SoldUNION SOLDIERS BOUNTY: HANDWRITTEN LETTER222. [UNION BOUNTIES] An attorney responds to a question regarding soldiers' bounty entitlements. On ornate "C. G. Bruce Pension Bounty & Claim Attorney and Dealer in Real Estate" letterhead, Bruce wrSee Sold Price
Sold1862 UNION SOLDIER HANDWRITTEN LETTER, OCCUPIED NASHVILFolded 8 x 10 inch sheet, written half page, front and reverse, dated Dec. 26, 1862, from occupied Nashville.See Sold Price
SoldUNION SOLDIER'S HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER"THEY ARE DAILY CARRIED FROM OUR HOSPITALS TO THEIR COFFINLESS GRAVES"197. [UNION SOLDIER'S LETTER] A Union soldier of the 1st A.C. writes to a friend and colleague on New Year's Day describing theirSee Sold Price
SoldUNION 31ST IL SOLDIER HANDWRITTEN LETTER157. [CAMP WEBB] Union soldier identified only as "Dick" of the 31st IL Volunteers writes about camp life and war news to his friend James. Early ALS in pencil, 2pp, 5¼"x7½", Camp Webb, Chicago, SepSee Sold Price
Sold1864 Civil War Union LetterHand written letter by Union soldier Israel Hay Do. G 10th Pa. Inf. mentioning damage caused by Lee's troops during the Gettysburg Campaign. The letter is written on front and back of the paper and isSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Heirloom CIVIL WAR UNION SOLDIER EATING UTENSILDetails: A decoratively cased set of Civil War soldier's eating utensils. This folding set of eating utensils has been preserved in a glass windowed wooden case, which contains a handwritten letter sSee Sold Price
SoldFRAMED UNION CIVIL WAR SOLDIER BOUNTY DATED 1863An 1863 soldier bounty letter from Treasury Department granting compensation allowed, by Act July 22, 1861, to the widow of a fallen soldier. Measures 9.75 inches by 7.5 inches sight and 17 by 14 inchSee Sold Price
Sold1ST PA ARTILLERY SOLDIER HANDWRITTEN LETTER164. [1ST PA LIGHT ARTILLERY] Union soldier Mark O'Brien, Battery F, 1st PA, 2nd Corps writes to his friend Emma. Nice content. ALS, 2½pp, 4¾"x8", Camp Hancock near Washington, DC, Apr 14, 1864. O'BSee Sold Price
SoldUNION CIVILIAN'S HANDWRITTEN LETTER TO SOLDIER126. [UNION CIVILIAN'S LETTER] Sophia Simon writes to her cousin, a Union soldier identified only as "David." ALS, 3½pp with integral leaf, 4½"x7¼", n.p., Aug 15, 1864. In small part,See Sold Price
Sold3 handwritten letters (2 w/ Civil War content).[Civil War/Military] 3 handwritten letters. ++ “…from your brother William,” a Union soldier, to his siblings in Newport, RI. Sept. 1862. Mentions the funeral of Brig-Gen. Isaac Stevens “…thSee Sold Price
SoldCivil War, Letter to General Sickles, 1862Civil War Union LettersUnion Soldier Compliments General Daniel Sickles March 8, 1862, Union Soldier Compliments General Sickles, MD, Choice Very Fine. Handwritten letter of John Brittain of New JerseSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN CIVIL WAR SOLDIER'S LETTERS LOT.Lot of 18 handwritten letters, all from one Union Civil War soldier and dated from July 1863 to Sept. 1864. All either were written by (or pertain to) Union soldier Cleavland M. Kinney, w/16 addressedSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 15) Civil War ephemera group(lot of 15) Civil War ephemera group, consisting of (15) hand written letters from a Union soldier to his sister and his mother, letters date to Fort Albany, Arlington VA 1863; Fort Tillinghast, ArlinSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Archive of Civil War soldier LettersAn archive of 15 hand-written letters in either pen or pencil. Letters are from a Union soldier or soldiers home. Some ID'd with a full name, others just "Sam." Locations include the Holston River neaSee Sold Price
A UNION SOLDIER ON HIS BOUNTYAutograph Letter Signed, Henry Kerns." Two pages, 5" x 7 3/4". Camp 13 d. Ohio. Near Savannah, Georgia. January 7, 1865. Kerns writes to Mr. Samuel Pontins, in part: Uncle Sam I am going to send you aSee Sold Price
SoldA UNION SOLDIER ON HIS BOUNTYAutograph Letter Signed, Henry Kerns." Two pages, 5" x 7 3/4". Camp 13 d. Ohio. Near Savannah, Georgia. January 7, 1865. Kerns writes to Mr. Samuel Pontins, in part: Uncle Sam I am going to send you aSee Sold Price
SoldImportant archive of Civil War lettersHeading: (Civil War) Author: Grosh, John W., et al. Title: Archive of approximately 90 handwritten letters from John W. Grosh, a soldier in the Union Army, and from and between other family members duSee Sold Price
A Maine Volunteer Looks For His BountyWar-date Union soldier's Autograph Letter Signed, "William H. Broughton" (1846-1882) Sgt. Co. D, 16th Maine Vols., POW Weldon Railroad, 1p. octavo, on "The Union, The Constitution, and the EnforcementSee Sold Price
8TH MASS. GUARDS BOUNTY JUMPERS IN BALTIMORE8TH MASS. GUARDS BOUNTY JUMPERS IN BALTIMORE A good war-date Union soldier's letter, 3pp. 8vo., written by a member of the 8th Mass. Vols., Baltimore, Aug. 30, 1864. In part: "Émost of the company isSee Sold Price
Sold[CIVIL WAR] 20 WAR-DATE LETTERS, AND MOREIn large binder, many with typed or handwritten full or partial transcriptions, some with written content narratives or comments, includes a CSA letter, a small 8 letter archive of union soldier C E KSee Sold Price
GUARDING P.O.W.S AND STRINGING UP BOUNTY-JUMPERS BYGUARDING P.O.W.S AND STRINGING UP BOUNTY-JUMPERS BY THEIR THUMBS A good war-date Union soldier's letter, 4pp. 8vo., by musician Simon P. Fifield, Co. K, 2nd New Hampshire Vols., Point Lookout, Md., JaSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge B. McClellan - Union General: American Civil War - Autographed Letter (2pp. ALS)Details: George B. McClellan autographed hand-written letter (2pp. ALS). Near fine condition. George Brinton McClellan (December 3, 1826 – October 29, 1885) was an American soldier, Civil War UnSee Sold Price
Sold1863 Civil War Soldier LetterJuly 14, 1863 hand written fetter from Union Civil war soldier Frank P. Thompson (Wisconsin 16th Infantry "C" Company) to Amelia Grover of Dodge County, Wisconsin, letter mentions the meeting betweenSee Sold Price
1952 MAY, J.F.K. HANDWRITTEN LETTER & ENVELOPEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1952 ROBERT F. KENNEDY HANDWRITTEN LETTERJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
LEMOYNE "LEM" BILLINGS LETTERS to MS. HELEN KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1865 Confederate 1st/1st Rebel Prisons TORTURE Andersonville CIVIL WAR Union POWSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
John Whitmore (b. 1948), Raven with child, Mixed media on illustration board, 20" H x 15" WJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
4pc Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge Lithograph, Black Gold, Yellow Gold, SignedLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. A Trio of a Union Soldier’s Letters Home, Incl...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
James J. Corbett Signed 5.5x6.75 1932 Handwritten Letter Auto 9! BAS SlabbedMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. A northern preacher's letters concerning teaching soldiers from the 15thFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Archive identified to African American soldier William H. Wade, 20th US Colored Troops,Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
19th century European School, The Soldier's Letter, illegible signatureTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
HANDWRITTEN LETTER SIGNED JOHN SINGER SARGENT (1856-1925).Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Ten piece Civil War soldier and cannon groupBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Civil War Soldiers Confederate Union Soldier Cast Iron VintageAnnzstiques Auction House4.4(615)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Extremely Rare Handwriten and Signed LetterDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Abraham Lincoln Handwritten & Signed Discharge Note Dated March 3, 1864Dalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024