SoldEarly 20th C. African Zulu Steel Spear / Wood ShaftSouthern Africa, Zulu people, ca. early 20th century CE. A fine and lightweight spear comprised of a wooden shaft joined to a iron tip. A strip of wood reinforces the tang of the spearhead where it fiSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Carved Wooden Figural Drum, early 20th c.,African Carved Wooden Figural Drum, early 20th c., carved from a single log, the ends carved with animal heads, with two wooden drumsticks, H.- 10 in., W.- 26 in., D.- 10 in.See Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C African Yoruba Iron Staff w/ Bird & BellsWest Africa, Nigeria, Yoruba people, early 20th century CE. A tall iron staff with two groups of long bells spaced out along it. The staff is capped by a bird finial below an upside-down group of fourSee Sold Price
SoldAFRICAN HAND FORGED SHORT SPEARLate 19th, early 20th c. African Hand Forged Iron and Carved Wood Short Spear having a elongated leaf shaped blade, hide wrapped grip. Measures 41 1/2" long. Weight 3 pds. PROVENANCE: A Charleston SCSee Sold Price
SoldCAST IRON TWO-HORSE DRAWN BUCKBOARDEarly 20th c. Cast Iron Toy Buckboard Wagon, with two horses, probably by Kenton, wagon in red, with wooden base, black horses and wheels, horses and carriage marked with various 1880 and 1881 patentSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C. African Senufo Iron Prestige Staff**Originally Listed At $600** Africa, Ivory Coast, Senufo people, ca. early 20th century CE. A tall staff made of a thin blade of iron and capped with a wooden figure of a woman. Wrapped around the woSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C. African Mambila Wood / Iron Axe**Originally Listed At $400** Central Africa, Cameroon, Mambila peoples, ca. early 20th century CE. A gorgeous axe with a forged iron axe head and a wooden body and handle. Hand-carved from hard wood,See Sold Price
SoldGroup of 9 Ethnographic Clubs and AxesAfrica, Oceania, India; c. 19th - early 20th century. Consisting of two war clubs; two primitive weapons or tools (one has 3 carved heads at top); two African Iron and wood axes with elaborately carveSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. African Kuba Iron Spear Currency w/ CowbellCentral Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kuba or Nkutshu (also Nkutschu) peoples, ca. late 19th to early 20th century CE. A lengthy spear currency piece with a large iron spearhead mounted atSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Strap Iron Wine Bottle Carriers, early 20th c.,Two Strap Iron Wine Bottle Carriers, early 20th c., both with turned wooden handles, one for four bottles, one for eight bottles, Larger- H.- 15 in., W.- 16 in., D.- 8 in.See Sold Price
SoldAn African Masai Painted Hide Shield and SpearKenya, early 20thc.,hand made and painted with geometric designs in red and black pigment. With wood and iron spear. 36 x 26 in. , spear 46 in. See Sold Price
SoldLARGE FRENCH CAST IRON HALL TREE STANDFrench cast iron hall tree, early 20th c., having two uprights decorated with foliate motifs and wrought iron scrolls, supporting three rails, one with floral coat hooks, over white painted wooden basSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. Indonesian Iron Kris w/ Wood & Metal SheathSoutheast Asia, Indonesia, ca. late 19th to early 20th century CE. A kris (keris) with a curving serpentine blade in two tones of metal and an intricate wooden handle. The curved handle, carved from aSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. Islamic / African Iron & Wood WeaponsPersia / Middle East, Saudi Arabia, ca. 19th to early 20th century CE; Central Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), ca. 19th to early 20th century CE. A fine collection of two iron and woSee Sold Price
SoldLate 19th C. African Wood & Iron Bird ClubAfrica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Loango / Kasai river region, probably Mbala, ca. late 19th to early 20th century CE. A wonderful bird effigy club, the wooden handle carved with the head andSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C. MOROCCAN NAILHEAD WOODEN BLANKET CHESTMoroccan, late 19th to early 20th century. Wooden blanket chest or trunk having an overall applied decorative nailhead pattern with hinged lid, document drawer to the interior, iron handles, and threeSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. African Ngbaka Forged Iron Throwing KnifeCentral Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ngbaka people, ca. early to mid-20th century CE. A forged-iron throwing knife with a crescent-shaped blade head and two protruding blades on the opposSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. African Wood Mask Attached To Iron Bell** A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this lot will benefit The Fowler Museum at UCLA ** West Africa, ca. early 20th century CE. A hand carved wooden face mask painted with organic red and blaSee Sold Price
SoldAFRICAN DECORATIVE GROUPSeven pieces, 20th c.: West African redware bowl, three wood masks, carved wooden bowl and two iron copies of sword currency; Unmarked; Tallest: 17"See Sold Price
Sold20th C. African Wobe Wood Judicial Ritual MaskWest Africa, Ivory Coast, Wobe, ca. early 20th century CE. A hand carved and hand painted wooden mask of the Wobe peoples, one of the two We cultures (comprised of the Wobe and neighboring Gere) who rSee Sold Price
SoldTWO EARLY 20TH C. CAST IRON DOORSTOPS: MONKEY ANDEach with paint decoration, the monkey 8 1/4” H, 4 1/2” W, 7” D; the rooster 12” H, 11 1/2” L, 3 1/2” D.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Early 20th C. Cast Iron Figural Door StopsTwo early 20th century cast iron figural door stops, to include: a figural dog, 8 1/2" h x 16" w x 4" d, a figural woman, 11" h x 6" w x 2 1/2" d. Provenance: From a Delray Beach, FL estate.See Sold Price
Two Early 20thc Cast Iron Monkey HooksTwo early 20thc cast iron monkey hooks marked " Japan ". Original black finish. VGC. 8 1/4" long. Please note that this lot has a confidential reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction,See Sold Price
Three African Tribal Carved Wood Pcs includes Two Mossi Flutes and One Lobi FigurineArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Early 20th C. Iron Postcard Rack Charles W. MayeEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Ethnographic Collector's Lot. Late 19th-Early 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT BOOKCASEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT ARMOIREAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A late 19th / early 20thC artist's wooden paint box with paper label to interior lid for SuperiorClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early 20th C. African Yoruba Wooden Female FigureArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early 20th C. African Lega Wood Figure - Moral ValuesArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early 20th C. Brazilian Milagro Wood Leg + Two HandsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Arlyn Jimenez (Dominican Republic/New Orleans), Group of Three Brutalist Iron "Spear" Sculptures,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024