SoldVery Rare George Jones Majolica Owl Match Strikerc.1875, ( one of only two known examples ), modeled as white and grey owl holding a yellow basket resting on a brown rocky ground, all above a circular pedestal base with an unglazed edge to form theSee Sold Price
SoldRare George Jones majolicamatch striker in form of boat tied on shore, coil of rope to hold matches, professional repair to boat seat, 4 3/4"w, 2"hSee Sold Price
A rare oval George Jones Majolica match box c.1875,A rare oval George Jones Majolica match box c.1875, modeled as a brown glazed box and cover decorated with acorns and orange rope twist borders, 4” 'CURATED & CATALOGUED BY NICOLAUS BOSTON'See Sold Price
Sold(lot of 2) George Jones figural majolica match boxes(lot of 2) George Jones figural majolica match boxes with strikers, circa 1868, consisting of a box depicting a rabbit in repose glazed in brown and white and resting on a brown and green oval base wiSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES majolica rare match box in the formGEORGE JONES majolica rare match box in the form of a cobalt blue package tied with yellow rope, 3"l, very rareSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES rare majolica oval match box in theGEORGE JONES rare majolica oval match box in the form of a game dish with rabbits surrounding base, rabbits, game birds and matches on cover, very rare form, professional rim repair to lid and interioSee Sold Price
SoldRARE George Jones majolica lilychamber candle holder with match box with butterfly lid, extremely rare form, 7"w, professional repair to wing tipSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES RARE majolica lily chamber candle hoGEORGE JONES RARE majolica lily chamber candle holder/ match box with butterfly lid, extremely rare form, 7"w, very minor professional repair to tip of butteryfly wingSee Sold Price
SoldMajolica GEORGE JONES match pot in the form of a cMajolica GEORGE JONES match pot in the form of a crate with beatle, 2"h, match striker on underside, minor rim nickSee Sold Price
SoldMajolica GEORGE JONES turquoise match box in theGEORGE JONES turquoise match box in the form of a box tied with rope, rare form, 3"lSee Sold Price
Sold Majolica lot of 5 pieces - George Jones albino butteMajolica lot of 5 pieces - George Jones albino butter dish, monk match striker, dark green fruit plate, albino syrup pitcher and cobalt basketweave and floral pitcher , various conditionSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE JONES figural match pot in the form of a crGEORGE JONES figural match pot in the form of a crate with beatle, rare form, 3 1/4"See Sold Price
SoldRare GEORGE JONES Majolica Centerpiece "Africa"Very Rare Majolica GEORGE JONES Centerpiece/Compote from the Continents Series, "Africa". It shows a Lion and Lioness under a tree with a Lizard hiding under a burrow. c. 1874 this is one of the fourSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare George Jones Majolica Covered Box with LoA Rare George Jones Majolica Covered Box with Lobster-Form Finial, circa 1880 3-1/2 x 5-3/4 x 4-3/4 inches (8.9 x 14.6 x 12.1 cm) The covered box in pattern no. 1288. HID03101062020 © 2020 HeritaSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Rare George Jones Majolica Cobalt Chestnut LeafA Very Rare George Jones Majolica Cobalt Chestnut Leaf Plate c.1875. The cobalt blue ground circular plate centred by a large chestnut leaf all within an orange border. This plate is rarely seen withSee Sold Price
SoldRare George Jones Majolica Butterfly BoxA very rare George Jones Majolica Butterfly Pomade Box and cover. Shaped as a butterfly, the sides molded with white flowering violets against characteristic mottled greens and browns so typically emeSee Sold Price
SoldRare George Jones MajolicaConvolvulus & Butterfly Chamber Stick c.1875, the blossom forming the candle holder, above a circular green leaf tray with a large butterfly and a leaf ring handle. This chamber stick is part of a dreSee Sold Price
SoldVery Rare George Jones Majolica"Drum" Cabaret set c.1875, all designed as cobalt blue drums, with yellow skin tightening string, the teapot with drumsticks forming the spout, and a Military drummer boys hat, the circular tray boundSee Sold Price
SoldVery rare George Jones Majolicastrawberry basket c.1875, height modeled as a low open yellow basket with side panniers clad in climbing strawberry plants and ripe strawberries with a high branch handle bound with turquoise ribbon,See Sold Price
A very rare George Jones majolicawine caddy on two wheels, modeled as two wine bottle coasters molded with grapes and leaves, a young bacchus lying on his back eating grapes lying between, one of only three known. Ref Karmason MajoliSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Rare George Jones MajolicaButterfly' Ring Stand c.1875 modelled as an oval dish of green leaves with a large white blossom to the centre and with a butterfly at each end forming handles, all supported on green leaf supports. PSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare George Jones Majolica Swift and Nest PitcherA Rare George Jones Majolica Swift and Nest Pitcher, c. 1875. Modeled as a mottled green and brown nest with turquoise interior and a large black and white swift forming the handle, Pg 59 Cluett, 4 1/See Sold Price
SoldTwo Very Rare George Jones Majolica Japanese Style PosyTwo Very Rare George Jones Majolica Japanese Style Posy Vases c.1875 Each modeled as a diamond shaped turquoise body framed with bamboo, each panel depicting Japanese style scenes of birds and plantSee Sold Price
SoldA rare George Jones Majolica ‘Apple Blossom’ beer mugA rare George Jones Majolica ‘Apple Blossom’ beer mug c.1875, the turquoise body with a band of basket weave to the bottom quarter and trailing apple blossom to the top with a brown bark handle anSee Sold Price