Victorian Mechanical Automaton Bird CageWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A RARE LATE VICTORIAN/EDWARDIAN COUNTRY HOUSE BIRD CAGE. 22 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldVICTORIAN MARY GREGORY PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF TANKARDVICTORIAN MARY GREGORY PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF TANKARD PITCHERS, blue, each cylindrical form with a bulged base, applied handles with applied lids with thumbrests. Maker unverified. Late 19th/early 20th cSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC WATER PITCHERVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC WATER PITCHER, amber, tapered tankard form with so-called Mary Gregory white-enamel decoration of a boy with walking stick, rough pontil mark. Late 19th/early 20th century. 10" HSee Sold Price
SoldMARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF TABLEMARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF TABLE LAMPS, emerald green, vases with matching metal bases with floral decoration, matching central poles and socket clusters. Maker unverified. First halSee Sold Price
SoldMARY GREGORY (SO CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC TANKARD PITCHERMARY GREGORY (SO CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC TANKARD PITCHER, deep cranberry with white enamel decoration depicting a child with a vase of flowers, circular-form ruffled rim, colorless applied handle, rough pSee Sold Price
SoldMARY GREGORY (SO CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC TANKARD PITCHERMARY GREGORY (SO CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC TANKARD PITCHER, deep cranberry with white enamel decoration depicting a child picking flowers, square-form ruffled and flared rim, colorless applied handle, roughSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN MARY GREGORY (SO CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC GLASSVICTORIAN MARY GREGORY (SO CALLED) PANEL-OPTIC GLASS KEROSENE STAND LAMP, olive green font with a blue standard and base, shouldered font with a band of white flowers to the top, bell-form standard wiSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC MARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED)VICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC MARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED) RING-NECK CYLINDER VASES, LOT OF THREE, blue with white polychrome-enamel decoration, each depicting a Victorian child in a different pose. Boston & SandSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN MARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED) DECORATED ARTICLES,VICTORIAN MARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED) DECORATED ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, comprising a gray Panel-Optic vase, two olive green tumblers of differing form, an amber Panel-Optic rectangular dish, and a cobaltSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN MARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED) DECORATED DRINKINGVICTORIAN MARY GREGORY (SO-CALLED) DECORATED DRINKING ARTICLES, LOT OF SIX, colorless with white-enamel decoration, comprising a Panel-Optic tumbler, a wine, and four punch cups. Maker unverified. LatSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN DECORATED PANEL-OPTIC MINIATURE LAMPVICTORIAN DECORATED PANEL-OPTIC MINIATURE LAMP, blue with so-called Mary Gregory white enamel decoration, bell-form font with flared base, pale blue matching patterned compressed globular-form shade,See Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC ARTICLES, LOT OF TWOVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a green pitcher with applied colorless reeded handle, and a blue dresser box with hinged cover, each with so-called Mary Gregory white-enamel decSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED VICTORIAN GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF FOURASSORTED VICTORIAN GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS, LOT OF FOUR, various colors, including an Adams Thousand Eye, a Northwood Panel-Optic with polychrome-enamel decoration, and a so-called Mary Gregory example dSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF VICTORIAN DECORATED COLOGNE BOTTLESPAIR OF VICTORIAN DECORATED COLOGNE BOTTLES, peacock blue, rib-optic bottles with enameled so-called Mary Gregory children and gilt decorations, original stoppers. 1880-1900. 8 1/2" HOA. Provenance: FSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF TALL VASESVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF TALL VASES, cranberry, each waisted form with a factory-polished rim. Maker unverified. Late 19th/early 20th century. 21 1/2" H.Undamaged with each having some light inteSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF WATER PITCHERSVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF WATER PITCHERS, cranberry, each having a duck-billed rim and applied colorless handle. Probably Phoenix Glass Co. Fourth quarter 19th century. 9 3/4" H.Undamaged.ProvenanSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN DECORATED PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF LAMPSVICTORIAN DECORATED PANEL-OPTIC PAIR OF LAMPS, blue with white enamel floral ornamentation and traces of gilt decoration, non-matching No. 1 collars. Each fitted with a matching period setup comprisinSee Sold Price
SoldSO-CALLED MARY GREGORY DECORATED PANEL-OPTIC MINIATURESO-CALLED MARY GREGORY DECORATED PANEL-OPTIC MINIATURE LAMP, cranberry glass, white enameled décor depicting children with nets catching butterflies, gilt decorated band to base, matching pattern balSee Sold Price
Antique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled TankardAntique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled Blue Blown Glass Tankard. Measures - 3 1/2" high. Depicting boy with flowers. Pewter top, gilt trim. Mary Gregory (1856–1908) was an American artist known forSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled TankardAntique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled Clear Blown Glass Tankard. Top is as is. Measures - 4 1/4" High. Mary Gregory (1856–1908) was an American artist known for her decoration of glass products atSee Sold Price
SoldVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC ICICLE PAIR OF VASESVICTORIAN PANEL-OPTIC ICICLE PAIR OF VASES, pale amber, each urn form with applied rigaree to the rim, applied decoration to the shoulder with eight hanging icicles, each with a polished pontil mark.See Sold Price
Antique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled TankardAntique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled Green Blown Glass Tankard. Gilt trim. Measures - 4 1/4" high. Mary Gregory (1856–1908) was an American artist known for her decoration of glass products at thSee Sold Price
Antique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled TankardAntique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled Green Blown Glass Tankard. Blue glass lid. Depicting boy with flowers. Measures - 5 1/4" high. Mary Gregory (1856–1908) was an American artist known for her dSee Sold Price
Antique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled TankardAntique Victorian Mary Gregory Enameled Blue Blown Glass Tankard.Missing top, as is. Gilt trim. Depicting a girl. Measures - 5 1/2" high. Mary Gregory (1856–1908) was an American artist known for heSee Sold Price
Gothic Revival Stained Glass Panel of The VisitationSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Victorian Style Belgian Marble Top Tables, PairAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
American Victorian Fan Flared Mantle VasesPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Spanish School of the XVI century. "Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity and Presentation to theSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Victorian Mirrored Oak Wall ShelvesEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair of Gregory Allen Indian Chief Bronze BookendsNapoleon's Fine Art4.4(75)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pair of Religious Hand Painted Oval Glass Panels, 19th c., H.- 10 1/8 in., W.- 7 3/8 in. (2 Pcs.)Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A PAIR 19TH CENTURY LOUIS SEIZE STYLE GILTWOOD FRAMED SIDE CHAIRS, the shaped rectangular panelAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Victorian Mary Gregory Cobalt Blue Enameled VaseMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair of Victorian Floral Paintings w/Ornate FramesDirect Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024