SoldTwo Groups of Ancient Bronze ToolsTwo Groups of Ancient Bronze ToolsTwo framed displays of ancient bronze objects, including several probably used for surgery and all probably Peruvian; all attractively patinated (some typical flaws);See Sold Price
SoldGroup Of Eleven Ancient Weapons / Tools / and PrGroup Of Eleven Ancient Weapons / Tools / and Projectile Points. The two war hammers andSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF 7 ANCIENT ROMAN BRONZE MEDICAL TOOLSGroup of 7 Ancient Roman Bronze medical tools,100 AD. Intact Provenance: Private NYC collector length: 5.5in. good condition.See Sold Price
Sold2 Ancient Chinese style bronze vessels.A group of two Ancient Chinese style bronze vessels. ++ Bronze jue, ritual wine vessel. Decorated with Taotie face masks, supported by tripod base. 8 1/2" x 7" x 3 1/8". ++ Bronze ding. Decorated withSee Sold Price
Sold30 Ancient bronze and glass artifacts.A group of thirty ancient bronze and glass artifacts including weapons tips/ blades, bowls, decorative objects, bells, and tools. Largest: 11 3/4" x 1 3/4" x 1/8". Smallest: 1" x 1".See Sold Price
SoldAncient Indian Bronze GroupNortheast India, Pala Dynasty, ca. 11th century. A fine bronze statue of Uma-Mahesvara with tiny figures of the couple's vehicles, their two sons, and a donor at bottom front corner. MEASUREMENTS HeigSee Sold Price
SoldTWO CARVED ANCIENT FIGURESThis group consisits of a bronze ancient General figure and a wood ancient civilian figure, H:17.5cmSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Cast Bronze & Wooden Emperor/ Warrior FiguralA group of two 20th century Chinese cast and wooden figures one being cast bronze depicting an ancient chinese warrior in uniform posing and the other a wood carving painted gold depicting an ancientSee Sold Price
SoldA FRAMED GROUP OF TEN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN FAIENCE ANDA FRAMED GROUP OF TEN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN FAIENCE AND BRONZE JEWELRY ITEMS, CIRCA 600 BC - AD 600, comprising a blue faience seated Isis amulet, a pale bluish green faience mumiform ushabti, two blue faiSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Pala Period Bronze Group (11-12th C)Ancient Pala Period Bronze Statue (11-12th Century) -- Two Figures Size: 3.5" High (P45)See Sold Price
SoldAncient Greek Coins - Bronze Fraction Group [6]Circa 350-1 BC. Group comprising issues of: Thessaly, Athens and other regions including reverses with horse grazing, bunch of grapes and two with owls. 12.33 grams total. ("). [6, No Reserve]See Sold Price
SoldNine Ancient Bronze Knives & PointsMediterranean and Europe, ca. 500 BC - 100 AD. Including two small knives, the largest an unusual type with tubular bronze handle, reputedly Celtic, the other Roman, and a group of several spear and aSee Sold Price
SoldA NORTH AFRICAN & SINO-TIBETAN CULTURE METAL GROUPA NORTH AFRICAN AND SINO-TIBETAN CULTURE METAL WARES GROUP, ANCIENT TO SEMI-MODERN ERA. 12 pieces comprising an ancient relic rams head cast bronze terminal decoration, bronze ram effigy, two small brSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Indian Bronze FiguresSouth India, ca. 18th century. Consisting of two Vishnu groups, the larger with the standing Vishnu fronted by the two Devis, the smaller with seated Lakshmi Narayana group. From a lifetime MassachuseSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Vietnamese Bronze Situla Vessel 8.5''x8.5''.Ancient Vietnamese Bronze Situla Vessel 8.5''x8.5''. Also called a thap this vessel has a bucket or urn form with two handles at sides. Some edge repairs and chipping. 100BC to 100AD, Dong Son CultureSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF 7 ROMAN BRONZE MEDICAL TOOLS , 100AD -300GROUP OF 7 ROMAN BRONZE MEDICAL TOOLS , 100AD -300AD Length: 4.25 - 6.5in.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Canaanite Bronze Axe Heads**First Time At Auction** Ancient Near East, Canaan, the Levant, Middle Bronze Age II, ca. 1900 to 1550 BCE. A beautiful group of two cast-bronze ceremonial axe heads. Each axe is comprised of an ovoiSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Indian Bronze GroupsSouth and East India, ca. 17th century. Two Uma Maheshvara groups, the larger figure flanked by figures of their two sons, Ganesh and Kartika. From a lifetime Massachusetts collection. MEASUREMENTS HeSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Vietnamese Situla Bronze Vessel 9''x9.25''.Ancient Vietnamese Situla Bronze Vessel 9''x9.25''. Also called a thap this vessel has a bucket or urn form with two handles at sides. Scattered top edge chipping and some cracking. 100BCE to 100CE, DSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Ancient pottery, metalware & glassA collection of pottery, metalware and glass antiquities and reproductions Etruscan, Roman and others Comprising 30 votive heads, a group of two seated figures, a bronze figure of a youth, a cup decorSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF ANTIQUE BRONZE POWDER FLASKS HOOKAH POTA lot of two antique hand crafted brass powder flasks and a miniature hookah pot. Circa: late 19th century. The mango shaped wares are adorned with floral, foliage, and geometrical ornaments. A pair oSee Sold Price
Signed Original Ancient Grecian women Bronze Sculpture Marble BaseHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Louis Robert Carrier-Belleuse tall antique signed Bronze - dated 1903Collective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Ancient JuUDAEA Two Bronze Coins of Procurator Antonius FelixGaia Auctions4.4(65)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024