Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elisabeth Frink (British, 1930-1993) - Harbinger Bird IFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AMERICAN SEASCAPE PAINTING BY ROSS EMBROSE MOFFETTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Luminist view of three sailboats in a quietEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Estate Fresh Civil War Cavalry C. Roby 1863 With ScabbardRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ABSTRACT ARAB LEBANESE OIL PAINTING BY ETEL ADNANAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldWILKINSON ADMIRAL BEATTY TOBY JUGFrom the World War II Allied Leaders Collection. 1915-1919 the English Wilkinson factory produced one of the most significant series of 20th century toby jugs depicting WWI Allied commanders. The setSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - Admiral David BeattyAdmiral David Beatty, Commander-in-Chief of the British Grand Fleet, is depicted sitting down, wearing the dress uniform of an Admiral of the Fleet, and holding an explosive shell inscribed “DreSee Sold Price
Set of 11 Wilkinson Commemorativetoby jugs, c.1915-20, designed by Sir Frances Carruthers Gould depicting General Botha, Field Marshall Haig, King George V, Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, Lord French, Admiral Beatty, Marshall Foch, WoodroSee Sold Price
Pair Large Rare Wilkinson Staffordshire Toby JugsEngland; 1915-1919. Two Wilkinson Staffordshire glazed pottery Toby Jugs including Admiral David Earl Beatty holding "Dread Nought" shell and David Lloyd George holding "Shell Out" shell. Dimensions HSee Sold Price
SoldWILKINSON ADMIRAL JELLICO TOBY JUGFrom the World War II Allied Leaders Collection. 1915-1919 the English Wilkinson factory produced one of the most significant series of 20th century toby jugs depicting WWI Allied commanders. The setSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - Admiral JelcoeAdmiral Jelcoe - 1 of Eleven Wilkinson Commemorative Toby Jugs, England, c. 1915-20, after designs by Sir Francis Carruthers Gould, each molded figure polychrome enameled and gilded and depicting poliSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug, Admiral Chester W. NimitzWilkinson toby jug of American Fleet Admiral of the Navy, Chester W. Nimitz. Commissioned by the American Toby Jug Museum and hand crafted by Bairstow. Edition #3 of 100. Limited edition #3 of 100. IsSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - Admiral Louis MontbattenAdmiral Louis Mountbatte - He is 1 out of the 12 in a set. Dressed in an all white suit and holding a small army ship in his hand. Conceived and commissioned by American Toby Jug Museum. Includes AdmiSee Sold Price
WILKINSON TOBY JUG ADMIRAL JOHN JELLICOE WORLD WAR IThe admiral is holding a pitcher with the slogan Hell Fire Jack on the front. Handle in back is plain. Part of the original set of Toby jugs from World War One era by Royal Staffordshire Pottery, WilkSee Sold Price
WILKINSON TOBY JUG ADMIRAL JOHN JELLICOE WORLD WAR IThe admiral is holding a pitcher with the slogan Hell Fire Jack on the front. Handle in back is plain. Part of the original set of Toby jugs from World War One era by Royal Staffordshire Pottery, WilkSee Sold Price
Wilkinson Toby Jug Admiral Jellicoe World War OneThe admiral is holding a pitcher with the slogan Hell Fire Jack on the front. Handle in back is plain. Part of the original set of Toby jugs from World War One era by Royal Staffordshire Pottery, WilkSee Sold Price
Wilkinson Toby Jug Admiral Jellicoe World War OneThe admiral is holding a pitcher with the slogan Hell Fire Jack on the front. Handle in back is plain. Part of the original set of Toby jugs from World War One era by Royal Staffordshire Pottery, WilkSee Sold Price
SoldA Wilkinson Ltd. character jug, 'Admiral Beatty',A Wilkinson Ltd. character jug, 'Admiral Beatty', a limited edition of 350, naval chief seated holding a shell inscribed 'Dread Nought', designed by F. Carruthers Gould, 1917, designer's facsimile sigSee Sold Price
SoldWILKINSON WW2 LEADERS TOBY JUG, ADMIRAL CHESTER NIMITZSeated American naval admiral holding a torpedo. Edition and manufacturer information on bottom. Artist: Ray Noble Issued: 20th c. Dimensions: 10.75"H Edition Number: 4 Edition Size: 100 Manufacturer:See Sold Price
SoldWILKINSON WW2 LEADERS TOBY JUG, ADMIRAL LOUISSeated British admiral holding a ship. Edition and manufacturer information on bottom. Artist: Ray Noble Issued: 20th c. Dimensions: 10.75"H Edition Number: 4 Edition Size: 100 Manufacturer: BairstowSee Sold Price
SoldSET OF 12 WILKINSON WW II ALLIED LEADERS TOBY JUGSConceived and commissioned by American Toby Jug Museum. Includes Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, General Charles De Gaulle, General Dwight D. ESee Sold Price
SoldEleven Wilkinson Toby jugs of Allied war leaders 1Eleven Wilkinson Toby jugs of Allied war leaders 1915-1919, designed by Sir Francis Carruthers Gould (1844-1925) and issued during and immediately after the First World War, comprising: Admiral JellicSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - BothaTo the Toby Jug collector, the pinnacle of any collection is owning the original set of World War I Allied Commanders Tobys created by the Wilkinson Royal Pottery in Staffordshire, England. General LoSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - Woodrow WilsonTo the Toby Jug collector, the pinnacle of any collection is owning the original set of World War I Allied Commanders Tobys created by the Wilkinson Royal Pottery in Staffordshire, England. America sSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug King George VTo the Toby Jug collector, the pinnacle of any collection is owning the original set of World War I Allied Commanders Tobys created by the Wilkinson Royal Pottery in Staffordshire, England. King GeorgSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - Field Marshall HaigField Marshall Haig- One out of the Eleven Wilkinson Commemorative Toby Jugs, England, c. 1915-20, after designs by Sir Francis Carruthers Gould, each molded figure polychrome enameled and gilded andSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - Rt. Hon D. Lloyd George.Lloyd George - One out of the set of Eleven Wilkinson Commemorative Toby Jugs, England, c. 1915-20, after designs by Sir Francis Carruthers Gould, each molded figure polychrome enameled and gilded andSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - General PattonGeneral George S. Patton - He is 1 out of the 12 in a set. Dressed in a dark brown suit and a white dog at his feet. He is sitting on an army tank and the smoke/cannon acts as the jug handle.The bottoSee Sold Price
SoldWilkinson Toby Jug - General Charles De GaulleGeneral Charles De Gaulle - He is 1 out of the 12 in a set. Dressed in an olive green suit with khaki pants. The bottom also reads: Only during crisis do nations throw up giants. Conceived and commissSee Sold Price
Doulton Lambeth Stoneware Toby JugBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Two Early Staffordshire Toby Jug PitchersBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Vintage Royal Doulton Figurine The Fakconer D6540 Toby Jug 1959 Limited EnglandJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Rare Pair of Antique Minton Majolica Toby JugWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024