SoldVIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEVIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular top fitted with two hinged drop leaves, raised on six heavy 20-ring turned legs, two of which swivel to support the leaves. Found on the NeSee Sold Price
SoldSHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAFSHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular single-board top set with two single-board hinged leaves, raised on six well-turned legs, two of which swing to supporSee Sold Price
SoldVIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAF TABLEVIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAF TABLE, rectangular top set with two hinged leaves, raised on six well-turned legs in an unusual arrangement of three on each end, two of which swivel to support theSee Sold Price
SoldLEXINGTON, ROCKBRIDGE CO., SHENANDOAH VALLEY OFLEXINGTON, ROCKBRIDGE CO., SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, featuring simple turned legs. Old surface with warm color. Attributed to the cabinet shop of Andrew Varner, LexiSee Sold Price
SoldSHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA WALNUT FALL-LEAF DININGSHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular top fitted with two hinged fall leaves raised on six turned legs, two of which swivel to support the leaves. Yellow pine secondSee Sold Price
SoldNORTH CAROLINA / VIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAFNORTH CAROLINA / VIRGINIA SHERATON WALNUT FALL-LEAF TABLE, rectangular top with two hinged leaves, raised on six well-turned legs two of which swivel to support the leaves. Found in Granville Co., NC.See Sold Price
SoldVIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEVIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, the rectangular top with two hinged fall leaves raised on four square-tapered legs, two of which swivel to support the leaves. Poplar and oak secondarySee Sold Price
SoldVIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEVIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, the rectangular top with two hinged fall leaves over a beaded-edge apron raised on tall, square-tapered legs. Yellow pine and other secondary woods. HisSee Sold Price
SoldTIDEWATER, VIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAF DININTIDEWATER, VIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular single-board top fitted with two hinged drop leaves, raised on four square tapered legs, two of which swivel to support the leaveSee Sold Price
SoldSHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAFSHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FEDERAL WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular top with two hinged fall leaves raised on square-tapered legs, two of which swivel to support the leaves. Old surface wSee Sold Price
SoldVIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEVIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, the rectangular top with two hinged drop leaves, raised on four legs terminating in pad feet, two of which swivel to support the leaves. Retains an oSee Sold Price
SoldEASTERN VIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DININGEASTERN VIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, the rectangular top with two hinged drop leaves, raised on four round-tapered legs terminating in pad feet, two of which swivel to support thSee Sold Price
SoldEASTERN VIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DININGEASTERN VIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, the rectangular, bowed-edge top with two hinged, half-round fall leaves over a plain apron raised on tapered columnar legs of straight profilSee Sold Price
SoldEASTERN VIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DININEASTERN VIRGINIA QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, single-board top with original hinged single-board leaves, raised on round tapered legs terminating in pad feet. Yellow pine secondary wood.See Sold Price
SoldSOUTHERN, POSSIBLY VIRGINIA OR NORTH CAROLINA, WALNUTSOUTHERN, POSSIBLY VIRGINIA OR NORTH CAROLINA, WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, with two gate-legs, dovetailed medial stretcher brace, iron corner braces to two interior corners, yellow pine secondary.See Sold Price
SoldVIRGINIA / NORTH CAROLINA QUEEN-ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAFVIRGINIA / NORTH CAROLINA QUEEN-ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular top fitted with two hinged fall leaves raised on six legs terminating in pad feet. Top possibly together by association.See Sold Price
SoldVirginia Walnut Sheraton Drop Leaf Table.VIRGINIA WALNUT SHERATON DROP LEAF, GATE LEG, DINING TABLE, circa 1840.See Sold Price
SoldSOUTHERN CHIPPENDALE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLESOUTHERN CHIPPENDALE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, two-board top with two hinged two-board leaves, raised on four molded square legs. Walnut secondary wood. Probably Virginia or South Carolina. FourtSee Sold Price
SoldHENKEL-HARRIS VIRGINIA GALLERIES WALNUT EXTENDING DININHENKEL-HARRIS VIRGINIA GALLERIES WALNUT EXTENDING DINING TABLE, two hinged fall leaves and eight tapered legs, four that swivel to support the leaves, two extra extension boards. Winchester, VA. FourtSee Sold Price
Sold19th century walnut Sheraton dining table19th century walnut Sheraton dining table with two drop leaf serving ends. Found in Virginia.See Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEGEORGIAN WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, oval top with two hinged-leaves, raised on four round-tapered legs terminating in pad feet, two of which swivel to support the leaves. Oak secondary wood. Old rSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEGEORGIAN WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, oval top with two hinged-leaves, raised on four round-tapered legs terminating in pad feet, two of which swivel to support the leaves. Oak secondary wood. Old rSee Sold Price
Queen Ann walnut fall leaf dining table, c1770Queen Ann walnut fall leaf dining table, c1770 (some part may be replacement), 29.75"Hx48.5"x42"See Sold Price
SoldQUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLEQUEEN ANNE WALNUT FALL-LEAF DINING TABLE, rectangular top fitted with two hinged drop leaves, raised on four round tapered legs terminating in pad feet, two of which swivel to support the leaves. PineSee Sold Price
Vintage Oval Drop Leaf Dining Table by Heritage-HenredonA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Mackenzie-Dow Benchmade Cherry Dining TableNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(409)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Sheraton Drop Leaf Cherry Dining Room Table w/ Wonderful LegsHoller and Hammer4.6(64)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Sheraton Style Cherry Drop Leaf Dining Room TableHoller and Hammer4.6(64)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Two Pedestal Two Leaf Oval Ended Walnut Dining Table with Oyster Burl Yew Wood Banded TopNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1960's Mid Century Tuxedo Dining Table And 5 ChairsRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(236)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings Walnut Sabre Leg Dining Table, Widdicomb, 1950sDOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024