS MEDALS PATCHES PAPERMassive lot of military insignia including patches from WWII to modern, 27 Nazi German tinnie of town crest, 5 sterling wings and badges, 12 British and Canadian cap badges, 14 Nazi little story booklSee Sold Price
SoldWWII WORLD MILITARY INSIGNIA MEDAL & BUTTON LOTWWII WORLD MILITARY INSIGNIA MEDAL & BUTTON LOT WWII world Military insignia lot. US Navy Officer buttons, nazi party button, Luftwaffe eagle cap insignia, French 1939 Croix de Guerre, British Navy OfSee Sold Price
Secret Booklet - Wartime Food Problems - Palestine, WW2Levy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chelsea WWII Military Ships Clock with 24 Hour DialHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Britains Set #1287 British Military BandOld Toy Soldier Auctions USA4.8(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
WWII AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS AND YANK MAGAZINE ISSUESAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Rolex Reference 2508 WWII Military Chronograph Wristwatch, Circa 1930'sCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Militaria : a quantity of 20thC British Army insignia, comprising 40th Infantry Division clothClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Group of vintage military collectiblesBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
The African Star Medal WWII British MilitaryRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
WWII UK King George VI Defence MedalRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
WW2 WWII Named 101st airborne 506th PIR GroupingEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Nine boxed die-cast scale models of tanks and military vehicles by Minichamps and Corgi, ((9))Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024