War Veteran Associations - Lot of 6 German NavyWar Veteran Associations - Lot of 6 German Navy Association Pins. Various, all enamelled. Kriegervereine - Lot von 6 Marine-Bund-Nadeln. Diverse, alle emailliert.See Sold Price
Lot von 6 Regimentsmedaillen.Kriegervereine Lot von 6 Regimentsmedaillen. Zumeist Buntmetall teils versilbert bzw. vergoldet zumeist an Bändern. War Veteran Associations Lot of 6 regimental medals. Mostly Buntmetall some silvereSee Sold Price
SoldCOLD WAR WORLD MILITARY HAT LOT OF 6COLD WAR WORLD MILITARY HAT LOT OF 6 Cold War, World Military hat, lot of 6. East German Officer Army and Navy, West German Navy, Russian & Spanish beret, Egyptian Officer khaki hat.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 6 German WWII stick pins DAFB-176 Lot of 6 German WWII stick pins: Two DAF (German Labor Front). NSKOV (war wounded), Veteran's eagle/Iron Cross, 1939 clasp to the Iron Cross and Colonial Southern Hemisphere Organization - enameSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 German WWI veteran medals etcB-12 Lot of 3 WWI veteran items: (1) 1914-18 Combatants Cross with Swords. Marked "W.R.". Replaced ribbon. (2) Prussian War Veteran's Association enameled badge/ribbons. (3) Veteran's Association peakSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 6 WWII GERMAN THIRD REICH BADGES & PINSGrouping of 6 WWII German Third Reich Badges & [ins which include : Heer black wound badge, NSDAP SA sports badge, Veterans Association Reichsadler stickpin , RDB circular Worker's stickpin, SwastikaSee Sold Price
Lot of 4 German NSKOV yearbooksI-7 Lot of 4 yearbooks (1936,1938,1939.and 1940) of the NSKOV (Naxi War Wounded Veterans Association). Each includes agraphic cover and WWI political and military topics, with photographs. IISee Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 German WWII book yearbook NSKOVI-026 Lot of 4 yearbooks (1936, 1938, 1939 and 1940) of the NSKOV (Nazi War Wounded Veterans Association). Each includes a graphic cover with WWI political and military topics with photographs. IISee Sold Price
Lot of 4 German WWII yearbooks NSKOVI-120 Lot of 4 yearbooks (1936,1938,1939.and 1940) of the NSKOV (Nazi War Wounded Veterans Association). Each includes graphic cover , WWI political and military topics with photographs. IISee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN WWII LOT OF 6 ARM BAND NSDAP WEHRMACHT MOREGerman WWII lot of 6 arm bands. Includes a Volksturm band, 2 NSDAP bands (one cotton, one wool, each features RZM tags), Government Service band, Teno Technical Corps band, and a RKB War Veteran band.See Sold Price
German WWI Navy veteran chain 6 miniature medalsWWI Navy veteran's lapel chain with six miniature medals: (1) German National War Veteran's Commemorative medal. (2) China 1901 ("Boxer Rebellion"). (3) Navy Corps Flanders Cross. (4) 1914 Iron CrossSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Imperial German award medalLot of Imperial German awards: (1) 1848 – 1849. (2) "National Flugspende 1912". (3) WWI Cross for War Help. (4) 25-yr. Veterans Association Reunion. Silvered oak leaves/gilt monument/"25", with an eSee Sold Price
SoldGerman WWII NS RKB War Veteran armbandH-044 German WWII NS - RKB (War Veteran's Association) armband. Bevo-embroiderd red shield with a white outlined Iron Cross and swastika. Sewn to a wool navy blue band with a flat silver wire stripe dSee Sold Price
SoldGerman WWII NS RKB War Veteran armbandH-016 German WWII NS - RKB (War Veteran's Association) armband. Bevo-embroidered red shield with a white outlined Iron Cross and swastika. Sewn to a wool navy blue band with a flat silver wire stripeSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF TWO VETERANS ASSOCIATION 1919 MEDALSUnited Spanish War Veteran's association medal celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie. "10th Annual Encampment U.S. W.V. Sept. 3 4 5 6, 1913". Includes ribbon for delegate and aSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 7 DecorationsCross of War Merit, Academy of Physic & Chemistry Merit Medal, Forli Province War Veterans Association Medal, Fireman badge, Navy Hat Badge, 2 Ribbon Bars. Breast Badges, bronze, 33 mm, original suspeSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 7 DecorationsCountry: ITALY Cross of War Merit, Academy of Physic & Chemistry Merit Medal, Forli Province War Veterans Association Medal, Fireman badge, Navy Hat Badge, 2 Ribbon Bars. Breast Badges, bronze, 33 mmSee Sold Price
Lot of 7 DecorationsCross of War Merit, Academy of Physic & Chemistry Merit Medal, Forli Province War Veterans Association Medal, Fireman badge, Navy Hat Badge, 2 Ribbon Bars. Breast Badges, bronze, 33 mm, original suspeSee Sold Price
SoldNew York Association of Veterans of the Mexican WarNew York Association of Veterans of the Mexican War Ribbons, lot of 3, with illustrations, 6.5" to 8.5" long. Property of the Western Reserve Historical SocietySee Sold Price
SoldVIETNAM WAR US OVERSEAS CAP & FOURRAGERE MIXED LOTVIETNAM WAR US OVERSEAS CAP & FOURRAGERE MIXED LOT 28 USMC, US Army, US Navy, Veteran association overseas caps, 13 mixed fourragere & aiguillette. Size: S-LSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN/AUSTRIAN WWI FOUR PIECE MEDAL LOT includinGERMAN/AUSTRIAN WWI FOUR PIECE MEDAL LOT including an Iron Cross 2nd class 1914, iron center, two Bavarian War Merit Crosses 3rd class with swords, and an Austrian Veterans Association medal. EstimateSee Sold Price
SoldLot 2 WWII German Navy autographs Raeder DonitzS-014 Lot of 2 WWII German Navy autographs: (1) Original Willrich post card of Grossadmiral Raeder. Pencil signed "Raeder". (2) Post-war signed typed statement concerning the German surrender on 6 MaySee Sold Price
SoldWWII - VIETNAM WORLD OVERSEAS CAP LOT OF 34WWII - VIETNAM WORLD OVERSEAS CAP LOT OF 34 US Navy, Marine Corps, Army, enlisted and officer. West German, British (WWII) and Veteran Association overseas caps. Size: S-LSee Sold Price
WWII - VIETNAM WORLD OVERSEAS CAP MIXED LOT OF 34WWII - VIETNAM WORLD OVERSEAS CAP MIXED LOT OF 34 US Navy, Marine Corps, Army, enlisted and officer. West German, British (WWII) and Veteran Association overseas caps. Size: S-LSee Sold Price
Lot 6 Antique Assorted German Bisque & China Girl DollsLodestar Auctions4.6(396)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Set of Korean and Vietnam War Veteran Lot Combat VeteranRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Naval Commander Leslie G.H. Farmer GroupRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Lot Of 4 Vintage Military BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024