Vintage Argus C3 50MM Camera, Leather Case + ManualLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Vintage Argus C3 50mm Rangefinder Camera plus CaseLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
GUCCI SMALL CAMERA CASE CROSSBODYDejaVu Estate Sales & Auctions, LLC4.6(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
SoldLot of 2 Camera Tripods Vivitar in Bag and BowerGroup lot of 2 camera tri pods including Vivitar in bag and Bower VT-9500See Sold Price
SoldVivitar V200 SLR Camera, Lens, Case & TripodVivitar V200 SLR Camera, Lens, Case & Tripod. The camera comes with a Vivitar 52mm macro focusing zoom lens 35-70mm 1:3.5-4.8, a haze 52mm(UV)filter. Also included are: Vivitar 52mm medium yellow filtSee Sold Price
SoldMinolta 35mm Camera AssortmentMinolta 35mm Camera Assortment Two cameras; together with two Minolta lenses, two Vivitar lenses, two Minolta Flashes, Vivitar tripod #914, camera accessories and radio accessories Height: 22.50 incheSee Sold Price
SoldA NIKON N65 35MM CAMERA AND CASE PLUS VIVITAR TRIPA NIKON N65 35MM CAMERA AND CASE PLUS VIVITAR TRIPOD. The camera fitted with 28-90MM auto focus or manual focus lens F3.5-5.6 with instruction manual, photo guide and rolls of film plus extra batterieSee Sold Price
SoldKodak Cameras and Vivitar Pocket Tripod (7)Includes Kodak Star 235 (2), Ektralite 10 (2), tele disc (2), and pocket 35 tripod. All are new in the package, some batteries need to be replaced.See Sold Price
Sold(LOT) VINTAGE CANON A-1 CAMERA, BINOCULARS, ETC.(lot) Vintage camera equipment and binoculars, including: (1) Canon A-1 camera body, (1) Tokina AT-X 28-55mm lens, (1) Seabring camera bag, (1) Vivitar tripod, (1) J.C. Penny tripod, (1) Spiratone vieSee Sold Price
Sold(2) Camera Tripods(2) Camera Tripods Including: 51" P and B 1107 and 48" Vivitar 1220See Sold Price
SoldCamera and Tripod AssortmentCamera and Tripod Assortment Including Canon AE-1 camera and a Nikon D5000 camera in carrying bag, two tripods and two zoom lenses; 70-120mm Sears Macro One-Touch, 75-260mm Vivitar; Tamron 500mm lens;See Sold Price
SoldCanon VC-20 CameraCanon VC-20 camera, along with Vivitar 100-300mm zoom, Vivitar 285 HV flash, Lynx tripod.See Sold Price
SoldMinolta SRT 101 35 mm CameraMinolta SRT 101 35 mm camera, lens to include 28mm, 52mm, 200mm, 2800 Vivitar flash, Vivitar tripod, plus filters, caps, instructions, camera bagSee Sold Price
LOT OF CAMERA FLASHES ADAPTERS CASES & OTHER PARTSLOT OF CAMERA FLASHES ADAPTERS CASES & OTHER PARTS RCA Film/Slide Adapter, Logan Light Box, Leather camera case, 2 exposure meters, 2 tripods, lens caps, Vivitar, Minolta, Konica, flashes, Adapter rinSee Sold Price
SoldNikon D7100 Camera, Lenses, and Accessories.Includes Vivitar tripod, charger, flash, and lens hoods.See Sold Price
SoldVintage Pentax 35mm Camera LotVintage camera lot with accessories. Asahi Pentax 35mm Spotmatic along with: -Asahi optic lens 50m-Asahi 135mm Zoom lens -Vivitar 35mm lens -Vivitar 135mm zoom len-Sturdy metal folding tripod -Case ROSee Sold Price
SoldMinolta Camera and AccessoriesIncludes Vivitar 70-210mm lens, carrying case, tripod and Flash.See Sold Price
SoldCamera and Accessory AssortmentCamera and Accessory Assortment Eight items including a Nikon FT with a Canon 50mm lens, Vivitar 24mm lens, Vivitar 2600, Vivitar 85-200mm lens, Vivitar Tele Converter, Vivitar #1220 tripod and two biSee Sold Price
Mixed Camera Equipment Lot to Includetabletop tripod in case, Vivitar flash, Canon flash, Gossen analog light meter, GE exposure meter, Canon speed light transmitter.See Sold Price
SoldPhotography equipment: Acme clip light on tri-pod,Photography equipment: Acme clip light on tri-pod, Reflectasol umbrella, 2 camera tri-pods, Smith-Victor accessories, Draper Shade & Screen Co. Luma white screen, Vivitar reel-to-reel projector in oriSee Sold Price
SoldMixed Lot NIB Digital Camera Accessories.Great collection of NIB accessories for digital cameras including 32GB Sony Memory Card, Panasonic BLC12 Rechargeable Battery, Vivitar Rapid Travel Charger, Tripod, Filters, Cleaning Cloth and more. PSee Sold Price
SoldNIKON 35MM CAMERA, serial no FE3158252, fitted witNIKON 35MM CAMERA, serial no FE3158252, fitted with 55mm lens; having a Soligor 400mm telephoto lens, a Vivitar tele converter lens in case, a tripod in leather case plus filter.See Sold Price
Sold2 Nikon film cameras and accessories.A group of two black Nikon film cameras with detachable lenses and user guides, black Nikon zoom lens, black Nikon flash mount, black Vivitar tripod, and brown leather Nikon carrying case. ++ A F-801See Sold Price
SoldThree Vintage Lens for Exakta Vivitar & SpiratoneVivitar 400 f6.3 with tripod mount, some clouding inside. Spiratone 400 f6.3 with sunshade in nice condition. Vivitar 85-205 slight fogging on perimeter.See Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot 4 Silver Camera Tripod BasesGroup Lot 4 Silver Camera Tripod Bases, includes TILTALL #4602 Tripod Professional MFD. By C.M. MARCHIONI RUTHERFORD NJ USA, Town & Country Studio Greenwich CT, Bogen Professional Tripod 3001 made inSee Sold Price
2pc Vivitar Series 1 Camera Lens with Tiffen FiltersLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
FEISOL CT-3301 CARB FIB. TRIPOD, MANFROTTO 393 VVVAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(34) VINTAGE KID'S CAMERAS, MOST NEW IN WRAPPINGAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024