Woolf, Virginia - Typed letter signed adressed to SwissTyped letter signed ('Virginia Wolf') adressed to Swiss psychologist Heinrich Meng, reading in part "I was asked by Dr Stefan Zweig in the first instance simply whether I would allow my name to be addSee Sold Price
SoldWOOLF, VIRGINIA. Typed Letter Signed, to Mr. H"I OFTEN BLAME MYSELF FOR OBSCURITY". WOOLF, VIRGINIA. Typed Letter Signed, to Mr. Heath, thanking him for his praise of her seventh novel The Waves, expressing relief that it was not too obscure andSee Sold Price
WOOLF, Virginia. Typed letter signed "Virginia"WOOLF, Virginia. Typed letter signed "Virginia" to "Dearest Quentin" on her recent social engagements and her impressions of those she met. Monks House: 3 December, [1933]. 2pp on a single leaf ofSee Sold Price
Sold2 Signed Pcs. Virginia and Leonard Woolf.[Autograph] Woolf, Virginia and Leonard. 2 Signed Items, each with portrait framed, plus book by Virginia Woolf. (1) Virginia Woolf. Signed Typed Letter, ink of type faded to unreadable, her signatureSee Sold Price
SoldWoolf - Typed Letter signed to G G. H. Grubb, London(Virginia, writer and publisher, 1882-1941) Typed Letter signed to G G. H. Grubb, London Agent of the American Publishers G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2pp., 115 x 180mm., 22nd March 1930, supplying informatioSee Sold Price
SoldWho's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? A PlayBlack cloth, spine lettered in gilt, top edge stained red, jacket. First Edition. Signed by the author on the title page, dated "N.Y.C., 2005" in blue ink. Also, a short typed letter from Edward AlbeeSee Sold Price
SoldChurchill, Winston - Typed letter signed adressed toTyped letter signed ('yours sincerely, Winston S. Churchill') adressed to the president of Columbia University, Nicholas Murray Butler, declining a social engagement during a tour of the US in 1946, rSee Sold Price
SoldWOOLF, VIRGINIA. Autograph Letter Signed, "EleWOOLF, VIRGINIA. Autograph Letter Signed, "Eleanor Hadyng," to her brother-in-law Clive Bell ("My dear James") a rambling missive written at the time of their love affair, part of their letter writingSee Sold Price
SoldWOOLF, VIRGINIA. Autograph Letter Signed,WOOLF, VIRGINIA. Autograph Letter Signed, to Sharon O. Brown, allowing him to republish her essay The Patron & the Crocus. 1 page, single 8vo sheet; minor foxing and toning. London, 5 December 1925 "ISee Sold Price
SoldWOOLF, VIRGINIA. Brief Autograph Letter SignedWOOLF, VIRGINIA. Brief Autograph Letter Signed, to Mrs. Laski, inviting her and her husband to dinner. 1 page, oblong 8vo sheet; vertical fold, ink stain in bottom margin just touching F of Woolf. LonSee Sold Price
SoldWoolf - Autograph letter signed "Virginia Woolf" to(Virginia, writer and publisher, 1882-1941) Autograph letter signed "Virginia Woolf" to Philip Morrell, 3pp., 8vo, Monks House, Rodmell, Lewes, 12 July [1940], to Philip [Morrell], "I was so glad to gSee Sold Price
SoldVirginia Woolf Autograph Letter Signed "VirginiaVirginia Woolf Autograph Letter Signed "Virginia Woolf." Two pages, 6.5" x 8"; Sussex; July 24, 1940. A letter to a Mrs. Lehmann regarding her recently published biography of Roger Fry. In part, "I waSee Sold Price
SoldWoolf (Virginia).- Smyth (Ethel) Autograph LetterWoolf (Virginia).- Smyth (Ethel) Autograph Letter signed "E" to Virginia Woolf, 2pp., Landsdown, 21 March, 1939, discussing love and loyalty "My dear V - if any of us have 2 people to whose loyalty &See Sold Price
SoldCarl Jung Remarkable TLS Discussing His AssociationCarl Jung Remarkable TLS Discussing His Association Method with German Colleague A 1p typed letter in German signed by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung (1875-1961) as "C.G. Jung" at lower right. WrittenSee Sold Price
SoldVanessa Bell. Autograph Letter Signed.[Autograph] Bell, Vanessa (1879-1961). English painter, interior designer, member of Bloomsbury Group, and sister of Virginia Woolf. Autograph Letter Signed, 1p, 4to, on printed letterhead, 8. FitzroySee Sold Price
SoldWoolf (Virginia).- Strachey (Marjorie) Autograph LetterWoolf (Virginia).- Strachey (Marjorie) Autograph Letter signed to Vanessa Bell, 2pp. April 17th, 1941, reminiscing about Virginia Woolf following her suicide "If one had not known her ones horizon wouSee Sold Price
Sold*2 PIECESVirginia Mayo signed 8" x 10" photograph and a typed letter signed Virginia Mayo, from the private collection of Jack Mulqueen.See Sold Price
SoldWoolf (Virginia, novelist, 1882-1941)Woolf (Virginia, novelist, 1882-1941) Autograph Letter signed "Virginia" to Clive [Bell],1p., 8vo, Tavistock Square, Thursday, n.y., regarding Leonard Woolf's health, "We left Rodmell yesterdaSee Sold Price
DAYS AFTER THE WAR IN EUROPE ENDS, SALVAGE BEGINSTLS. 1pp. 8 1/2" x 11". Richmond, Virginia. May 15, 1945. A typed letter signed "J. Louis Reynolds" as Vice President of the "Reynolds Metals Company". He wrote to the noted submarine inventor SIMON LSee Sold Price
SoldWoolf (Virginia, novelist, 1882-1941)Woolf (Virginia, novelist, 1882-1941) Autograph Letter signed Beatrice Webb,1p., sm. 4to, Tavistock Square, [London], 1st February 1927, ""I must send you a line to say how much we enjoyed seeSee Sold Price
Days After The War In Europe Ends, The Vice PresidTLS. 1pp. 8 1/2" x 11". Richmond, Virginia. May 15, 1945. A typed letter signed "J. Louis Reynolds" as Vice President of the "Reynolds Metals Company". He wrote to the noted submarine inventor SIMON LSee Sold Price
VP OF REYNOLDS METALS TO SIMON LAKETLS. 1pp. 8 1/2" x 11". Richmond, Virginia. May 15, 1945. A typed letter signed "J. Louis Reynolds" as Vice President of the "Reynolds Metals Company". He wrote to the noted submarine inventor SIMON LSee Sold Price
SoldWoolf (Virginia).- Strachey (Julia) Two AutographWoolf (Virginia).- Strachey (Julia) Two Autograph Letters signed to Vanessa Bell, together 5pp., 4to & 8vo, 7th April 1941 & n.d. expressing her sadness at the news of Virginia Woolf's suicide "I am hSee Sold Price
SoldVirginia Woolf TLS, Same Year as "A Room of One's Own"Woolf Virginia Virginia Woolf TLS, Same Year as A Room of One's Own is Published 1p typewritten letter signed by British author Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) as "Virginia Woolf" above her prinSee Sold Price
1969 RESIGNATION of ROBERT M. MORGENTHAUJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
HELLMAN, Lillian (1905-1984). Typed Letter Signed. New York...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(545)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
HOOVER, J. Edgar (1895-1972). Group of Five Typed Letters S...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(545)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[JUDAICA]. Group of Nearly 20 Items Related to Emigration f...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(545)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
PUCCINI, Antonio (1886-1946) and PUCCINI, Giacomo (1858-192...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(545)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[SCIENCE]. Group of Three Typed Letters Signed by Award-Win...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(545)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL RIGHTS] -- [DESEGREGATION]. FAUBUS, Orval E. (1910-1994). Typed letter signed ("Orval E.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[AUTOGRAPHS]. A group of 11 autographs from African American politicians and notables, comprising:Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Jim Davis Signed Garfield Two Autographs JSA Double AuthenticationShakespeare Auctions4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
DENNIS SANDY: (1937-1992)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
TAYLOR ELIZABETH: (1932-2011)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
GUEVARA CHE: (1928-1967)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Signed Lillian Smith Writer LetterRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
William Westmoreland Typed Signed LetterRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024