SoldVarious Makers, Children's Toys, delivery van, farm andVarious Makers, Children's Toys, delivery van, farm and construction equipment, including:, Buddy L Marshall Field's & Co, (2) John Deere 8870 tractors, International 100 Hydro tractor, InternationalSee Sold Price
SoldChad Valley Delivery Truckextremely colorful lithographed tin van, clockwork, a wonderful promotional piece by Chad Valley By Appointment Toy Makers to H.M. the Queen, decorating the roof and frieze are images of various gamesSee Sold Price
SoldVarious Makers, Children's Toys, group lot of thirteenVarious Makers, Children's Toys, group lot of thirteen (13) advertising semi trucks with trailers, including:, Ertl: Cummins, Valspar, Quad Graphics, Mary Kaye, The Greenbrier; Nylint: Stokely USA, MiSee Sold Price
SoldMid 20th Century childrens toy farm, various die-castMid 20th Century childrens toy farm, various die-cast model vehicles, a Victory Alphabet play tray, childrens blackboard on an easel stand etcSee Sold Price
SoldBuddy L Wood Toy Milk Farms Delivery VanBuddy L, Wood Toy Milk Farms Delivery Van, ca. 1946. Model 372, white. Original condition comes with bottles and cans. 13 1/2 inches long.See Sold Price
SoldInteresting group of Farm Toys and Models from variousInteresting group of Farm Toys and Models from various makers. Generally Fair to Very Good. (10)See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY STORE JARS, LOT OF FOURPRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY STORE JARS, LOT OF FOUR, colorless, comprising three Mascotte and a "POMPEIAN / MASSAGE / CREAM" example. Various makers. Late 19th/first quarter 20th century. 3 1/2" HOA.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED EAPG CHILDREN'S TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED EAPG CHILDREN'S TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHT, blue and cobalt blue, comprising a Clear Diamond and Panels four-piece table set, and a Fernland four-piece table set. Various makers. FourthSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY STORE JARS, LOT OF FIVEPRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY STORE JARS, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, each square form with pressed stoppers. Various makers. Late 19th/first quarter 20th century. 2" to 3 1/2" HOA.Undamaged.Published: WhiSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED SAWTOOTH CHILDREN'S TOY TABLEASSORTED PRESSED SAWTOOTH CHILDREN'S TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHT, colorless, comprising a Sawtooth four-piece table set, and a Sawtooth Variation four-piece table set. Various makers. Fourth quarSee Sold Price
SoldASSOTED EAPG CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHTASSOTED EAPG CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHT, colorless and blue, including two Lion cups and saucers and a Liberty Bell creamer and covered butter dish. Various makers. Fourth quarter 19th/earlSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED EAPG CHILDREN'S TOY MUGS, LOT OF FOURASSORTED EAPG CHILDREN'S TOY MUGS, LOT OF FOUR, colorless, comprising two Drum, a James Garfield, and a Liberty Bell example. Various makers. Fourth quarter 19th/first quarter 20th century. 2" to 2 1/See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY CANDLESTICKS, LOTASSORTED PRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY CANDLESTICKS, LOT OF 14, colorless, including a pair of Wild Rose, a pair of Column, and a pair of Crystal examples. Various makers. Fourth quarter 19th/first quaSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED CHILDREN'S TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED PRESSED CHILDREN'S TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHT, colorless, comprising a Hawaiian Lei four-piece table set and a Two Band four-piece table set. Various makers. Fourth quarter 19th/first qSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY CANDLESTICKS, LOTASSORTED PRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY CANDLESTICKS, LOT OF EIGHT, colorless, including a pair of Westmoreland double-handled, a square crystal, and a pair of faceted examples. Various makers. Fourth qSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED CHILDREN'S TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED PRESSED CHILDREN'S TOY TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF EIGHT, colorless, comprising a Fancy Cut four-piece table set and a Twin Snowshoes four-piece table set. Various makers. Fourth quarter 19th/firsSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY CANDLESTICKS, LOTASSORTED PRESSED GLASS CHILDREN'S TOY CANDLESTICKS, LOT OF 15, various colors, including six figural angel, six star-form, and a ribbed example. Various makers. Fourth quarter 19th/first quarter 20thSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF 13ASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF 13, colorless, including a Nursery Rhyme eight-piece berry set, a Liberty Bell covered butter dish, and a Lion covered butter dish. Various makers. Fourth quarSee Sold Price
SoldSchoenhut And Other Vintage Children ToysOf various makers, and types of games. Condition below appropriate wear for age use.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF 15ASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF 15, colorless, including a Drum three-piece table set, three Rooster table articles, and a Nursery Rhyme seven-piece berry set. Various makers. Fourth quarterSee Sold Price
SoldMONK PRESSED CHILDREN'S TOY DRINKING ARTICLES, LOT OFMONK PRESSED CHILDREN'S TOY DRINKING ARTICLES, LOT OF 14, opaque white with gilt decoration and colorless, comprising a four-piece and six-piece stein set and four miniature steins. Various makers. LaSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF SEVENASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF SEVEN, colorless, including a Lamb creamer, a Drum creamer, and Grape Vine with Ovals covered butter dish and two creamers. Various makers. Late 19th/first quaSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED CHILDREN'S TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, comprising an Acorn creamer, a Drum covered butter dish and creamer, and a Lamb covered butter dish and creamer. Various makers. Late 19th/firSee Sold Price
Antique Turn of the Century Wooden Post & Rail Rear Wheel Toy WagonHoller and Hammer4.6(64)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Huge Lot of Loose Diecast and Plastic Vehicles and PartsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(615)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Danish Sterling by Various Makers Sterling Silver Child Set 2-pc 3-D 7"Bidhaus4.3(762)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Postmodern Wooden Tinker Toy Child's Chair, Store DisplayPUBLIC SALE4.7(226)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
13 pcs Vintage Children's Toys Assortment. Fisher-Price Pull-A-Tune 870 & Circus Train 991. SeeCrawford Family Auctions LLC4.6(122)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024
Approx. 40+ pcs Vintage Plastic Children's Toys Assortment. Fisher-Price Picnic Basket 677. SeeCrawford Family Auctions LLC4.6(122)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024