SoldUNDERWORLD - Hero "Beretta" PROP HandgunUNDERWORLD-Fight your way through the morass with this Hero, Screenused Black "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun Prop! (This movie prop is used by Selene in one or more of the Underworld films. The gun measures 1See Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) "Beretta"UNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION - Hero Black "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun Prop (measures 10" x 5" / made from resin / light weight / features real "Beretta" imprint and logo / this is a prop only and cannot be made tSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) "Beretta"UNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION - Hero Black "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun Prop (measures 10" x 5" / made from resin / light weight / features real "Beretta" imprint and logo / this is a prop only and cannot be made tSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - Hero "Beretta" MOVIE PROPUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - Fight your way through the morass with this Hero Black "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun Movie Prop! (measures 10" x 5" / made from resin / light weight / features real "Beretta" imprint aSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION Hero "Walther" PROP HandgunUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - A certified werewolf killer! Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" / made from resin / light weight / silver detail hand painted / features real "WaltSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION Hero "Walther" PROP HandgunUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - A certified werewolf killer! Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" / made from resin / light weight / silver detail hand painted / features real "WaltSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - Hero "Walther" PROP HandgunUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - A certified werewolf killer! Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" / made from resin / light weight / silver detail hand painted / features real "WaltSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - Hero "Walther" PROP HandgunUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - This hero prop gun was used by Selene in the film "Underworld: Evolution." It measures 7" x 5.25" x 1.25" and is made from hard foam rubber. The silver detail is hand painted. ISee Sold Price
SoldUnderworld: Evolution Beretta Hand Gun PropUnderworld: Evolution (2006) - Silver "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun screen used prop (gun measures 9" x 6" x 1"). Made from foam rubber, light weight. This is a prop only and cannot be made to fire in any waSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Silver "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun PropUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Silver "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun Prop (gun measures 9" x 6" x 1" / made from foam rubber / light weight / this is a prop only and cannot be made to fire in any way / hand painted siSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - Silver "Beretta" PROP GunUNDERWORLD EVOLUTION - Silver "Beretta" 9mm Hand Gun Movie Prop (gun measures 9" x 6" x 1" / made from foam rubber / light weight / this is a prop only and cannot be made to fire in any way / hand paiSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hand GunUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" / made from resin / light weight / silver detail hand painted / features real "WaltherSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hand GunUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" x 1.25" / made from hard foam rubber / includes built in laser attachment / silver detSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hand GunUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" x 1.25" / made from resin / includes built in laser attachment / silver detail hand paSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hand GunUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" / made from resin / light weight / silver detail hand painted / features real "WaltherSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hand GunUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hero Black & Silver "Walther" Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" x 1.25" / made from resin / silver detail hand painted / features real "Walther" impriSee Sold Price
UNDERWORLD Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hand GunUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Selene's (KATE BECKINSALE) Hero Black & Silver "Walther" P99 Hand Gun Prop (measures 7" x 5.25" x 1.25" / made from hard foam rubber / silver detail hand painted / features realSee Sold Price
SoldTranscendence Max Waters (Paul Bettany) Movie PropsMax Waters (Paul Bettany) screen used, hero, black rubber 'Beretta 9mm' handgun. (approx. 8 1/2" x 5 1/2")See Sold Price
Transcendence Max Waters (Paul Bettany) Movie PropsMax Waters (Paul Bettany) screen used, hero, black rubber 'Beretta 9mm' handgun. (approx. 8 1/2" x 5 1/2")See Sold Price
Underworld: Blood Wars Selene (Kate Beckinsale) HeroSelene's (Kate Beckinsale) screen used, hero plastic silver 9mm Beretta pistol with black safety, and grip. Berreta U.S.A Corp inscribed on barrel. Also used in Underworld: Awakening. This is a prop aSee Sold Price
Underworld: Blood Wars Selene (Kate Beckinsale) HeroSelene's (Kate Beckinsale) screen used, hero plastic silver 9mm Beretta pistol with black safety, and grip. Berreta U.S.A Corp inscribed on barrel. Also used in Underworld: Awakening. This is a prop aSee Sold Price
Underworld: Blood Wars Selene (Kate Beckinsale) HeroSelene's (Kate Beckinsale) screen used, hero plastic silver 9mm Beretta pistol with black safety, and grip. Berreta U.S.A Corp inscribed on barrel. Also used in Underworld: Awakening. This is a prop aSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD Hero Cleaner Bombs & Carrying CaseUNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION Hero Prop Bomb Carrying Case with 9 Cleaner Bombs (black heavy duty case measures 13" x 14" x 6" / buckle closure / padded adjustable shoulder strap / includes eight silver foamSee Sold Price
SoldUNDERWORLD Viktor's Hero Vampire Sword PropUNDERWORLD - Viktor's Hero Screenused Vampire Sword Prop (38.5" in total length / blade measures 1.5" in width and guard measures 8.5" wide / blade is polished aluminum / handle is made from resin / pSee Sold Price
JAPAN BATTERY OP AMERICAN AIRLINES PROP JET w/BOXMilestone Auctions4.7(1.7k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
UNDERWORLD: RISE OF THE LYCANS (2009) - Kosta's Armor with WhipPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024