SoldSix Chinese Overlay Glass Snuff BottlesComprising, three with flowers on black ground; two on snowflake glass ground; the sixth, with a lotus flower on white ground. Tallest, H. 3 in.See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Six Peking Glass Snuff Bottles, HeightA Group of Six Peking Glass Snuff Bottles, comprising two foliate overlay examples, a green glass example with white molded handles, a bottle of tapering form with black overlay decoration and two othSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese overlay Peking glass snuff bottlesA yellow background peking glass snuff bottle with red overlay to depict double happiness symbol (2.76"H), and a clear peking glass snuff bottle with black overlay to depict cat and rooster (2.87"H)See Sold Price
SoldTHREE CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. Two internallyTHREE CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES, 19th C. Two internally painted glass, including one with black overlay glass. One mutton fat jade, well hollowed and carved with fruit and foliage. (No stoppers) very goodSee Sold Price
SoldNine Glass Snuff Bottles, Late 19th/Early 20th CenturyNine Glass Snuff Bottles Comprising snuff bottles of the following glass types: inside-painted, realgar, opaque blue, opaque white, black overlay white, blue overlay 'snowstorm', two translucent red,See Sold Price
SoldTwo Glass Snuff Bottles, Height of first 2 3/16 inches.Two Glass Snuff Bottles, the first a black overlay example of compressed, round form, depicting the eight Buddhist objects, with an eggplant-form snuff bottle of a marbled green glass with painted blaSee Sold Price
SoldTWO INSIDE-PAINTED OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLESTwo Chinese inside-painted glass snuff bottles, each of circular form: opaque black overlay, with fan shaped reserves of a landscape and of a bird and floral scene, jadeite stopper; the other with traSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Inside Painted Glass Snuff BottlesTwo Inside Painted Glass Snuff BottlesTwo inside painted glass snuff bottles: red overlay with ogre mask handles, landscape scenes to each side, composite stopper; together with black overlay with ShoSee Sold Price
SoldTWO PEKING GLASS SNUFF BOTTLESOne is red overlay carved with li dragon and bat pattern; the other one is black overlay carved with turtle shaped and a goldfish on the back of the turtle. H: 8cm, L: 7cm. H: 4cm. Condition: Both areSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Peking Glass Snuff Bottles(lot of 3) Chinese Peking glass snuff bottles, the first with black overlay carved with a bat and fu-lion on a translucent yellow ground, lacking stopper, 2''h; the next two of emerald green color, onSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Peking Glass Snuff Bottle w/OverlayChinese yellow Peking glass snuff bottle with two color overlay, the globular yellow snowflake body with the neck to one side and with green and black overlay well carved as a lotus pond with swimmingSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Peking Glass Overlay Snuff Bottles, Height of talleTwo Peking Glass Overlay Snuff Bottles, one of red overlay on clear glass, the other of black overlay, each depicting traditional and archaic vessels. Height of taller 2 3/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldGlass snuff bottle, w/ overlay, early 20th centuryA glass snuff bottle. Early 20th century. With two overlay colors on white bottle, the two overlays are in red and black and are all of five bats and three butterflies with a carved seal. Agate top wiSee Sold Price
SoldAn assembled varied group of ten Chinese snuff bottlesAn assembled varied group of ten Chinese snuff bottles 19th-20th centuryComprising: a green glass bottle, a molded red overlay glass bottle, two pearl-inset bottles, two enameled bottles, a black lacqSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Peking Snowflake Glass SnuffChinese Peking Snowflake Glass Snufflate 18th-early 19th century, rare variation of "Blue Snowflake", round bottle with raised round bottom , two color black and white glass overlay carved as flower hSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Carved Agate and Two Overlay Glass Snuff BottA Chinese Carved Agate and Two Overlay Glass Snuff Bottles3 inches high (7.6 cm) (tallest, including stand)The tallest bottle with carved, mottled monkey under pine tree to obverse; the black over sagSee Sold Price
SoldTwo overlay glass snuff bottlesTwo carved overlay Beijing glass snuff bottles: antique with design of bat and fish in blue on brilliant ground. With coral-glass and blue glass stoppers. Both 19th/20th century; H: 2-3/4"See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Two Overlay Glass Snuff Bottles, HeightA Group of Two Overlay Glass Snuff Bottles, the first a six-color bottle of compressed rectangular form depicting a figure in a boat beneath the moon with mask and faux-ring handles, the second of redSee Sold Price
SoldTWO OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLESOne with opaque pink overlay on clear body. Design of carps and lotuses on both sides and mask and ring handles. 19th C. H. 6.3 cm (2 1/2 in). One of red glass overlay on clear body. Design of dragonsSee Sold Price
SoldTWO OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLESOne with bats and cloud red overlay on opalescent white ground. In the form of a double gourd. 19th C. H 7 cm (2 3/4 in). One with pink flowering branches pink on opalescent white ground. 19th C. H 5.See Sold Price
SoldTWO OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLESA red overlay lotus pool design glass snuff bottle and a blue ground red overlay snuff bottle with gold sprinkle. H: 6.5cm, 6.8cm.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Overlay Glass Snuff Bottles, 18th/19th C.Two Overlay Glass Snuff Bottles, Each of elongated and well hollowed ovoid form; the first with carved blue glass to a transparent ground, depicting a deer and crane beneath large pine trees, matchingSee Sold Price
SoldA BLACK OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEThe semi-translucent white bottle carved through a layer of black glass to depict a sinuous chilong on both front and reverse. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm)See Sold Price
SoldSet of Chinese Overlay Glass Snuff BottlesGroup of two overlay glass snuff bottle with popular subject of bat, peach & landscape. 2.75 & 3.25 inch HSee Sold Price
An Excellent Red Overlay Snowflake Glass 'Figure' Snuff BottleHimalayan Auction House4.6(200)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
An Excellent Multi-Color-Overlay Snowflake Glass 'Figure& Landscape' Snuff BottleHimalayan Auction House4.6(200)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
BEAUTIFUL CHINESE PEKING GLASS OVERLAY SNUFF BOTTLE IMMORTALSNoble House Collection Gallery4.5(121)See Sold PriceApr 14, 2024
Sterling Silver Overlay Black Glass Scotch BottleDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Chinese overlay glass snuff bottle, 19th centuryMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese overlay glass snuff bottle, 19th centuryMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese 'grapes' overlay glass snuff bottle, 19th/20thCMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese 'landscape' overlay glass snuff bottle, 20th centuryMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese 'Yin Yang' overlay glass snuff bottle, GuangxuMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese 'spider' overlay glass snuff bottle, GuangxuMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese overlay glass 'goldfish' snuff bottle, 19thCMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese overlay glass 'pumpkin' snuff bottle, 20th centuryMarques Dos Santos, Lda4.3(39)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Antique Chinese Ruby Red Glass Overlay Snuff BottleLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
TWO CHINESE RED LACQUER & GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chinese Pekin Glass, Glass Overlay & Cinnabar Snuff Bottles H 3" 3 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024