SoldUnconfirmed Maker-Tin-small scale Armoured CarUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Georg Fischer & Co] Pre-War 1935 - Tin plate, small scale Panzerspahwagen [Armoured Car] - O/A L 6.5 x W 3 x H 3.5cm. Four wheeled Armoured car, Clockwork Powered [key prSee Sold Price
SoldSmall scale Panzerspahwagen [Armoured Car]Unconfirmed Maker [similar to Georg Fischer & Co] Pre-War 1935 - Tin plate, small scale Panzerspahwagen [Armoured Car] - O/A L 6.5 x W 3 x H 3.5cm. Four wheeled Armoured car, Clockwork Powered [key prSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker-Panzerauto-"Panzerspahwagen"Unconfirmed Maker - Panzerauto - "Panzerspahwagen" - [Armoured Car circa 1934], comprising: small scale [overall length 7.5cm] tin plate model has a semi-gloss 3 x tone pre-war camouflaged finish, tinSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed [German] Tin plate Armoured CarUnconfirmed [German] Maker, comprising: Tin plate Armoured Car [circa 1920's] - tin plate construction with tin printed detailing finished in light green & grey, fixed turret with 3 [non firing] fixedSee Sold Price
SoldA small scale Armoured Car (possibly Arnold)A small scale Armoured Car of unconfirmed manufacture (possibly Arnold) - clockwork operation, camouflage livery, lacks cab roof - otherwise Excellent example, 13cm.See Sold Price
SoldPre-War 1930 - Tin plate, half trackUnconfirmed German Maker, Pre-War 1930's - Tin plate, small scale half track type troop carrier - O/A L 11 x W 4 x H 4cm. Six wheeled Half Track [never issued with tracks] Troop Carrier [based on theSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker-Ambulance with TeamUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] Pre-War - Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Pferd gezeichneter Krankenwagen [Ambulance with Horse drawn Team] - O/A L 17 x W 6 x H 7cm. Two Horse Team, 2 x SeateSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker-Heavy Field Gun with TeamUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] Pre-War - Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Schwere Kanone [Heavy Field Gun with Horse drawn Team] - O/A L 20 x W 5 x H 6cm. Two Horse Team, 2 x Seated Gunners [See Sold Price
SoldPre-War-Tin plate, Ambulance & Horse drawn TeamUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] Pre-War - Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Pferd gezeichneter Krankenwagen [Ambulance with Horse drawn Team] - O/A L 17 x W 6 x H 7cm. Two Horse Team, 2 x SeateSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker-half track type troop carrierUnconfirmed Maker [possibly French] Pre-War 1930's - Tin plate, small scale half track type troop carrier - O/A L 11 x W 4 x H 4cm. Six wheeled Half Track [never issued with tracks] Troop Carrier [basSee Sold Price
SoldTinplate Field Kitchen with Horsedrawn TeamUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] 1910-16 - Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Gulashkannone [Field Kitchen with Horse drawn Team] - O/A L 10 x W 2.5 x H 6cm. One Horse Team, 1 x Seated Driver [GeSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker-1910-16-Field KitchenUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] 1910-16 - Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Gulashkannone [Field Kitchen with Horse drawn Team] - O/A L 10 x W 2.5 x H 6cm. One Horse Team, 1 x Seated Driver [GeSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker Supply Wagon with TeamUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] 1910-16 - Tin plate, small scale [2cm] Supply Wagon with Horse drawn Team - O/A L 10 x W 2.5 x H 5cm. Two Horse Team, 1 x Seated Driver [German 1914-16 unifSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker Gulashkannone [Field Kitchen]Unconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] 1910-16 - Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Gulashkannone [Field Kitchen with Horse drawn Team] - O/A L 10 x W 2.5 x H 6cm. One Horse Team, 1 x Seated Driver [GeSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker - Field Bakery TruckUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Georg Fischer & Co] Pre-War 1910 - 16 - Tin plate, small scale Field Bakery Truck - O/A L 11 x W 3 x H 5cm. Four wheeled Bakery Oven Truck, Tin plate construction, openinSee Sold Price
SoldTin plate, small scale [3cm] Forage WagonUnconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co], circa 1914, comprising: Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Forage Wagon with Horse drawn Team - O/A L 11 x W 2.5 x H 5cm. Two Horse Team, Seated Drivers [in FeldSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker-small scale Pontoon TruckUnconfirmed Maker [possibly Plank et Cie - similar to Georg Fischer & Co] Pre-War 1910 - 13 - Tin plate, small scale Pontoon Truck - O/A L 11 x W 3 x H 4cm. Four wheeled Pontoon Carrier Oven Truck, TiSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker-Schwere Kanone [Heavy Gun]Unconfirmed Maker [similar to Fischer & Co] Pre-War 1935 - Tin plate, small scale [3cm] Schwere Kanone [Heavy Field Gun with Horse drawn Team] - O/A L 20 x W 5 x H 6cm. Two Horse Team, 2 x Seated GunnSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed Maker - Rolls Royce Armoured CarsUnconfirmed Maker - Rolls Royce Armoured Cars, comprising: 2 x tin plate construction RR Armoured Cars as used by British forces in the First World War & inter War years. Each has rubber tyres, revolvSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed German Maker - small scale TankerUnconfirmed German Maker - small scale tinplate Tanker - blue body - black chassis - silver tank - lithographed detail - grey tin wheels - 'B.V' and 215 to sides - 4" in length - generally VG - no motSee Sold Price
SoldSmll Horse Drawn Supply Wagon - (German?)Unconfirmed German Maker - small scale Horse Drawn Supply Wagon - 2 grey Dapple Horses - 4-wheeled Covered Wagon - camouflage finish - grey tin tilt - 2 Orderlies - Excellent - minor scratches to tiltSee Sold Price
SoldTipp & Co - a small scale 8-wheeled Armoured CarTipp & Co - a smaller scale 8-wheeled Armoured Car with field communications antenna to top - green camouflage including balloon tinprinted tyres, 2 headlights to front and steerable front wheels, cloSee Sold Price
SoldSmll Garage + lithographed detail (German?)Unconfirmed German Maker - small scale Garage with lithographed detail - 3.25" long - lift up door - also same scale tinplate Coach - all Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldSmll Horse Drawn Military Wagon (German?)Unconfirmed German Maker - small scale Horse Drawn Military Wagon with Field Gun - 2 grey Dapple Horses - camouflaged finish - 2 Gunners - all Excellent.See Sold Price
Lincoln Toys Small Scale Garbage TruckMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(316)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024