Sold140. VERY LOVELY FRENCH POUPEE WITH MARKED JUMEAU140. VERY LOVELY FRENCH POUPEE WITH MARKED JUMEAU BODY. 18". Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, blue paperweight spiral-threaded eyes, eyeliner, feathered brows, pierced ears, closed mouth, sSee Sold Price
34" Antique French Fashion Jumeau Countess Doll withFrench Bisque Poupee with beautiful Portrait Face is marked 11 on shoulder plate. Pressed bisque swivel head on bisque shoulder plate has a lovely expression with gentle portrait-like face. Blue glassSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY JUMEAU, WITH JUMEAU BODYLOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY JUMEAU, WITH JUMEAU BODY STAMP AND ORIGINAL WALKING SUIT. Marks: 4 (head); Jumeau Medaille D’or Paris (body). 16 ½”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, almSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY JUMEAU. Marks: None.LOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY JUMEAU. Marks: None. 15". Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, spiral-threaded blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, feathered and brushstroked brows, pierced eaSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY JUMEAU.LOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY JUMEAU. 15". Marks: 5. Bisque swivel head on kid-lined bisque shoulderplate, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered and brushstroked brows, pierced eSee Sold Price
SoldVERY LOVELY FRENCH BISQUE ALMOND-EYED POUPEE BY JUMEAU.VERY LOVELY FRENCH BISQUE ALMOND-EYED POUPEE BY JUMEAU. Marks: 4. 17”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, large almond-shaped blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, arched feathered brows,See Sold Price
SoldLOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE - WOODEN BODY BY JUMEAUEXCEPTIONAL LOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE WITH WOODEN BODY BY JUMEAU. 17 ½”. Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulderplate, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, feathered and brushstroked brSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY FRENCH BISQUE PORTRAIT POUPEE BY EMILE JUMELOVELY FRENCH BISQUE PORTRAIT POUPEE BY EMILE JUMEAU. Marks: 8. 24”. Bisque socket head, spiral-thread blue glass eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, softly feathered brows, closed mouth, pale pinkSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY JUMEAU FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE IN ORIGINAL COSTUME.LOVELY JUMEAU FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE IN ORIGINAL COSTUME. Marks: 2. 17”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, inset blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, finely-feathered and arched brows, pieSee Sold Price
Sold27. LOVELY, ALL-ORIGINAL FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY27. LOVELY, ALL-ORIGINAL FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY PIERRE-FRANCOIS JUMEAU. 17”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, inset blue paperweight eyes in almond shape, painted lashes, multi-stroked aSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE JUMEAU POUPEE WITH LOVELY PORTRAIT FACEFRENCH BISQUE JUMEAU POUPEE WITH LOVELY PORTRAIT FACE. Marks: None. 18 inches. Pressed bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, blue paperweight eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered brows, mauSee Sold Price
SoldLovely French Bisque Fashion Lady Doll.Poupée peau, marked only with size number 6, but undoubtedly by François Gaultier. Bisque socket head on bisque shoulder plate. Gorgeous blue/gray paperweight eyes with threaded irises, black eyelinSee Sold Price
SoldJumeau Poupee Peau French Fashion DollDescription France, Ca. 1880. Incised "4" with red Jumeau checkmarks. Bisque socket head on bisque shoulder plate. Lovely blue paperweight eyes, multistroked eyebrows, painted eyelashes , closed mouthSee Sold Price
SoldExquisite Jumeau Portrait Lady Doll.French Poupée peau with bisque socket head (several tiny rim flakes, ¾ “ firing line visible only on the inside), lovely blue threaded eyes, painted upper and lower lashes, mauve eye shadow, feathSee Sold Price
SoldLovely French Lady Doll.Poupée peau with unmarked bisque socket head (tiny factory dent on middle forehead), likely by Jumeau, with feathered eyebrows, painted upper and lower eyelashes, closed mouth with upturned upper lipSee Sold Price
SoldLovely French Lady Doll.Unmarked French Poupée peau with bisque socket head, probably made by Jumeau with feathered eyebrows, painted upper and lower eyelashes, black eyeliner, blue threaded glass eyes, closed mouth with liSee Sold Price
Sold21" JUMEAU FRENCH POUPEE PEAUMarked with red "HXI" artist mark on head and blue Jumeau stamp on body. Bisque socket head has brown paperweight eyes, closed mouth with accented lips, pierced ears, mohair wig with antique cork pateSee Sold Price
Sold24" Jumeau French Fashion Poupee.24" An attractive Fashion with excellent quality bisque, pale blue/grey eyes on a gusseted kid body. Both head and bisque shoulder plate are marked "6". Overall a nice presentation, a vintage multi coSee Sold Price
Sold14" JUMEAU POUPEE PEAU (FRENCH FASHION)Pressed bisque socket head marked 2. Stationary paperweight eyes, closed mouth, ears pierced through lobes, antique possibly original cork pate, antique human hair wig. Short hairline on right side frSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH BISQUE UNIS 301 DOLL, JUMEAU STAMPDoll is about 26" and has socket head that is marked " 71 UNIS FRANCE 149 over 301" Has the Jumeau stamp at neck. Lovely face with blue sleep eyes, open mouth with shaded lips and 4 teeth, shaded nostSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY FRENCH POUPEE BY GAUTHIER IN ANTIQUE GOWN.LOVELY FRENCH POUPEE BY GAUTHIER IN ANTIQUE GOWN. Marks: 2. 17”. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, blue paperweight eyes, eyeliner, multi-stroked and widely-arched brows, pierced ears, cloSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Bisque Poupee. Jumeau. Body Stamped.20" (51 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, large blue glass enamel inset eyes,very thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with aSee Sold Price
Sold27. LOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY BARROIS. Marks:27. LOVELY FRENCH BISQUE POUPEE BY BARROIS. Marks: None. 16". Solid-dome bisque shoulderhead, painted features, shaded blue eyes with dark upper eyeliner, painted upper and lower lashes, widely-archedSee Sold Price
19th Century France, Jean Pouyat Limoges Porcelain VasePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Impressionist Gouache Painting by Andrew McNeileA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
A composed lot of five Dutch Delfts polychrome ceramicsOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A fine French pair Sevres style marked porcelain figuresOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
18/19th Century Portrait Miniature in Bronze FrameHeritage Gallery Auctions4.4(56)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
French Bisque Head Doll Marked "23 SFBJ 916 Paris"Woody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
BARBEDIENNE BRONZE 'LE TERRASSIER' AFTER ALFRED BOUCHERAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Mid Century Modern Bookcase, Wardrobe Cabinet or Armoire by JansenJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A LOVELY LARGE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH BRONZE AND TORTOISESHELL CLOCK GARNITURE with large enamelled diaHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A LOVELY PAIR OF FRENCH ENGRAVINGS Imp Delatre, A De Beaumont Inc, Isphan tile & a similar window diHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
(2)Sterling Silver Turquoise Necklace with Pendant and Matching EarringsVogt Auction Texas4.5(604)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Striking Tulip Fashion Pin Marked "Staret" and Lovely Big Blue Fashion Crystal BroochApple Tree Auction Center4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Gorgeous Cupid Brooch Marked "Coro Duette" and Lovely Vintage Pin Marked "Original by Robert"Apple Tree Auction Center4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024