LARGE RUSTIC PINE 2-PART WELSH DRESSER KITCHEN CUPBOARD, 112"LAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceSep 07, 2024
SoldWelsh Paneled Oak Court CupboardBritish, 18th century, molded cornice with turned drops over two arched paneled doors, shelved interior, lower section with three drawers over two triple-panel cabinet doors, old surface with rich darSee Sold Price
SoldA Welsh paneled oak court cabinet, 18th centuryA Welsh paneled oak court cabinet, 18th century, having a superstructure with turned supports, above the lower case having high carved doors accented with rosette medallions, 73.5"h x 57"w x 23.5"dSee Sold Price
Welsh oak court cupboardWelsh oak court cupboard, late 18th/early 19th century, having a molded top, above the paneled case with a single drawer, and rising on square legs, 60"h x 40.5"w x 20.5"dSee Sold Price
SoldA 17thC Welsh oak Court Cupboard / Cwpwrdd DeuddarnA 17thC Welsh oak Court Cupboard / Cwpwrdd Deuddarn profusely carved with human masks and foliate decoration, dated '1681' , bears initials 'EG' 62" wide x 64 1/2" high £600 - 800See Sold Price
SoldWelsh Oak Court CupboardHeavily carved motifs of floral, foliate, and s-scrolls. Dated "1618" along the top with a dentil molded cornice, turned pillars, and an arched center flanked two doors over two doors on shaped feet.See Sold Price
SoldWelsh Paneled and Inlaid Oak CupboardBritish, 18th/19th century with restorations, paneled upper case with two arched doors with shelved interior, lower case set with seven dovetailed drawers, bottom 35-1/2 x 60 x 16 in., top 56-3/4 x 62See Sold Price
English Court CupboardClassic example of a British court cupboard in oak, paneled sides, heavily carved frontSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Court CupboardClassic example of a British court cupboard in oak, paneled sides, heavily carved frontSee Sold Price
Soldantique oak highly carved & paneled court cupboardantique oak highly carved & paneled court cupboard - 8'4" wide x 19" deep x 45" tallSee Sold Price
SoldOAK COURT CUPBOARDSmall Late 17th - Early 18th c. English Oak Cupboard, with boarded overhanging top, carved front frieze, two paneled doors, carved apron, turned legs, boarded bottom shelf, and paneled sides, 34 3/4"See Sold Price
SoldRare Pilgrim Century American Court CupboardMassachusetts, circa 1680, fragmentary cupboard currently in pieces, riven and paneled oak with ebonized bosses, two side hung drawers, paneled doors, boldly turned front posts, 52-1/2 in. - Note: ThiSee Sold Price
SoldA Renaissance Revival Oak Court Cupboard, Height 73 1/2A Renaissance Revival Oak Court Cupboard, in two parts, the upper section having a molded cornice above a paneled door carved in relief with a musician and fleurs-de-lis, the lower section with a drawSee Sold Price
SoldAntique German Carved Oak Court Cupboard19th century, four part form, shaped pediment with central lion mask medallion, upper cabinet with two hinged paneled doors with repeating lion mask medallion, shelved interior, fluted panel backsplasSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Oak Court CupboardHigh relief medieval knights on uprights flanking two doors with gothic tracery and crests in high relief and original wrought iron hinges, paneled sides with linen fold carved panels, supported by tuSee Sold Price
SoldRENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK COURT CUPBOARDRenaissance Revival carved oak sideboard, late 19th c., molded cornice over carved frieze with shell and grapevine motifs, paneled backboard with carved foliates, center panel depicting knight in profSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Oak Court CupboardCarved Oak Court Cupboard. Four sided front with high relief carved side panels with gothic tracery and shield crests flanking two doors with gothic tracery and shield crests in high relief. Paneled sSee Sold Price
SoldOak Court Cupboard BaseHigh relief carvings of mythological figures on ends and center of the two door cupboard, which has floral scroll carving surrounding portraits of bearded gentlemen on door panels, paneled ends with fSee Sold Price
SoldBelgian Oak Court CupboardPaneled doors and carve drawers over shelf 56 tall x 52 wide x 17 deep.See Sold Price
SoldENGLISH CARVED OAK COURT CUPBOARD, 17th century aENGLISH CARVED OAK COURT CUPBOARD, 17th century and later. Upper section has projecting molded-edge crown and carved frieze, above similar carved panel back-splash, lower case has conforming paneled dSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Gothic oak court cupboard,single case construction, oak throughout with linen fold side panels and Gothic carved front panels, paneled top and back, French, 19th century, some elements possibly earlier, 58-1/4 x 49 x 23 in. ScSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish carved oak court cupboard. The top with ceEnglish carved oak court cupboard. The top with central carved panel flanked by cupboard doors above a case with two carved and paneled doors. Height: 60 inches; length: 58 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldCarved oak court cupboard, 17th century, The moldCarved oak court cupboard 17th century The molded cornice above a scroll carved frieze and triple paneled front carved with flowerhead motifs and with two cupboard doors, the lower section with two fuSee Sold Price
A Charles II Carved Oak Court Cupboard, 17th CenturyA Charles II Carved Oak Court Cupboard, 17th Century, with carved stylized vine and flower motif upper flanking cabinet doors within turned columns above two larger paneled cabinet doors. HEIGHT: 69 WSee Sold Price
SoldCharles II Carved and Inlaid Oak Court CupboardA Charles II Highly Carved and Inlaid Oak Court Cupboard, 17th c., rectangular top, paneled frieze with mask blocks over a pair of paneled doors flanked by masks, eagle supports, medial drawer, turnedSee Sold Price
Large Victorian Highly Carved Marble Top Court CupboardSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY OAK WELSH DRESSER with raised shelf, above three drawers and cupboard base. 208.5cmAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A LATE 17TH CENTURY JOINED OAK COURT CUPBOARD OF GOOD COLOUR AND PATINAHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
18th C WILLIAM AND MARY PANELED OAK CHEST ON STANDLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
AN EARLY 18TH CENTURY AND LATER WELSH OAK CANOPY DRESSERHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024
A LATE 17TH CENTURY JOINED OAK COURT CUPBOARD OF GOOD COLOUR AND PATINAHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024