Very clean CDV photograph of Abolitionist & Freed Slave
[PHOTOGRAPHS]. DOM PEDRO II, EMPEROR OF BRAZIL (1831-1889) ...Mar 07, 2024[MUSIC - EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Two photographs of African American conjoined twins Millie-Christine.Feb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. CDV of a plantation scene featuring enslaved workers picking cotton.Feb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Two 19th-century imprints, incl. anti-slavery publication The Slave'sFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. A group of photographs and other items related to abolitionist figuresFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. WILD, Edward Augustus (1825-1891). Collection of items related to abolitionist,Feb 27, 2024C.1953 Tom Corbett Space Cadet Helmet MIB UnusedFeb 24, 2024388PC Garbage Pail Kids #1-#194 Complete Card SetFeb 24, 20241999 Pokemon Jungle Complete Trading Card SetFeb 24, 2024CDV Photographs Orientalist Portrait African Family, Tunis c. 1867Feb 28, 2024CDV Vintage Photograph Orientalist Man, Woman, Bedouins Tunis c.1867Feb 28, 2024Worried abolitionists on the eve of Civil WarMar 07, 2024Manumission document for Cuban slaves 1882Mar 07, 2024Ornately framed CDV of Abraham LincolnMar 07, 20242 CDV- Jefferson Davis & Mrs. Jefferson DavisMar 02, 2024CESPEDES DEL CASTILLO CARLOS MANUEL (1819-1874)Mar 14, 2024AMERICAN SILENCE, THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF ROBERT ADAMS.Mar 07, 2024FIELD TRIPS, THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF BERND & BECHER.Mar 07, 2024LIFE AND WORK, THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF BERND AND BECHERMar 07, 2024ANONYME SKULPTUREN, THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF BECHERMar 07, 2024DAVID BLACKWOOD. BLACK ICE. PRINTS OF NEWFOUNDLAND. 1ST ED.Mar 07, 2024THE POND, THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF JOHN GOSSAGE.Mar 07, 2024AGNES MARTIN, EVA HESSE, RODNEY GRAHAM, D. FOGLE.Mar 07, 2024ANNIE LEIBOVITZ: PHOTOGRAPHS 1970-1990. SIGNED.Mar 07, 2024