SoldWROUGHT IRON BIRD ROASTER. High tripod bWROUGHT IRON BIRD ROASTER. High tripod base with an adjustable rack and four prongs. Well made, but late. 25"h.See Sold Price
SoldRare Adjustable Hearth Cooking Bird RoasterRare wrought iron hearth cooking bird roaster, adjustable height and rotating flesh / meat fork, tripod legs, 32" H, 3-pronged fork is 20" LSee Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON BIRD ROASTERWROUGHT-IRON BIRD ROASTER, with four sets of hooks on top level, five on the bottom, attached by entwined rings to a long handle, ending in a loop. 19th century. 8 1/4" HOA. 9 7/8" W, 33" LOA. ProvenaSee Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / FLESH FORKWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / FLESH FORK, central shaft with a small arch which supports a larger arch fitted with a pair of double tines, shaft supported by two simple legs with large penny feetSee Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / SPITWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / SPIT, rectangular form, vertical spiraling support arms with a hook, horizontal hanger with six sliding hooks, supported by four legs with disk feet, detachable dripSee Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTERWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER, arch form with two levels of hooks above a drip pan, raised on slightly arched legs terminating in penny feet. Original surface. Probably 19th century. 15 1/2" H, 13See Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / SPITWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / SPIT, rectangular form, vertical spiraling support arms terminating in a hook, horizontal hanger with six sliding hooks, supported by four legs with large penny feetSee Sold Price
Sold18th C Forged / Wrought Iron Bird / Meat Roaster Easel18th to early 19th C hearth cooking bird or meat roaster, scroll decorated, 19" H.See Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTERWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER, two horizontal tiers, each fixed with two-tine forks, three above and four below, all raised on arched legs ending in penny feet. Late 18th/early 19th century. 19" H,See Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / FLESH FORKWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / FLESH FORK, central shaft having arch fitted with a pair of double-tine forks below a raised bar terminating in a double-tine fork, raised on penny feet and handle eSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN WROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / SPITAMERICAN WROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTER / SPIT, the vertical uprights terminating in rams-horn finials, supporting two horizontal tiers with fixed hooks and removable drip pan below, the whole raiseSee Sold Price
SoldWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTERS, LOT OF TWOWROUGHT-IRON HEARTH BIRD ROASTERS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a two-prong example with twisted handle grip and arched legs, and a shield-form example with six forks, adjustable on a shaft supported by a tSee Sold Price
SoldWrought Iron Fowl or Bird RoasterWrought Iron Fowl or Bird Roaster 25” Tall, Wrought Iron Fowl or Bird Roaster, Choice Extremely Fine. A very choice example of this early method for cooking in a large fireplace. This “OriSee Sold Price
SoldWrought Iron Hearth Cooking Apple Roaster19th century wrought iron apple roaster, adjustable, tripod legs with arrowpoint feet, 35" H.See Sold Price
WROUGHT IRON RUSH LIGHT HOLDER. Tripod bWROUGHT IRON RUSH LIGHT HOLDER. Tripod base with a brass disk and ending in snake feet. Good edge decoration. 8 3/4"h.See Sold Price
SoldTWO PIECES OF IRON. Wrought iron candlestand withTWO PIECES OF IRON. Wrought iron candlestand with a high tripod base and an adjustable cross member with two brass sockets. Brass ball finial. 51"h. Small Art Nouveau cast bench with double handles anSee Sold Price
SoldWrought Iron Tripod Base Bird Spit. Three legged sWrought Iron Tripod Base Bird Spit. Three legged stand with triangular feet supporting a swaged shaft with urn finial. Handled bracket with spring carry a circular spit plate with six iron hooks. UnmaSee Sold Price
SoldWrought Iron Hearth Cooking Trivet & RoasterWrought iron hearth cooking trivet and roaster, tripod legs, one foot ball foot and the other two penny feet as originally made, 23" H x 16" W.See Sold Price
Sold18th C Wrought Iron Double Picket Candle Light18th century hand wrought iron double picket candle light on high tripod feet, sets on table or hangs, original tin candle snuffer, 19 1/4" H - one of several in this sale.See Sold Price
SoldTWO WROUGHT IRON FIREPLACE PIECES. Spit roaster onTWO WROUGHT IRON FIREPLACE PIECES. Spit roaster on a tripod base with penny feet, cast iron rod and finial. 30 1/4"h. Toaster with heart finials. Some rust and damage. 18"l. 6 3/4"h.See Sold Price
BRADLEY & HUBBARD KEROSENE PIANO LAMP.BRADLEY & HUBBARD KEROSENE PIANO LAMP. Wrought and cast iron tripod base. Brass font marked "B&H". Gone with the wind shade is white with green blush, hand accented transfer of yellow clematis. ElectrSee Sold Price
Pair of Wrought Iron Lounge Chairs with Wheels in the Style of Mario PapperziniCain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
French Center Table in Brass & Wrought Iron with Ocatagonal Slate TopCain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Wrought Iron & Gold Gilt Chandelier by Paul Ferrante, USA 2016Cain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A VICTORIAN WHITE PAINTED CAST IRON BIRD BATH, the circular bowl supported on a cast centre pillarAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Vintage Wrought Iron and Metal Andirons, PairNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A 20thC standard lamp with triform base and foliate decoration. Together with two wrought iron styleClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A 19thC Anglo-Indian marriage chest with large wrought iron hinges and carrying handles, alongsideClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 19thC pine trunk with wrought iron hinges and flanked by wrought iron carrying handles. 30"Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Antique Outdoor Haberdasher's Advertising Sign.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Bradley and Hubbard Wrought Iron and Painted Milk Glass Piano LampGray's Auctioneers4.5(187)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Wrought iron tricycle and planter garden pieceBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Vintage Wrought Iron High Wheel Bicycle Art DecorRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(4) Set of Four Rustic Wooden and Wrought Iron Bar StoolsVogt Auction Texas4.5(604)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Solid Wrought Iron "Belgium Boy" Garden StatueMarket Auctions4.5(134)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024