Unsere Kriegsflotte.G. Wislicenus, Leipzig 1895. Textteil 46 S., 20 Chromolithotafeln nach Gemälden von Saltzmann, Schwinge und Stöwer. Mappe 43 x 58 cm, leicht beschädigt. Selten.See Sold Price
SoldWestfalian Hitlerjugend Offical Magazine "Unsere Fahne" With Anti-Semitic Content 1937Rare official magazine of the Hitlerjugend from Westfalia "Unsere Fahne" (Our Flag) with a very anti-Semitic cover depicting a wolf with sheep's skin holding a Jewish flag. It's the number 7 of 1937.See Sold Price
SoldUnsere Taktstrasse Kasten 1, VEB Traktorenwerk,Unsere Taktstrasse Kasten 1, VEB Traktorenwerk, SCHÖNBECK Baukasten, Orig.- Kart., reichhaltig Teile dazu, auf Vollständigkeit nicht geprüft, nicht alle Teile zum Baukasten gehörigSee Sold Price
Soldbook," Unsere beste Reklame war stets unsere Ware" bybook," Unsere beste Reklame war stets unsere Ware" by Robert Bosch GmbH," Motor Revue Heft 50, 1964," Motor Revue issue 80, 1971, Motor Revue 1973, Motor Revue issue 83, 1972,"Rennfahrer" by Hans RuesSee Sold Price
SoldErinnerungen an unsere Expedition nach China. SammlungCollection of 104 photographs (vintages, collodion prints) from a German expedition corps in China, 1900. Mounted in album with gilded title (slightly rubbed and bumped). - With photographs as listedSee Sold Price
SoldUnsere Baume book of prints by Franz Hein / AustriUnsere Baume book of prints by Franz Hein / AustrianSee Sold Price
SoldUnsere Wehrmacht Third Reich card gameH-099 "Unsere Wehrmacht". Third Reich military card game. Each card has photo scenes of the German military. With the original cardboard box. 5 3/8" x 3 7/8". IISee Sold Price
SoldM. Hohner Unsere Lieberlinge C-Key HarmonicaM. Hohner Unsere Lieberlinge C-Key Harmonica. Condition: Good usedSee Sold Price
SoldWWI IMPERIAL GERMAN KRIEGSFLOTTE SHIP FOLIO PRINTSFirst war German ship folio, contains seven 17x21 inch ship prints, some foxing to borders, otherwise good.See Sold Price
SoldGerman WWII book Unsere WehrmachtI-046 "Unsere Wehrmacht". Scarce 1941 pictorial w/color photos of the German Armed Forces. Includes an MG34 crew, combat scenes, paratroopers, etc. Cover shows some wear. 143 pages. Scarce. IISee Sold Price
SoldUnsere Feldgrauen und BlaujackenBilder von Richard Knštel, Text von Peter Fernau, Nr. 701 P, Verlag A. Molling & Comp. KG, Hannover o. J. (um 1915), Querformat 8, 6 kartonierte Bltter (inkl. Umschlag), mit acht ganzseitigen ChromolSee Sold Price
SoldFür Unsere KriegsgefangenenE. Weigand, 1914. 39.4 x 27.6 in / 100 x 70 cm. Imp. J. Sauer, Cond. B- / PSee Sold Price
Soldbook "Unsere Marine im Weltkrieg", 1914-1918, golEnglish Description: book "Unsere Marine im Weltkrieg", 1914-1918, gold relief print, complex, 500 pages, with many pictures, and comments of contemporary witnesses, good condition Deutsche BeschreibSee Sold Price
SoldUNSERE WEHRMACHT - EIN QUARTETT SPIEL CARD SETComplete unit of 48 cards in it's original box. Unit consists of 12 sets of four cards each. Extra card also included. Each card bears photo depicting some aspect of German Military along with brief dSee Sold Price
SoldThird Reich Postcards from Series of "Unsere Waffen-SS"Third Reich Postcards from Series of "Unsere Waffen-SS" Waffen SS postcard from the series Unsere Waffen-SS that were published byKunstverlag E.A.Schwerdtfeger & Co. AG., in Berlin during the Third ReSee Sold Price
Original poster Unsere Wehrmacht Nazi GermanyOriginal vintage poster: Unsere Wehrmacht - our armed forces. Most likely a daily calendar board. Image of a soldier, sailor and pilot. Cartoon on back with date 1936. Fair condition, bumps on cornersSee Sold Price
SoldFeininger, Lyonel: Kriegsflotte I"Kriegsflotte I". Holzschnitt auf hauchdünnem, weißem Japanbütten. 16,7 x 22,9 cm (Darstellung); 23,7 x 30 cm (Blattgröße). Signiert. Auflage 50 Ex. (1919). Prasse WSee Sold Price
SoldHess, KriegsflotteHess, Fleet, Germany pw, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., box, complete with dinghies + instruction, C 1-2See Sold Price
SoldNiederländisch, 17. Jh: Kriegsflotte vor einer St17. Jh. Kriegsflotte vor einer Stadt, bewaffneter Zweimaster im Vordergrund. Feder in Schwarz und Grau. 34,3 x 45,2 cm. Wz. Bekröntes Straßbuger Lilienwappen.See Sold Price
SoldPicasso, Pablo Picasso und unsere Zeit (Picasso etPicasso, Pablo Picasso und unsere Zeit (Picasso et notre temps). Plakat. 1946. Farbige Photolithographie auf glattem Papier. 36 x 51,5 cm (77 x 58 cm). - An der oberen Kante punktuell unter PassepartoSee Sold Price
SoldBastelboegen "Unsere Soldaten" Serie 1Cut Out Shut "Unsere Soldaten" Series 1, Germany pw, very good conditionSee Sold Price
Sold5 books, No. 1 "Das sind unsere Rennfahrer", by HoEnglish Description: 5 books, No. 1 "Das sind unsere Rennfahrer", by Hornickel, 1941, No. 2 "Das neue Motorsport-Jahrbuch", by Rosenhammer, 1956, No. 3 "Mein Mann der Rennfahrer", by Elly Rosemeyer-BSee Sold Price
SoldBergen, Claus: Rund um den See fraßen unsere PferKarl May. - Claus Bergen. Illustration zu "Satan und Ischariot Band II" (Karl Mays Gesammelte Werke Band XXI, Seite 145) Unser Zug erlitt also keine Unterbrechung, bis wir bei dem See ankameSee Sold Price
Propaganda Poster Austria Socialist Party Work VoiceAntikBar Original Vintage Posters4.5(110)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024