SoldVatican - Chivalric Order of the holy sepulchre,Vatican - Chivalric Order of the holy sepulchre, Grandofficers Set box. Red box, golden embossed top.#210 x 35 x 102 mm. Vatikan - Ritterorden vom heiligen Grab zu Jerusalem, Großoffiziers Satz Etui.See Sold Price
Vatican Order of The Holy Sepulchre, housed in a velvetVatican Order of The Holy Sepulchre, housed in a velvet and silk lined Tanfani and Bertarelli leather caseSee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander 's Cross, 3rd ClaCountry: VATICAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander 's Cross, 3rd Class. Neck Badge, silver gilt, 45 mm, both sides enameled, suspension device is missing, original ribbon. II 1275 SEK (150 €)See Sold Price
ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander 's Cross, 3rd ClaCountry: VATICAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander 's Cross, 3rd Class. Neck Badge,silver gilt, 37 mm, both sides enameled, original military trophy suspension device and neck ribbon. I- 2550 SEKSee Sold Price
ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander’s Cross, 3rdCountry: VATICAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander’s Cross, 3rd Class. Neck Badge,silver gilt, 37 mm, both sides enameled, original military trophy suspension device and neck ribbon. I- - LOT: 3See Sold Price
ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander's Cross, 3rdCountry: VATICAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander's Cross, 3rd Class. Neck Badge,silver gilt, 37 mm, both sides enameled, original military trophy suspension device and neck ribbon. I- / id 91115See Sold Price
ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander’s Cross, 3rdCountry: VATICAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Commander’s Cross, 3rd Class. Neck Badge,silver gilt, 37 mm, both sides enameled, original military trophy suspension device and neck ribbon. I- -SKU: 36See Sold Price
World Orders and DecorationsVatican, Holy See, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Military Division, Commander’s neck Badge, 101mm including trophy of arms suspension x 51mm, silver-gilt and enamel, silver mark to suspension riSee Sold Price
World Orders and DecorationsVatican, Holy See, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight Grand Cross Star, 85mm, silver and enamel, unmarked, minor green enamel damage to wreath, otherwise good very fine £160-£200------ForSee Sold Price
World Orders and DecorationsVatican, Holy See, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight Grand Cross Star, 91mm, silver, gilt, and enamel, unmarked, minor damage to lower tip of star, otherwise good very fine £160-£200----See Sold Price
SoldContinental School (early 20th century) Portrait of aContinental School (early 20th century) Portrait of a European Nobleman, three-quarter, wearing the insignia and chivalric medals of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 199cm x 119cmSee Sold Price
SoldAn Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Vatican, circa 1940Halsdekoration mit transluzid rot emailliertem Ordenskreuz aus vergoldetem Silber, Trophäenagraffe. Mit Band. Breite 38 mm, Gewicht 29 g. Condition: IISee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRECommander`s Cross, 3rd Class, instituted after 1099. Neck Badge, 37 mm, gilt Silver, both sides enameled, original military trophy suspension device and ribbon. I Country: VATICANSee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHREVATICAN, Grand Cross Set for Orthodx Recipients, 1st Class, instituted after 1099. Sash Badge, 101x55 mm, gilt Bronze, one side enameled, original Orthodox Crown suspension device, loop and long sash.See Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHREVATICAN, Grand Cross Set for Ladies, 1st Class, instituted after 1099. Sash Badge, 82x54 mm, gilt Bronze, one side enameled, original bow suspension device and long sash. Breast Star, 83 mm, gilt andSee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRECountry: VATICAN Grand Officer's Star, instituted after 1099. Breast Star, 84 mm, Silver with diamond cut rays, superimposed parts gilt silver, enameled, reverse with marker's mark "G. Guccione, RomaSee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHREVATICAN, Miniature. Breast Badge, 26x23 mm, bronze, partially enameled. ISee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRECountry: VATICAN Miniature. Breast Badge, 26x23 mm, bronze, partially enameled. ISee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHREGrand Cross Case, 1st Class, instituted after 1099. Original Box of issue, 265x127 mm, Cardboard. II- Country: VATICANSee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE OF JERUSALEMCountry: VATICAN Collar of Merit of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Exceptional Class. Collar Badge, 52 mm, silver gilt, obverse enameled, original suspension ring, collar made of 23 links, gilt bronSee Sold Price
ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRECountry: VATICAN Commander`s Cross. Neck Badge silver gilt cross both sides enamelled trophy-suspension with enamelled Jerusalem Cross original long ribbon in case of issue with inscription and goldenSee Sold Price
ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Grand Officer's Set.Country: VATICAN Neck Badge, silver gilt, 50 mm, enameled, with original military trophy suspension device and nicely folded neck ribbon. Breast Star, silver with diamond cut rays, 87 mm, superimposedSee Sold Price
ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Grand Officer's Star.Country: Vatican City "Breast Star, silver with diamond cut rays, 84 mm, superimposed parts silver gilt, enameled, reverse with marker's mark "G. Guccione, Roma" and vertical thin pin In perfect condiSee Sold Price
SoldORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRECountry: VATICAN Knight's Cross Half-Size. Breast Badge 25 mm GOLD obverse enamelled original ring and ribbon. Minimal chips to enamel otherwise a very elegant and old badge of high jeweler's quality!See Sold Price
The Royal Hungarian high Chivalric Order of St. Stephen, the Apostolic KingLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
The Royal Hungarian high Chivalric Order of St. Stephen, the Apostolic KingLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
The United Order of St. Lazarus Our Lady of Mount CarmelLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Medieval Bronze Knight's Holy Sepulchre BadgeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Medieval Bronze Knight's Holy Sepulchre BadgeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
18 Booklets Collection - War Graves of Palestine - WWILevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Two Silver Souvenir Spoons - Jerusalem - 19th centuryLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
George Washington Signed 6x7.5 1787 Potomac Company Pay Order BAS SlabbedMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 23, 2024
A set of gilt copper and three holy Western BuddhasLC International Trading Company4.4(46)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024