SoldTwo Lionel No. 400 Rail Diesel Cars, in OBTwo postwar Lionel O gauge No. 400 Baltimore and Ohio RDC-1 Budd cars in original boxes with inserts, cars should clean to look C6-7. One box has a couple punctures in the unopened end, otherwise lookSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Lionel No. 400 RDC Budd cars, one OBTwo postwar Lionel O gauge No. 400 Budd Rail Diesel Cars, C6 area. One No. 400 OB, C7 shape w/some pencil writing.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 400 in OB, 400 and 404 B&O Budd RDC carsPostwar Lionel O gauge Baltimore and Ohio Budd Rail Diesel Cars, one in original box. Two 400 RDC-1 cars and one 404 RDC-4. Trains look nice C6 and will clean and polish to look slightly better. 400 OSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Postwar 400 Rail Diesel Budd Car OBLionel postwar 400 B & O Rail Diesel Budd car with instruction sheet in OB that has an original cardboard insert, C7. The OB has all flaps attached.See Sold Price
Lionel No. 400 and 404 Rail Diesel Cars in OBLionel postwar O gauge No. 400 and 404X Rail Diesel Cars in original boxes with inserts. Trains have spots of surface rust on undersides, shells look C6+. 400 box shows marker writing, skinning to oneSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 400 B & O Rail Diesel Car MINT BoxedLionel postwar 400 Baltimore and Ohio rail diesel car in OB with original insert, instruction sheet and Lionel paper wrap. The car has never been run, C8-9. OB is sealed on one end and is solid and sqSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 400 B&O BUDD RDC-1 Motorized Diesel MIBLionel postwar 400 Baltimore & Ohio BUDD RDC-1 motorized passenger Rail diesel car in OB with original cardboard insert and instruction sheet. The BUDD car has been test run, C9. The OB is sealed on oSee Sold Price
Lionel 400 B&O BUDD RDC-1 Motorized Diesel OBLionel postwar 400 Baltimore & Ohio BUDD RDC-1 motorized passenger Rail diesel car in OB with original cardboard insert wrap and instruction sheet. The BUDD car has light run time, C7-8. The OB is hasSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Postwar 400 B&O Rail Diesel Car BoxedLionel postwar 400 Baltimore and Ohio rail diesel car with instruction sheet in OB that has an original cardboard insert. Car is C7. The OB has all flaps attached and has some staining.See Sold Price
SoldLionel No. 400 B&O Budd RDC car in OBPostwar O gauge Lionel No. 400 Baltimore and Ohio Budd Rail Diesel Car in original box, C6. Box with insert looks C8-9.See Sold Price
SoldLionel No. 400 Budd RDC-1 powered unit in OB w/insertPostwar Lionel O gauge No. 400 Budd RDC-1 Rail Diesel Car powered unit in original box with insert, very nice C6. Box is more C7 in appearance, but more C8 in shape and integrity, C7-8.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 400 Baltimore and Ohio Budd RDC-1 in OBPostwar Lionel O gauge 400 Baltimore and Ohio Budd Rail Diesel Car RDC-1, very lightly run in original box with insert and wrapping paper. Train should clean and polish C6-7. Box looks C9 area.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 38313 B&O Budd RDC 2 Pack MINT BoxedLionel 38313 B & O Budd RDC two pack containing 400 rail diesel car and No. 2550 Budd baggage passenger car factory new in OBs with master carton, outer shipping carton and certificate of authenticitySee Sold Price
SoldLionel No. 400 B&O Budd RDC-1 in OBPostwar Lionel O gauge No. 400 Baltimore and Ohio Budd Rail Diesel Car 1, should clean C7 area. Box has a wrinkled flap corner, O/W C7.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 400 Baltimore and Ohio RDC Budd in OBPostwar Lionel O gauge No. 400 Baltimore and Ohio Budd Rail Diesel Car in original box, C6+. Box has some wear to flaps. No missing flaps.See Sold Price
SoldLionel No. 400 B&O Budd RDC-1 passenger in OBPostwar Lionel O gauge No. 400 Baltimore and Ohio Budd RDC Rail Diesel Car passenger unit C6, in original box C8.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 400 B&O BUDD RDC-1 Motorized Diesel LN OBLionel postwar 400 Baltimore & Ohio BUDD RDC-1 motorized passenger Rail Diesel in OB with original cardboard insert. The BUDD car is C8. The OB is sealed on one end, C9.See Sold Price
SoldLionel B&O Silver Passenger Cars - 6 [133109]This is a collection of 6 Lionel Baltimore and Ohio Rail Diesel Passenger Cars. #400, #404, #2550 and 3 cars marked #2559. Two are the rarer self-propelled varieties. Passenger silhouettes.Date: 1957-See Sold Price
Lionel 400 B&O BUDD RDC-1 Motorized Diesel LN OBLionel postwar 400 Baltimore & Ohio BUDD RDC-1 motorized passenger Rail Diesel in OB with original cardboard insert. The BUDD car has been test run and is C8. The OB is a brick and is sealed on one enSee Sold Price
Four Lionel postwar freight cars, two OBLionel postwar O gauge freight cars with two original boxes, C7-8. 6464-900 New York Central boxcar, 6362 rail truck car, 6464-400 Baltimore and Ohio boxcar w/OB and 6536 Minneapolis and Saint Louis hSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 400 B&O Budd Rail Diesel CarLionel postwar 400 Baltimore & Ohio Budd rail diesel car with instruction sheet, C6.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Lionel 6362 rail truck cars in OBTwo Lionel 6362 rail truck cars in original boxes with loads, C6. Boxes are square and solid with tape repaired and missing flaps. Cars are two different color variations.See Sold Price
SoldLionel post war #400 B&O rail diesel car with original boxLionel post war #400 B&O rail diesel car with original boxSee Sold Price
SoldLionel post war #400 B&O rail diesel car with original boxLionel post war #400 B&O rail diesel car with original boxSee Sold Price
Texas Special Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Lionel-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Two Lionel postwar O military cars 6814 3665Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Two Lionel postwar O freight cars in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Two Lionel postwar O 6464 box cars in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Two Lionel postwar O 6464 box cars in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American Flyer wide gauge passenger set with orange 4000 electric locomotive with OBToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-17708 CP Rail 40-Ton Stock Car w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-19674 Lionel Mines Platinum Bank Car w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-19880 Lionel Lines Searchlight Car w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-19880 Lionel Lines Searchlight Car w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-26782 Lionel Lion Bobbing Head Car w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-39447 Lionel Lines #6561 Cable Reel Car w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024