SoldWest Mexico, Colima, a choice miniature "dog"West Mexico, Colima, c. 250BC-350AD., a choice small "dog" of crème ceramic color and standing on all four legs; his tail is short and pinched backwards. He is highlighted on his back and face with rSee Sold Price
SoldWest Mexico, c. Colima, 2 miniature ceramic "dogs"West Mexico, c. Colima, 250 BC - AD 250. A lot of 2 miniature ceramic "dogs". One is more stylized with long snout and round bulbous body. Left ear and tip of tail missing on this dog. Creme paint inSee Sold Price
Choice Colima dog from West MexicoA choice Colima dog from West Mexico, c. 300 BC - AD 300. This fine canine effigy is portrayed standing on all four legs in an alert position, the teeth are incised as a happy grin, and the ears are eSee Sold Price
Choice miniature vase from Colima, West MexicoA choice miniature vase from Colima, West Mexico, ca. 300 BC – 300 AD. This lovely Toluca type, which is derived from earlier Tlatilco styles, is 3-1/2 in high and stands on a trio of nubbin feet. TSee Sold Price
Miniature Vase from Colima ca. 300 BC - 300 ADA choice miniature vase from Colima, West Mexico, ca. 300 BC - 300 AD. This lovely Toluca type is 3.5 in. high and stands on a trio of nubbin feet. The flared base is 3" in diameter and retains much oSee Sold Price
SoldChoice Colima Dog.West Mexico, Colima, c. 250 BC – AD 250. A terrific ceramic dog in very attractive dark brown slip. The typically rotund dog sits on his hindquarters with his mouth open revealing his two rows of teSee Sold Price
West Mexico, Jalisco, a miniature and choice dogWest Mexico, Jalisco, c. 250BC-250AD., a miniature ceramic dog in crème colored slip and nicely painted in linear red- brown designs. Dog stands on all 4 legs and has, slit eyes, pointed ears and lonSee Sold Price
SoldA choice Colima miniature whistle of a ball playerA choice Colima miniature whistle of a ball player, West Mexico, c. 100 BC – AD 250, wearing a large necklace, wide girdle and supporting a bag under his left arm. H: 3 in (7.6 cm). Beautifully handSee Sold Price
SoldColima miniature whistle of a ball player, West MexicoA choice Colima miniature whistle of a ball player, West Mexico, c. 100 BC – AD 250, wearing a large necklace, wide girdle and supporting a bag under his left arm. H: 1 7/8 in (4.8 cm). BeautifullySee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Colima Dog MiniaturePre-columbian Colima dog from West Mexico, ca. 300 B.C.-300 A.D. An adorable miniature pottery dog in a standing position and howling. notes:All lots will be sold with a COA guaranteeing the authenticSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Colima Dog MiniaturePre-columbian Colima dog from West Mexico, ca. 300 B.C.-300 A.D. An adorable miniature pottery dog in a seated position and howling. notes:All lots will be sold with a COA guaranteeing the authenticitSee Sold Price
SoldNear Choice Pre-Columbian Colima Pottery DogPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A charming, hand-sculpted terracotta figure of a dog. With a hugely fat body and a sleek head with big eyes, the dog has almost comical propoSee Sold Price
Near Choice Pre-Columbian Colima Pottery DogPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A charming, hand-sculpted terracotta figure of a dog. With a hugely fat body and a sleek head with big eyes, the dog has almost comical propoSee Sold Price
SoldA choice Colima ceramic figurineA choice Colima ceramic figurine, West Mexico, c. 100 BC - AD 250, large and flat with pleasing 'archaic style', wearing a tall pointed headdress and beaded necklace. H: 9 ½ in (24.2 cm). Intact withSee Sold Price
SoldChoice Black-Ware COLIMA DOG-RARE with 3 legsWest Mexico, Colima, c. 250 BC - AD 250. A large and very impressive and rare black ware 3 legged "dog". Highly collectible medical deformity from either an amputee or birth defect. Very rotund dog stSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Mexican Terracotta Standing Dog Vessel100 BC-250 AD. A late preclassic hollow-formed terracotta standing mammal of burnished red clay, the tail formed as a spout, old collector's label stating 'West Mexico, Colima' as the findspot. 933 grSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Pre-Columbian Colima Pottery Dog FigureLarge Pre-Columbian Colima Pottery Dog Figure | Colima, West Mexico (200 BC - 300 AD) | Large Pottery Dog Figure, standing on all fours and supporting a large opening emerging from its back (XoloitzcuSee Sold Price
Colima Figure ca. 300 BC - 300 ADA fine Colima figure from West Mexico, ca. 300 BC - 300 AD. This choice archaic Tecoman type figure is posed standing in the dancer position, with arms held outward. It has the characteristic elongateSee Sold Price
SoldA Colima figurine of a man holding his dogA Colima figurine of a man holding his dog, West Mexico, 100 BC - AD 250, wearing incised and tasseled pants, domed headdress, earrings and a collar, the facial features are handsomely modeled and theSee Sold Price
A Colima figurine of a man holding his dogA Colima figurine of a man holding his dog, West Mexico, 100 BC - AD 250, wearing incised and tasseled pants, domed headdress, earrings and a collar, the facial features are handsomely modeled and theSee Sold Price
Lot of 3 Pre-Columbian Figurines, Colima and NayaritWest Mexico, Ca 300 BCE to 1300 CE. Large figure from Nayarit, solid pottery in the form of a pregnant female, 8-1/2" tall, along with a pottery human/dog transformational figure, 3" L. And finally aSee Sold Price
SoldWest Mexico, Colima "DOG" , c. 250 BC - AD 250.West Mexico, Colima, c. 250 BC - AD 250. A wonderfully crafted small "dog", standing on all fours with slightly plump body and ridge of spine that protrudes atop his back. Tail is a wide-open spout. ESee Sold Price
SoldWest Mexico, Colima, female "dog", wrinkled faceWest Mexico, Colima, c. 250BC-250AD. A well detailed standing red-brown ware female "dog" with wrinkled face, coffee bean eyes, short pointed tail and large flared opening on back. Typically short andSee Sold Price
SoldWest Mexico, c. Colima, miniature ceramic fig.West Mexico, c. Colima, 250 BC - AD 250. A miniature ceramic figure. Figure stands with rotund body, arms and legs as hand rest upon his chest. His eyes and mouth are of simplistic design with only reSee Sold Price
South West Scene Miniature Paintings by Gladys FullerCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Seated Shaman Effigy Figure Redware Pottery Colima Culture Mexico Pre-ColumbianArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Colima Culture Redware Pottery Standing Duck Vessel Mexico Pre-ColumbianArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Jalisco Warrior Figure Redware Pottery Pre-Columbian West MexicoArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Miniature Wrought Iron Estate Garden GateEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1715 Fleet Shipwreck 8 Reale Silver Piece of 8 coin PendantJC Auctions4.4(47)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
17th C. 14K Yellow Gold, Pearl and Enamel Hoop EarringsGWS Auctions Inc.4.4(266)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
AMAZING 11 5/8" Colima Two-headed Human Effigy Pottery Vessel, minor restoration, found in ColimaHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Miniature Hunting Dog Match SafeState Line Auctions & Estate Services4.6(276)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Colima, Valdivian, & Chupicuaro Pottery Figures (3)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
13 W. Mexican Colima Lithics - Obsidian, Quartz, ChertArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chupicuaro Polychrome Tripod Bowl w/ Linear MotifArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024