Scarce Durgin Gorham Large Sterling Silver Swan Figural Repousse Center PieceHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Early English Shadowboxes with Staffordshire Porcelain DalmatiansPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
GROUP OF NEW ENGLAND COUNTRY PRIMITIVE TREENWAREJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Large Austrian Vienna Secession Silver CandelabrumKavanagh Auctions4.6(307)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PR GILT BRONZE MOUNTED CHINESE BOTTLE VASESThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PAIR OF 19th CENTURY MEISSEN CANDELABRALewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Sevres Gilt Bronze and Porcelain CandelabrasAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Great Pair Of Solid Bronze 24" Candelabras With Cupids And LionsRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldTwo Etruscan terracotta votive feetTwo Etruscan terracotta votive feet circa 3rd-2nd century BCE approximate height 6 1/2in (16.5cm); length 8 1/2in (21.5cm); depth 4in (10cm)See Sold Price
Large/Fine Etruscan Terracotta Votive Foot - Lifesize!Etruscan, ca. 3rd century BCE. A naturalistically modelled, hollow cast right foot on an integral plinth that mirrors the shape of the foot. Revealing a penchant for naturalism, the toes, toenails, anSee Sold Price
Etruscan Terracotta Votive Foot Wearing SandalItaly, Etruscan culture, ca. 500 to 264 BCE. A hollow pottery foot, shown wearing a sandal with thin straps, of slender appearance and with a long big toe. The Etruscan people, similar to many ancientSee Sold Price
A well-detailed Etruscan terracotta votive footA well-detailed Etruscan terracotta votive foot, 3rd - 2nd Century BC, nicely modeled in micaceous clay, the bottom flat.1 5/8 x 3 in (4.2 x 7.6 cm). Ex collection of Moshe Dayan, Israel; Ex Harvith cSee Sold Price
An Etruscan terracotta votive footAn Etruscan terracotta votive foot, c. 4th - 3rd Century BC, life-sized and anatomically correctly on integral base. 10 x 5 1/2 in (25.4 x 14 cm). Well-preserved with light deposits. Ex Harold WhitbecSee Sold Price
Etruscan Terracotta Votive Foot Wearing SandalItaly, Etruscan culture, ca. 500 to 264 BCE. A hollow pottery foot, shown wearing a sandal with thin straps, of slender appearance and with a long big toe. The Etruscan people, similar to many ancientSee Sold Price
Etruscan Terracotta Votive Foot Wearing SandalItaly, Etruscan culture, ca. 500 to 264 BCE. A hollow pottery foot, shown wearing a sandal with thin straps, of slender appearance and with a long big toe. The Etruscan people, similar to many ancientSee Sold Price
An Etruscan terracotta votive footAn Etruscan terracotta votive foot, c. 4th - 3rd Century BC, life-sized and anatomically correctly on integral base. 10 x 5 1/2 in (25.4 x 14 cm). Well-preserved with light deposits. Ex Harold WhitbecSee Sold Price
Etruscan Terracotta Votive Foot Wearing Sandal**Originally Listed at $750** Italy, Etruscan culture, ca. 500 to 264 BCE. A hollow pottery foot, shown wearing a sandal with thin straps, of slender appearance and with a long big toe. The Etruscan pSee Sold Price
An Etruscan terracotta votive footAn Etruscan terracotta votive foot, c. 4th - 3rd Century BC, life-sized and anatomically correctly on integral base. 10 x 5 1/2 in (25.4 x 14 cm). Well-preserved with light deposits. Ex Harold WhitbecSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUITIES: Seventeen pieces of pottery and carvings,ANTIQUITIES: Seventeen pieces of pottery and carvings, details include: Etruscan terracotta votive foot, naturalistically rendered but fragmented; Roman green glass bottle; Pre Columbian pottery bowlSee Sold Price
Highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right footA highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right foot, 3rd - 2nd Century BC, naturalistically modeled with detailed knuckles and nail and resting on a plinth the shape of the bottom of the foot. 7 xSee Sold Price
A highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right footA highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right foot, 3rd - 2nd Century BC, naturalistically modeled with detailed knuckles and nail and resting on a plinth the shape of the bottom of the foot. 7 xSee Sold Price
Highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right footA highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right foot, 3rd - 2nd Century BC, naturalistically modeled with detailed knuckles and nail and resting on a plinth the shape of the bottom of the foot. 7 xSee Sold Price
A highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right footA highly detailed Etruscan terracotta votive right foot, 3rd - 2nd Century BC, naturalistically modeled with detailed knuckles and nail and resting on a plinth the shape of the bottom of the foot. 7 xSee Sold Price
SoldEtruscan Terracotta Foot VotiveItaly, Etruscan culture, ca. 400 to 264 BCE. A hollow pottery foot of slender appearance and with a long big toe. The Etruscan people, similar to many ancient Mediterranean cultures, had a tradition oSee Sold Price
Etruscan Terracotta Foot Votive**Back at auction due to non-paying bidder** Italy, Etruscan culture, ca. 400 to 264 BCE. A hollow pottery foot of slender appearance and with a long big toe. The Etruscan people, similar to many anciSee Sold Price
SoldETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA RIGHT FOOT VOTIVE HIGH DETAILEtruscan (4th - 2nd Century BCE) terracotta right foot votive, high detail, hollow bottom. Measures 9.5 inches long and almost 6 inches tall. Very good condition.See Sold Price
Sold5 Etruscan terracotta votive objectsA group of 5 Etruscan terracotta votive objects, c. 5th - 4th Century BC. Lot includes a bare right foot, part of a hand, an eye, a jar and a boar. The hand with some losses, each with earthen depositSee Sold Price
SoldA trio of Etruscan terracotta votives in the formEtruria, 5th – 4th Century BC. A trio of Etruscan terracotta votives in the form of a hand and two sacrificial animals. Lengths 3 5/8", 3 7/8" & 4 ¾". Ex Leighton Wilkie collection. Included is a rSee Sold Price
5 Etruscan terracotta votive objectsA group of 5 Etruscan terracotta votive objects, c. 5th - 4th Century BC. Lot includes a bare right foot, part of a hand, an eye, a jar and a boar. The hand with some losses, each with earthen depositSee Sold Price
Sold6 Etruscan votive objects - human body partsA group of 6 Etruscan terracotta votive objects in the form of human body parts, c. 5th - 4th Century BC. Lot includes a bare left foot, a right hand, a right ear, an eye, a breast and a phallus. TheSee Sold Price
ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA FOOTCa. 300 BC. Etruscan. A moulded, naturalistically modelled, votive terracotta foot with delineated toenails set on a high sole. The practice of creating and dedicating anatomical renderings as votiveSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN AND ETRUSCAN ITEMSROMAN AND ETRUSCAN ITEMS; Two Roman marble male heads, age uncertain; Etruscan terra cotta votive in the shape of a foot, 3rd/2nd c. BC; Largest: 10''See Sold Price
Greek Geometric Terracotta Piriform Jar with HandlesTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Etruscan Terracotta Warrior Statue Leg FragmentTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Ancient Ceramic Pottery Vessel and Bowl 2pc. LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
An Antique Gold-Gilt Enamelled Terracotta Votive Amulet, Indo-HimalayanThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Terracotta Group ''French-Italian Alliance''Dr. Fischer Fine Art Auctions4.5(110)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Two Etruscan Majolica Mythological PlatesStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Nancy Michael-Susaneck (Contemporary/New Orleans), Two Terracotta Cculptures, 20th c., Taller- H.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024