A VERY RARE CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL INCENSE BURNERBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
SARAH COYNE DECORATED ROOKWOOD POTTERY VASEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Rookwood Valentien Art Pottery VaseSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Chinese Export Famille Jaune Porcelain Vase LampsPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Jacques Sicard for Weller Pottery Iridescent VaseAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Kataro Shirayamadani, ROOKWOOD Pottery VasePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Art Deco Vaseline Uranium Glass Vase 1930' H.Hoffmann ( No reserve price )Art Glass Store4.5(61)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Wedgwood Fairyland Lustre Malfrey Pot, Sycamore TreeLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chinese White Jade Dragon Censer Incense BurnerHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Chinese Blue And White Vase With Double Ring Six Character MarkRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldTWO KOREAN GREY POTTERY VASES. Silla period. - 7 iTWO KOREAN GREY POTTERY VASES. Silla period. One ovoid, one square with rounded shoulders - 7 in. (17.8 cm.) high.See Sold Price
TWO KOREAN GREY POTTERY VASES. SillaTWO KOREAN GREY POTTERY VASES. Silla period. One ovoid, one square with rounded shoulders - 7 in. (17.8 cm.) high.See Sold Price
TWO KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. SillTWO KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. Silla period. Comprising an ewer and a vase - Larger: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) high.See Sold Price
A KOREAN GREY POTTERY VASE. Silla perA KOREAN GREY POTTERY VASE. Silla period. Of globular form with pierced high foot - 8 1/2 in. (21 cm.) high.See Sold Price
SoldTHREE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. Silla period. -THREE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. Silla period. Comprising two stem bowls and one large cup, each with pierced foot - Largest: 6 1/2 in. (16.5 cm.) high, 7 3/4 in. (19.6 cm.) diam.See Sold Price
Two Korean Goryo Dynasty Porcelain VasesTwo Korean Goryo Dynasty Porcelain Vases: One Brown Bowl/Vase; One Grey Pottery Bottle Vase H: 8 InchesSee Sold Price
Two Korean Goryo Dynasty Porcelain VasesTwo Korean Goryo Dynasty Porcelain Vases: One Brown Bowl/Vase; One Grey Pottery Bottle Vase H: 8 InchesSee Sold Price
THREE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. SillTHREE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. Silla period. Comprising two stem bowls and one large cup, each with pierced foot - Largest: 6 1/2 in. (16.5 cm.) high, 7 3/4 in. (19.6 cm.) diam.See Sold Price
FIVE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. SilFIVE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. Silla period. Comprising three cups and two stem bowls - Largest: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) high.See Sold Price
THREE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. SiTHREE KOREAN GREY POTTERY VESSELS. Silla period. Comprising two stem bowls and one large cup, each with pierced foot - Largest: 6 1/2 in. (16.5 cm.) high, 7 3/4 in. (19.6 cm.) diam.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Early Asian Pottery VesselsTwo Early Asian Pottery VesselsTwo Early pottery vessels: Korean Silla Dynasty bottle vase with wide rim and cord marked design, some natural ash glaze (repair); together with a probably Chinese graySee Sold Price
SoldThree Korean Pottery Bottle Vases(Lot of 3) Korean ceramic bottle vases, consisting of two Silla bottles the first with a dished mouth on a short splayed neck above a tapering ovoid body (chips); the second with a similar dished rimSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Early Korean Pottery VesselsTwo Early Korean Pottery VesselsTwo early Korean pottery vessels: bottle form with wide rimmed mouth; and an ovoid vase with slightly flared rim (some wear to both), both probably late Silla/early KorSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Antique Korean Pottery VasesTwo antique Korean pottery vases, including: celadon glazed, of squat ovoid form with raised rim; together with grey-black glazed, of ovoid form with raised rim; H: 13" (tallest, approx.)See Sold Price
Two Antique Korean Pottery VasesTwo antique Korean pottery vases, including: celadon glazed, of squat ovoid form with raised rim; together with grey-black glazed, of ovoid form with raised rim; H: 13" (tallest, approx.)See Sold Price
Sold5th C. Korean Silla Kingdom Pottery Kobae VaseEast Asia, Korea, Silla Kingdom, ca. 5th to 6th century CE. A rare example of a high-fired grey stoneware vase known as a "kobae" for its openwork tall conical foot. The body of the vase expands rapidSee Sold Price
5th C. Korean Silla Dynasty Pottery Kobae VaseEast Asia, Korea, Silla Dynasty, ca. 5th to 6th century CE. A fine example of a high-fired grey stoneware vase known as a kobae for its tall, openwork foot. The body of the vase expands rapidly to a nSee Sold Price
Sold5th C. Korean Silla Dynasty Pottery Kobae VaseEast Asia, Korea, Silla Dynasty, ca. 5th to 6th century CE. A fine example of a high-fired grey stoneware vase known as a kobae for its tall, openwork foot. The body of the vase expands rapidly to a nSee Sold Price
SoldKorean Silla Kingdom Pottery Kobae VaseEast Asia, Korea, Silla Kingdom, ca. 5th to 6th century CE. Wow! A stunning, rare example of a high-fired grey stoneware vase in a style known as a "kobae" for its openwork tall conical foot. The bodySee Sold Price
SoldKorean Silla Kingdom Pottery Kobae VaseEast Asia, Korea, Silla Kingdom, ca. 5th to 6th century CE. Wow! A stunning, rare example of a high-fired grey stoneware vase in a style known as a "kobae" for its openwork tall conical foot. The bodySee Sold Price
Two gray pottery vasesPossibly Korean Silla Dynasty, comprising one with a bulbous body and one with a tapering neck, 2 pieces Larger: 9" H x 5.75" Dia.See Sold Price
SoldKorean Silla Stoneware Pot, 5th/6th CKorean grey stoneware ceramic pot, Three Kingdoms period, Silla Kingdom, 5th/6th century AD, the globular body supported on a tall flaring pedestal foot with two registers of squared cutouts, the tallSee Sold Price
SoldKorean Gray Pottery Pot, Silla DynastyKorean gray pottery pot with incised decoration, Silla Dynasty, of compressed ovoid shape with three incised registers of geometric design on the shoulder and encircling the waisted neck with two horiSee Sold Price
SoldSILLA DYNASTY 6th-9th KOREAN EARTHENWARE JARKorean 6th-9th Earthenware pottery storage jar. In good condition, though there are two small chips on the lip.See Sold Price
3 pc French & Belgian Art PotterySchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Two (2) Glazed & Painted Artisan Pottery Vases (Signed).Magnusson Art Group4.5(50)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Two Studio Pottery Painted and Incised Stoneware VesselCV Auction LLC4.4(34)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
TWO WELLER POTTERY VASES First Half of the 20th Century Heights 4.5" and 9.5".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
TWO ROSEVILLE POTTERY VASES First Half of the 20th Century Heights 8" and 8.5".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
TWO ROSEVILLE POTTERY VASES First Half of the 20th Century Heights 6".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
TWO ROSEVILLE POTTERY VASES First Half of the 20th Century Heights 4" and 5".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Early two toned art pottery flower vase signed USABaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antique Korean Basket Weave Celadon & Vase PotteryPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024
Italian Modern Gli Etruschi Art Pottery Vases, 3Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025