SoldVanishing Candelabrum. Glendale California, Loyd,Vanishing Candelabrum. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1945. A faux bronze candlestick with three burning candles vanishes from atop a thin wooden tray. Requires no assistants or special stage furniturSee Sold Price
SoldVanishing Candelabrum.Vanishing Candelabrum. Glendale California: Loyd, ca. 1945. Faux bronze candlestick with three burning candles vanishes from atop a thin wooden tray. Requires no assistants or special stage furniture;See Sold Price
SoldVanishing Candelabrum. Glendale: Loyd, ca. 1945. FauxVanishing Candelabrum. Glendale: Loyd, ca. 1945. Faux bronze candelabrum with three lit candles vanishes from atop a thin wooden tray; piece may be shown on both sides after the vanish. Spring rollerSee Sold Price
Sold221. Vanishing Radio. Loyd/Thayer, ca. 1945.221. Vanishing Radio. Glendale California, Loyd/Thayer, ca. 1945. A tube-type cabinet radio is covered with a decorative cloth and lifted from the table. When thrown in the air, it vanishes. Finely crSee Sold Price
SoldSpecial Bewitched Parasol. Glendale California, LoydSpecial Bewitched Parasol. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1940. Exquisitely crafted parasol for Mutilated Parasol trick in which the parasol's cover and a number of silk handkerchiefs change places. PSee Sold Price
SoldVanishing Candelabrum - LoydCirca 1945. Bronze-colored wood candelabrum with 3 lit candles vanishes from beneath a cloth. Well made. Tray may be freely shown after the vanish. Condition: Very good. Uncommon.See Sold Price
SoldCard in Balloon. Glendale California, Loyd [?]Card in Balloon. Glendale California, Loyd [?], ca. 1940. A card is selected and lost in the pack. The deck is placed on an oval metal tray and a balloon is inserted in a holder connected to the tray.See Sold Price
Sold170. Jumbo Rice Bowls. Loyd, ca. 1945.170. Jumbo Rice Bowls. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1945. Rice poured in to one bowl doubles in quantity, then is transformed into water. Brass bowls stand 5 ¾” high, with mouths 7 ¾” in diameSee Sold Price
Sold49. Improved Cocktail Shakers. Loyd, ca. 1945.49. Improved Cocktail Shakers. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1945. The magician produces virtually any drink named by his audience from two empty chromed cocktail shakers. Shakers stand 7 ½” high.See Sold Price
Sold68. Madison Die Box. Loyd, ca. 1947.68. Madison Die Box. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1947. Traditional sucker effect in which a die vanishes from the box and appears elsewhere. Unusual sliding double door which locks incorporated intSee Sold Price
Sold115. Humpty Dumpty Up-to-Date. Loyd, ca. 1940.115. Humpty Dumpty Up-to-Date. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1940. The tale of Humpty Dumpty is illustrated by transforming one custom-dyed handkerchief into another by passing them through an emptySee Sold Price
Sold205. Tom Thumb Chest. Loyd, ca. 1945.205. Tom Thumb Chest. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1945. A bird is placed into this small box. The box is disassembled one piece at a time, and the bird is vanished. Incorporates several clever subtSee Sold Price
Sold152. Four-Star Passe Passe Bottles. Loyd, ca. 1945.152. Four-Star Passe Passe Bottles. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1945. A ball and a bottle transpose magically under two metal tubes. Alternatively, a gimmick is included for the sucker Passe PasseSee Sold Price
Sold226. Visible 20th Century Silks. Lloyd, ca. 1948.226. Visible 20th Century Silks. Glendale California, Loyd, ca. 1948. Two handkerchiefs are seen in an open cabinet, tied together. A third is vanished. It then appears, visibly, tied between the twoSee Sold Price
SoldROBERT FRANK - Glendale, CaliforniaArtist: ROBERT FRANK Print Title: Glendale, California Medium: Sheet-fed Gravure Printing Date: 1958 Printed in France Image Size: 7.5 x 5 inches Robert Frank (b. 1924) is an American photographer andSee Sold Price
SoldGammatration/Cosmovision. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1945.Gammatration/Cosmovision. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1945. A jumbo card placed into a wooden slat frame is pierced with a needle, yet is entirely unharmed when removed from the frame. 11 ½” tall when asseSee Sold Price
SoldPrediction Chest. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1945.Prediction Chest. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1945. Hardwood chest bound in hammered brass, with small brass strongbox. Inside the two boxes sits a prediction of a newspaper headline or other event. IngeniousSee Sold Price
SoldFan to Cigar. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1945.Fan to Cigar. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1945. A fan of cards transforms into a thick, brown cigar in the blink of an eye. Wooden cigar 5” long. Very good.See Sold Price
162. Prediction Chest. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1950.162. Prediction Chest. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1950. Small hardwood and copper-bound chest inside of which sits a small brass box. Inside the two boxes sits a prediction of a newspaper headline or other eSee Sold Price
SoldHumpty Dumpty Dyeing of Silks. Glendale, LoydHumpty Dumpty Dyeing of Silks. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1938. The magician passes a white handkerchief through a paper tube and as it comes out the other end, a portrait of Humpty Dumpty has appeared on itSee Sold Price
SoldSand Canisters. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1943.Sand Canisters. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1943. A quantity of sand is poured into a large metal canister from a smaller canister until the large canister is overflowing. Even so, the magician can continuallSee Sold Price
Sold155. Phantom Flame. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1950. 155. Phantom Flame. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1950. The tip of a burning candle is pulled through a borrowed handkerchief without harming the fabric. Specially machined candle stands 7” high. Very good.See Sold Price
SoldMultiplying Candles. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1950.Multiplying Candles. Glendale, Loyd, ca. 1950. A lit candle multiplies magically while held at the magician’s fingertips. With original box (worn) and instructions. Hallmarked. Very good.See Sold Price
SoldGuinea Pig Box. Glendale: Loyd, ca. 1950. PaintedGuinea Pig Box. Glendale: Loyd, ca. 1950. Painted hardwood cage with steel bars holds a live guinea pig. The magician removes the animal from the cage and tears it to pieces, but thanks to the specialSee Sold Price
Wayne La Com "End of the Trail" Circa 1962 Signed OriginalMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A pair of wrought metal seven light candelabraAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A pair of Louis XV style gilt bronze candelabraAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Rare Shirley John Dine’ pictorial rug 59" x 111"California Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Panamint Polychrome Basket Birds and ButterfliesCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Edward H. Bohlin (1895-1980) Sterling Concho chapsCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011) Closed Form VesselCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011) Closed Form VesselCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011) Glazed Ceramic BowlCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011) Closed Form VesselCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Romanov Owned Karl Faberge Gold & Diamond PinCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Wayne La Com "End of the Trail" Circa 1962 Signed OriginalMichael's Gallery4.6(90)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024