SoldWestern Asiatic Bone Idol Collection1st millennium AD. A group of four bone idols or dolls, keeled body, ring-and-dot eyes and slit mouth. 19.5 grams total, 61-73mm (2 1/2 - 3"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired by his father inSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Syro-Hittite Bone Idol12th-7th century BC. A carved bone idol of a stylised standing female with pierced tripartite headdress, stub arms, annulets to the breasts, buttocks and navel, hatched skirt, leg with median divisionSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Idol Fragment Collection3rd millennium BC and later. A mixed group of ceramic figures and fragments comprising: fragment of a nude female with painted lines to the neck, pinched face; seated female figure with painted bands;See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Bone Pin Collection6th-8th century AD. A mixed group of bone items including a spindle whorl, dress pins and others, two with bird finials. 46 grams total, 39-130mm (1 1/2 - 5"). From a private Netherlands collection; pSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Amlash Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A group of three bronze figures each with openwork body, stub arms suspended from rings to the shoulders, looped protrusions from the chest to the shoulders, head with loop to the rSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Figural Idol Collection2nd millennium BC. A mixed group of ceramic statuettes comprising: two females each holding a drinking vessel to the midriff; a robed male with tent weight in his left hand; a male with crescentic musSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Bactrian Bone Idol4th-3rd millennium BC. An upper part of a slender tongue-shaped bone idol with stylised pointillé face with ring-and-dot border, D-shaped headdress with scrolls and pointillé design. 19.7 grams, 81mSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Syro-Hittite Fertility Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, headdress, pinched facial details. 211 grams total, 10-12cm (4 - 4 3/4"See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Syro-Hittite Fertility Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 200 grams total, 10-12cm (4 - 4See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Syro-Hittite Fertility Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, applied collar, pinched facial details. 201 grams total, 10-11cm (4 - 4 1/4"). FromSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Syro-Hittite Fertility Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 205 grams total, 9.5-12cm (3 3/See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A group of terracotta figurines, each standing with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details, one with forked beard. 147 grams total, 12cm (See Sold Price
Western Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details, tall headdress. 146 grams total, 13-1See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of four terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 185 grams total, 10-11cm (See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 170 grams total, 93-99mm (3 3/4See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 185 grams total, 10.5-12cm (4 -See Sold Price
Western Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 170 grams total, 93-99mm (3 3/4See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of four terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 212 grams total, 10-12cm (See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Hittite Terracotta Idol Collection1st millennium BC. A mixed group of terracotta figurines, each a standing female with hands clasped to the breasts, flared base, applied collar, pinched facial details. 177 grams total, 9.5-10.5cm (3See Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Idol Fragment Group3rd-2nd millennium BC. A mixed group of ceramic idol fragments including heads and torsos, many with applied detailing. 210 grams total, 28-52mm (1 - 2"). The Signo collection, the property of a WestSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Idol Fragment Group2nd millennium BC. A mixed group of ceramic idol fragments, mainly heads and torsos, some with applied detailing. 192 grams total, 23-66mm (1 - 2 1/2"). The Signo collection, the property of a West LoSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Idol Head1st millennium BC. A terracotta figure or idol head, a clean-shaven male youth wearing a Phrygian cap. 12 grams, 38mm (1 1/2"). Ex an important Dutch collection; acquired on the European art market inSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Eye Idol4th millennium BC. An alabaster idol with prominent eyes in the form of two conjoined loops, squat trapezoidal body below. 120 grams, 75mm (3"). From a private Belgian collection; previously part of aSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Gold Idol Pendant5th millennium BC or later. A gold Neolithic-style oval-shaped idol pendant with suspension loop. 2.7 grams, 15mm (1/2"). Property of a gentleman from Vienna; from his private collection formed sinceSee Sold Price
Western Asiatic Bead Necklace with Gold PendantTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Carnelian and Other Bead CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Terracotta Storage Jar with Procession of IbexesTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Cylinder Seal with Throne SceneTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Bronze Ring with Armed WarriorTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Silver and Bronze Ring CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Agate Stamp Seal with Winged FigureTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Carnelian and Other Bead CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Cylinder Seal with Combat SceneTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Gold Disc Ornament CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024