Antique Chinese Bronze Sitting Buddha Statue With A Flower Mark And Six Character MarkRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Magnificent 19Th C. Hand Carved Marble Bust And PedestalRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Art Deco Vaseline Uranium Glass Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.Hoffmann SculptureArt Glass Store4.5(61)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Fine Italian Carved Marble Bust of The Apollo Belvedere onPedestalPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Art Deco Malachite Sculpture Hood Ornament Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.HoffmannArt Glass Store4.5(61)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Cape buffalo Bronze Sculpture signed, dated and numbered with titleSan Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Important 19th Century Antique Italian Bronze Sculpture Circa 1800San Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldWell-preserved Roman bronze crossbow fibulaA particularly well-preserved Roman bronze crossbow fibula, 4th Century AD, decorated with incised geometric devices and possessing original pin and catch. L: 2 ¾ in (7 cm). Nice deep brown patina. ESee Sold Price
A well-preserved Roman bronze crossbow fibulaA well-preserved Roman bronze crossbow fibula, c. 4th Century AD, nicely detailed and possessing original pin L: 3 1/8 in (8 cm). Ex German private collection.See Sold Price
A well-preserved Roman bronze crossbow fibulaA well-preserved Roman bronze crossbow fibula, c. 4th Century AD, nicely detailed and possessing original pin L: 3 1/8 in (8 cm). Ex German private collection.See Sold Price
SoldA nice Roman bronze crossbow fibulaA nice Roman bronze crossbow fibula, 4th Century AD, the bronze body extremely well preserved and decorated with incised lines and circles, the original iron pin still in place. L: 3 in (7.6 cm). NiceSee Sold Price
3 well-preserved Roman bronze broochesA lot of 3 well-preserved Roman bronze brooches. The first is a choice Roman Crossbow fibula, 3rd - 4th Century AD, with crisply incised decoration all original parts, only end of pin missing, L: 3 1/See Sold Price
3 well-preserved Roman bronze broochesA lot of 3 well-preserved Roman bronze brooches. The first is a choice Roman Crossbow fibula, 3rd - 4th Century AD, with crisply incised decoration all original parts, only end of pin missing, L: 3 1/See Sold Price
SoldA very nice group of 4 Roman crossbow fibulaeA very nice group of 4 Roman crossbow fibulae, c. 4th Century AD, each well-preserved with incised decoration and nice brown patina. Largest 3 1/8 x 1 7/8 in (8 x 4.8 cm). A nice group! Ex Los AngelesSee Sold Price
A lot of 3 mixed Roman bronze fibulaeA lot of 3 mixed Roman bronze fibulae, 1st - 2nd Century AD, and includes a Kraftig profilierte type, a T-Shaped example and a knee brooch. Longest L: 2 1/5 in (5.5cm). All well preserved. Ex FloridaSee Sold Price
A lot of 3 mixed Roman bronze fibulaeA lot of 3 mixed Roman bronze fibulae, 1st - 2nd Century AD, and includes a Kraftig profilierte type, a T-Shaped example and a knee brooch. Longest L: 2 1/5 in (5.5cm). All well preserved. Ex FloridaSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Silver Crossbow FibulaA well-preserved silver bow Legionary fibula with long spring mechanism. Fine example. - 60mm, 17,73 grams - ca.300AD - From a private collection, acquired in London in the 1970s. - All items come witSee Sold Price
A nice Roman bronze P-shaped bow fibulaA nice Roman bronze P-shaped bow fibula, 2nd - 3rd Century AD, the arched body decorated with three rows of incised geometric decoration, the bronze body well-preserved with a deep olive patina and thSee Sold Price
A nice Roman bronze P-shaped bow fibulaA nice Roman bronze P-shaped bow fibula, 2nd - 3rd Century AD, the arched body decorated with three rows of incised geometric decoration, the bronze body well-preserved with a deep olive patina and thSee Sold Price
SoldDolphin-Type fibula, Roman Britain, ex-HattattBronze Dolphin-Type fibula, Roman Britain, AD 50 - 100, with decorated bow and slender design. Well preserved with nice olive green patina, pin missing. Collection numbers on underside. Found at KirmiSee Sold Price
Bronze Dolphin fibula, Ex Robert Hattatt coll.Bronze Dolphin-Type fibula, Roman Britain, AD 50 - 100, with decorated bow and slender design. Well preserved with nice olive green patina, pin missing. Collection numbers on underside. Found at KirmiSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN LEGIONARY GILDED CROSSBOW BROOCHCA. 400 AD. Large hollow-casted bronze omega brooch/fibuta or crossbow type with onion-headed terminals and remains of gold gilding. Nice and well preserved with smooth patina and intricate decorationSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 8 Roman Bronze Fibulas, Iron & Flint StrikerRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 4th century CE. A wonderful gathering of eight cast-bronze brooches as well as a cast-iron fire starter and flint striker. Two fibulae take on a crossbow-form designSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Roman Bronze Crossbow FibulaRoman Empire - military issue so could have been found from Britain to Egypt. 2nd to 3rd century. Very large and heavy bronze cloak pin, in a shape known as "crossbow" for obvious reasons. Three largeSee Sold Price
Sold2 ancient Roman bronze crossbow Fibula, 2.75" each,2 ancient Roman bronze crossbow Fibula, 2.75" each, from the private collection of Professor Lawrence Majewski, former curator of the Metropolitan Museum of ArtSee Sold Price
SoldA well-preserved Roman bronze strigilA well-preserved Roman bronze strigil, 1st – 2nd Century AD, with characteristic slender lighting cupped blade bent at a near 90 degree angle, the handle constructed from a single strip of bronze woSee Sold Price
SoldAn attractive Roman bronze crossbow fibulaAn attractive Roman bronze crossbow fibula, 3rd - 4th Century AD, the body nicely decorated with incised lines and circles, the original bronze coil and pin still in place. L: 2 3/4 in (6.9 cm). SlighSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze cross-bow fibula. Roman, 4th - 5th cRoman Bronze cross-bow fibula. Roman, 4th - 5th c. AD. Bronze cross-bow fibula. High arched bow with short catch-plate and knobbed terminals. The pin is present. Olive green patina. 74x68mm.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Roman Bronze Crossbow Fibulae**Originally Listed At $150** Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A lovely set of three cast-bronze fibula brooches of classic 'crossbow' forms. The shortest has a dramatically curved bSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Crossbow Fibula - Military IssueRoman Empire, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A wonderful, bronze "crossbow" fibula or brooch, featuring a cruciform profile, with three round bulbs on the terminals at top and sides, andSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Crossbow Fibula**First Time At Auction** Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A wonderfully cast-bronze fibula brooch, in a shape of a crossbow. The head is a wide coiled area that the pin articulatesSee Sold Price
An Roman Bronze Coin Bearing the Portrait of an EmperorThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Bronze Luristan Spearhead, Early Iron Age, ca. 1000-650 B.C.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Antique Bronze Signet Ring, Medieval Europe 5th-15th Century ADThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
African Nomad - Viennese bronze sculpture embellished with enamelAlma4.3(59)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
13 Roman Bronze Artifacts (Fibulae & Attachments)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024