SoldWardate Beauregard ALSPierre G. T. BEAUREGARD. Autograph letter signed "G. T. Beauregard" to the Confederate Agent for the Caribbean, Col. Charles J. Helm, thanking him for the donation of wool socks.Charleston,See Sold Price
SoldWardate Seddon ALS to BeauregardJames A. SEDDON. Autograph letter signed to P. G. T. Beauregard, ordering him to not parole his troops.Richmond: 8 January 1865. 1 p., (201 x 212 mm). Condition: light toning and foxing, a fewSee Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVISJEFFERSON REQUESTS CLARIFICATION OF BEAUREGARD'S BATTLE PLAN170. JEFFERSON DAVIS War-date ALS, 1Ā½pp, 8vo, Richmond, Oct 30, 1861. Excellent content. To Colonel James Chestnut in Camden, SC. In full,See Sold Price
SoldBEAUREGARD ORDERS RUGGLES TO EVACUATE GRENADABEAUREGARD ORDERS RUGGLES TO EVACUATE GRENADA Fine content war-date A.L.S. of GEORGE W. BRENT, Chief of Staff to Gen. Pierre G. T. Beauregard, 2pp. 4to., "Head Quarters Western Department", Tupelo, JuSee Sold Price
Beauregard, Pierre G. T. (1818-1893) CiviBeauregard, Pierre G. T. (1818-1893) Civil war general who fired upon Fort Sumter. ALS war date. Quarto 2 page embossed letter on lined paper reads: "Centreville VA. Nov 13th 1861/ Dear General, I havSee Sold Price
SoldTHOMAS JORDANTHOMAS JORDAN (1819 - 1895) Confederate brigadier general who served under Beauregard at Fisrt Bull Run, and later under Johnston at Shiloh. War date A.L.S. 3pp. 8vo., Richmond, Sep. 6, 1864 to Gen. PSee Sold Price
SoldPierre G. T. Beauregard ALS Re: Fort St. Philip, 1 ofBeauregard Pierre Pierre G. T. Beauregard 1855 ALS Re: Fort St. Philip, 1 of New Orleans's Defensive Forts and Later Setting of Civil War Battle Small archive of 3 documents (compleSee Sold Price
SoldRobert E. Lee, War-Date ALS Concerning the SentencingRobert E. Lee, War-Date ALS Concerning the Sentencing of a Convicted Soldier, 1863 Lee, Robert E. (1807-1870). ALS, "R. E. Lee / Genl," 1p, 4.875 x 7.75 in., "HdQrs. Army of No Va." March 1, 1863. AddSee Sold Price
SoldGeneral Philip Kearny Civil War-Date ALS, Ca 1862, PlusLot of 2. Kearny, Phillip (1815-1862). Union Major General. ALS, 1p, "Head-Quarters, New Jersey Brigade." Camp Seminary(?), March 24, 1862. Addressed to Colonel O.T. Halsted Jr. Kearny thanks him forSee Sold Price
CSA Gen ROBERT E LEE - War-Date ALS July, 1862Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) C. S. A. General. (1807-1870) C. S. A. General. Lee was assigned to command the The Army of Northern Virginia in May 1862. He is best known for his victories in the Battle ofSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. GRANT + WILLIAM T. SHERMAN War-Date ALSAutographsGeneral U.S. Grant War-Date Letter to Gen. William T. Sherman! ULYSSES S. GRANT & WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN. February 26, 1863, Autograph Letter Signed "U.S. Grant Maj. Gen.," [U.S. MississipSee Sold Price
SoldHood's Texas Brigade, War-Date ALS by J.B. Polley, May4pp, approx. 7.5 x 9.75 in. Frederick Hall [VA], 12 May 1863. The Texas Brigade was organized in October 1861, and briefly under the command of Louis Wigfall until he left to serve his state as a membSee Sold Price
CSA Gen ROBERT E LEE - War-Date ALS November 1863Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) C. S. A. General. (1807-1870) C. S. A. General. Lee was assigned to command the The Army of Northern Virginia in May 1862. He is best known for his victories in the Battle ofSee Sold Price
SoldWardate ALS by Texas Col. WaterhouseRichard WATERHOUSE. Autograph letter signed by the Colonel of 19th Texas Infantry to his wife, on the movements of his regiment, the poor morale of his men and the execution of deserters."InSee Sold Price
CSA Gen HUMPHREY MARSHALL - War-Date ALSHumphrey Marshall (1812-1872) C. S. A. General. Marshall was stationed in western Virginia during the war, but saw limited combat. In January 1862, he lost a minor battle in eastern Kentucky to futureSee Sold Price
CSA Gen HUMPHREY MARSHALL - War-Date ALSHumphrey Marshall (1812-1872) C. S. A. General. Marshall was stationed in western Virginia during the war, but saw limited combat. In January 1862, he lost a minor battle in eastern Kentucky to futureSee Sold Price
SoldWISE, HENRY A. - war-date ALS, 1864,CW content!WISE, HENRY A. American statesman and Confederate soldier (1806-76); US Congressman; US Minister to Brazil; Governor of Virginia; became a brigadier general during the Civil WaSee Sold Price
Gen. George McClellan, War-Date ALS, Re: Ft. WagnerGeneral George McClellan, Civil War-Date ALS, Regarding the Taking of Fort Wagner, September 5, 1863Ā George Brinton McClellan (1826-1885). General-in-Chief of the Union Army (1861-62), Democratic noSee Sold Price
SoldFARRAGUT, DAVID G. - war-date ALS, 1862.FARRAGUT, DAVID G. [2] American naval officer (1801-70); served in the War of 1812, commanding a prize ship though only a boy of 12 at the time; made rear admiral during the CiSee Sold Price
SoldGeneral W. Reed and General P. G. T. Beauregard ALS, 1867General W. Reed and General P. G. T. Beauregard ALS, 1867Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard (1818 - 1893)17 x 9 1/2 in. (43.18 x 24.13 cm.), Frame: 28 x 19 in. (71.12 x 48.26 cm.)See Sold Price
SoldEisenhower, Dwight D. -- War-date ALS to MamieEisenhower, Dwight D. -- War-date ALS to Mamie Mentioning Kay Summersby Twice (1890-1969) 34th President of the United States (1953-61); Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in World War II. Autograph lSee Sold Price
SoldGROSVENOR, THOMAS - war-date ALS, 1783GROSVENOR, THOMAS American Revolutionary soldier (1744-1825); served under Israel Putnam at Breed's [aka Bunker] Hill; serving throughout the war, he returned in 1783 to his leSee Sold Price
SoldWardate ALS by J. D. ImbodenJohn IMBODEN. Autograph Letter Signed "J. D. Imboden" to his brother on his final command of the civil war. Columbia, S.C.: 4 January 1865. 2 pp. (255 x 200 mm). Condition: slight crease, verySee Sold Price
Pair 1960's Ideal The Klunks Dolls Wild Bill & BeauregardLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
[EDUCATION]. WASHINGTON, Booker T. (1856-1915). ALS as Principal of Tuskegee Institute on schoolFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[ABOLITIONISTS]. JAY, John II (1817-1894). ALS ("John Jay"), to J. Dewitt Miller. Katonah, [NY],Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. 3 war-date letters, highlighted by ALS from Captain William H. Silsby, 10th IowaFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
FRITZ KAHN (1888-1968) DER MENSCH ALS INDUSTRIEPALAST. 1926.Swann Auction Galleries4.4(69)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Brauer, Arik: Der Mond als FrauPeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024