19th Century Flow Blue Ironstone Platter by Royal DoultonPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
English Porcelain Figurines Incl. Majolica Palmer Cox Brownie, Royal Doulton, Etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Large Lot of Royal Doulton Figures & OthersWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Lot of England Royal Family Coronation Pieces.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
79 Piece Royal Doulton Porcelain Server in "Ascot" PatternNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Porcelain and Pottery FigurinesOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
8 Royal Doulton England Porcelain Indian Tree Bread & Butter Plates, circa 1910Taylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
SoldTwo Royal Doulton Figural MugsTwo Royal Doulton Figural Mugs, one signed Johnny Appleseed D6372, the other unsigned name, German tobacco jar, 6" x 7" largestSee Sold Price
Sold(2 Pc) Royal Doulton Figural MugsDESCRIPTION: Two Royal Doulton figural mugs composed of the following: - 1 Ship captain - 1 Smiling drunkard. Each is finished with gloss glazes and marked along the underside with Royal Doulton marksSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Large Royal Doulton Figural Mugs.Both with A marks. Dick Turpin (6" h) and Drake (6" h).See Sold Price
Sold(2 Pc) Miniature Royal Doulton Figural MugsDESCRIPTION: Two Royal Doulton diminutive mugs, Each with its own design finished with a gloss glaze. Marked along the underside "Made In England Royal Doulton". CIRCA: Mid-Late 20th Ct. ORIGIN: EnglaSee Sold Price
Sold3 Royal Doulton Toby Figural Mugs, BelleekGroup of Three Royal Doulton Toby Figural Mugs, one a lighter, and a figure of Falstaff; together with two Belleek bowls and a Royal Copenhagen bowl (7) {Height of Royal Copenhagen bowl 3 1/2 inches,See Sold Price
(2 Pc) Royal Doulton Figural Porcelain MugsDESCRIPTION: Two Royal Doulton porcelain mugs feature the following 1 "Oliver Twist" mug. Finished in an overall gloss glaze and marked with Royal Doulton backstamps along the underside. 1 "Auld Mac"See Sold Price
SoldTWO, DECORATIVE FIGURAL PORCELAIN OBJECTSEnglish, contemporary after the original by Staffordshire and Royal Doulton. Two figural porcelain objects including a jug form of Admiral Nelson (h. 11.5") and a figural Toby style mug (h. 5.5"). AppSee Sold Price
Sold(6) Beswick Figural Teapots & Two Toby MugsTo include six Beswick figural teapots and two small Royal Doulton Toby Mugs, largest measures 6.5"H.Property from Ethel Miller Siegel Trust, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.See Sold Price
Sold(6) Beswick Figural Teapots & Two Toby MugsTo include six Beswick figural teapots and two small Royal Doulton Toby Mugs, largest measures 6.5"H.Property from Ethel Miller Siegel Trust, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED FIGURINES AND MOREIncludes three Toby mugs (two are Royal Doulton, one is Royal Winton), Bavarian porcelain figure of Shepherd with sheep, composition girl figural bookend, pair of Goebel birds, bisque porcelain bulldoSee Sold Price
SoldMini Toby and figural groups(lot of 4) Consisting of two porcelain figural groups, (losses), and two miniature Toby mugs, Royal Doulton, Sam Weller and The Cavalier. Provenance: from the estate mansion in Beverly Hills of BenjamSee Sold Price
SoldFIGURAL POTTERY GROUPFourteen pieces, 20th century: two Dulwich figures, five Royal Doulton Toby mugs, three Glebe houses, pair of Japanese vases, and pair of European style figures; Most marked; Tallest: 10 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Figural Porcelain GroupingEnglish Figural Porcelain Grouping20th century, including two horse and rider figures; a miniature Royal Doulton "Gone Away" mug; a toby pitcher; and a lidded toby pitcher. Tallest 10.5 in. AdditionaSee Sold Price
SoldRoyal Doulton Figural MugsDESCRIPTION: A set of eight Royal Doulton, figural porcelain diminutive mugs. Each is finished in gloss glazes and marked along the undersides with Royal Doulton stamps. CIRCA: Early-Mid 20th Ct. ORIGSee Sold Price
SoldTWO ROYAL DOULTON MUGS, THE SNOWMAN BY RAYMOND BRIGGSWalking in the Air, The Party inspired by British holiday book. A group of two glazed ceramic Royal Doulton mugs, inspired by characters in the 1978 British children's book The Snowman by Raymond BrigSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Royal Doulton Mugs: Collectors International JohnTwo Royal Doulton Mugs: Collectors International John Beswick Limited. Auction Estimate $40-60.See Sold Price
3 Royal Doulton figural mugs, Tam O` Shanter, D6633 Royal Doulton figural mugs, Tam O` Shanter, D6632, 7"h and Lobster Man, D6617, 8"h and Old Salt, D6551, 7 1/2"hSee Sold Price
2 Royal Doulton figural mugs, Neptune, D6548, 7 1/2 Royal Doulton figural mugs, Neptune, D6548, 7 1/2"h and Capt. Ahab, D6500, 6 1/2"hSee Sold Price
Two Royal Doulton mugs - The GolferTitle: Two Royal Doulton mugs - The Golfer Author: ** Description: Two Royal Doulton figure mugs "The Golfer". Each approximately 8x7x6".The same pattern but from different issues, some variation in cSee Sold Price
Royal Doulton England NAPOLEON & JOSEPHINE MUG by Michael Abberley Lim. edition 488/9500 1985Auction Wallstreet4.5(49)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
7 Assorted Royal Doulton Fine Porcelain Figural Toby Mugs - Various SizesDonny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Group of 17 Royal Doulton Figural Porcelain PlatesMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of two Royal Doulton Stoneware Art Nouveau style Blue Vases.8064ADF Art, Inc.4.3(2)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Lot of Four Royal Doulton mugs/ Robinhood etc.Churchill Galleries3.7(216)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024