Two Project Mercury NASA ReportsTwo Project Mercury Reports Lot of two different soft-cover publications including "Mercury Project Summary including results of the Fourth Manned Orbital Flight" (1963, NASA SP-45, 444pp.) and "ProjeSee Sold Price
Two Project Mercury ReportsTwo Project Mercury Reports "Descriptive Synopsis of Project Mercury", (1962, NASA, 92 pp., soft cover, stapled.) This document was prepared for internal and contractor distribution at the special reqSee Sold Price
SoldProject Mercury Proposal to NASA, 1959Two early Project Mercury Proposals To NASA dated June 1959 from Western Electric, Bendix and IBM. The first is Volume I Management Proposal with 116 pages in 6 tabbed sections, and the second is VoluSee Sold Price
SoldNASA Book 1967 Project Mercury Environmental 1967,NASA Book 1967 Project Mercury Environmental 1967, "Technical History Of The Environmental Control System For Project Mercury" (NASA TN D-4126, 110pp., soft cover) "This report describes the evolutionSee Sold Price
Sold1963, "Project Mercury - A Chronology"1963, "Project Mercury - A Chronology" (NASA, SP-4001, 238pp., soft.) This report presents a a chronology of the important events of the Mercury program, including the critical decisions that were toSee Sold Price
SoldSet of 25 Project Mercury PhotosThese photos, taken by the official NASA engineering still photographer, were taken primarily for inclusion in NASA engineering reports rather than to be released to the public. Many of these photos wSee Sold Price
SoldNASA Book "DOD Support of Project Mercury" 1963 (DeNASA Book "DOD Support of Project Mercury" 1963 (Dept. of Defense, 79pp, soft cover). This report details the support given to NASA's Project Mercury by the Department of Defense between July 1, 1959See Sold Price
SoldSpace. IBM. NASA. Mercury Project.[SPACE]. 6 Titles (11 Vols). Reports prepared by IBM and submitted to NASA on the work it did under its contracts related to Project Mercury. 1961-62. 4 vols in hardcover binders, 2 in flexible reportSee Sold Price
Sold1959, Proposal to NASA Project MercuryLot of two different contractor proposals including "Proposal to NASA - Project Mercury Vol. I - Management Proposal" (116pp., soft cover) and "Proposal to NASA - Project Mercury Vol. II - Technical PSee Sold Price
Sold1963, 3 Mercury MA9 Mission ReportsThis lot is comprised of three mission reports: 1963, "Project Mercury, Preparation and Activities Plan for MA-9", (31 pp., soft cover, stapled.); 1963, "NASA Project Mercury Working Paper No 232, ManSee Sold Price
Sold1963, "Project Mercury - A Chronolgy, NASA SP-4001(238pp.,soft cover). This report presents a chronology of the important events of the Mercury program, including the critical decisions that were to affect the direction of the Mercury program as wellSee Sold Price
SoldProject Mercury - A Chronology, NASA SP-40001(238pp., soft cover). This report presents a chronology of the important events of the Mercury program, including the critical decisions that were to affect the direction of the Mercury program as welSee Sold Price
Sold"Project Mercury - A Chronology" NASA SP-4001 1963"Project Mercury - A Chronology" NASA SP-4001 1963 (38 pp., soft cover) This report presents a chronology of the important events of the Mercury program, including the critical decisions that were toSee Sold Price
Sold"Project Mercury - A Chronology" NASA SP-4001 19"Project Mercury - A Chronology" NASA SP-4001 1963 (38 pp., soft cover) This report presents a chronology of the important events of the Mercury program, including the critical decisions that were toSee Sold Price
Project Mercury Preparation & ActivitiesProject Mercury Preparation and Activities Plan for MA-9 Postlaunch Memorandum Report (1963, NASA, 31pp., soft cover, stapled.) This report outlines MA-9 Flight Evaluation Team assignments and the varSee Sold Price
NASA This New Ocean Comment Edition1965, Proof Copy of "This New Ocean: The History of Project Mercury" Vol. II and III (NASA, soft cover, stapled) Two of the three volume proof set of this important publication! Each one of these "comSee Sold Price
SoldNASA Mercury 2 Flight of Ham ReportThis lot includes Project MR-2 Mercury Information Plan, an 11 pp., transcript of the Press Conference following The Launch of Mercury-Redstone No. 2 and 9 official U.S. Air Force black and white photSee Sold Price
SoldScott Carpenter Signed Souvenir TypescriptSouvenir typescript detailing "The Flight of Aurora 7: The Fourth Manned Mission of Project Mercury," one page, 8.5 x 11, NASA letterhead, no date. In part: "With twenty-two minutes remaining in the tSee Sold Price
Sold1961, "Heat-Shield PerformanceDuring Atmospheric Entry of Project Mercury Research and Development Vehicle "Big Joe"" (NASA TM X-490, 62pp., hard). This hard bound, presentation copy of this report is in pristine condition. It disSee Sold Price
Lot of Three Mercury MA9 Mission ReportsLot of Three Mercury MA9 Mission Reports This lot is comprised of three mission reports: 1963, "Project Mercury, Preparation and Activities Plan for MA-9", (31 pp., soft cover, stapled.); 1963, "NASASee Sold Price
Sold1962 Project Mercury Report"Results of the Second United States Manned Orbital Space Flight" (1962, NASA SP-6, 107 pp., soft cover.) This public release document was produced from information contained in the official post-launSee Sold Price
1992, NASA Spinoffs Reports1992, "NASA Spinoffs: Thirty Year Commemorative Edition" (NASA, 118pp., soft cover, bound) This well illustrated two-part volume chronicles the major NASA projects and research breakthroughs over theSee Sold Price
Sold1979 DEKE SLAYTON SIGNED COVERSTwo early Space Shuttle event covers signed in blue ink by Project Mercury & ASTP Astronaut Deke Slayton. Also includes cover signed in blue ink by Mercury through Shuttle NASA program official WalterSee Sold Price
SoldProject Apollo Technical NotesGroup lot of 11 NASA Technical Note booklets and two NASA Contractor Reports, dating between 1962 and 1971. The NASA Technical Note booklets include the following titles (includes duplicates and one cSee Sold Price
Twenty Seven Monon Railroad Annual Operating Reports 1951-1970Rail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Eight Louisville, New Albany & Chicago and Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Annual ReportsRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Kashmir AGL GIA No Heat Sapphire 2.53cts Diamond Platinum RingMiami Auctions & Appraisals LLC 4.4(32)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A 19thC French Three-Piece Clock Garniture, by Marti, having a white dial with floral garland swags,Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Vintage Harry Winston Emerald Diamond Platinum RING 14.04 Carat Colombian AGLJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Group of Two Sunoco Mercury 2 Gallon Motor Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Brand: Breitling Model Name: Chronomat Reference: 81950 Movement: Automatic Dial shape: CircularSterling Vault Auctioneers4.3(12)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Pennsylvania Railroad and Tunnel Ephemera, 7 Pcs.Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025