SoldTwenty-seven Weaver freight cars in OBTwenty-seven Weaver freight cars in original boxes, C7-9. Boxes show little to light wear, price stickers.See Sold Price
SoldTen Williams, seven Weaver freight cars in OBWilliams three WAL 86 classic freight car No. 86 B&M boxcars, three WAL 36 classic freight car No. 36 Rutland boxcars, two WAL 90 classic freight car No. 90 Reading boxcars, WAL 87 classic freight carSee Sold Price
SoldTwenty-seven HO freight cars in OB, Athearn...Twenty-seven HO freight cars in original boxes, cars look C8-10. Two Penn Line A.T.S.F. flatcars w/Hinde & Dauch trailers in 452A box and 971A box. Kar-Line 264A L,NA&C 102 boxcar unbuilt. Walthers 93See Sold Price
SoldTwenty-seven various Lionel freight cars in OBTwenty-seven various Lionel freight cars in original boxes, C8-10. Boxes show little wear, some price stickers. 19944 Visitor Center tank, 19929 Christmas boxcar, 17009 9456 New York Central hopper, 1See Sold Price
SoldTwenty-seven HO gauge freight cars in OB MononTwenty-seven HO gauge freight cars in original boxes, C6-9. Some are unassembled kits and some are assembled kits and others are factory assembled. Roundhouse, Walthers, Ye Olde Huff-N-Puff, Train MinSee Sold Price
SoldTwenty-two Weaver / Bev-Bel freight cars in OBTwenty-two Weaver / Bev-Bel freight cars in original boxes, C8-10. Chessie hopper, Chessie hopper, Western Maryland hopper, Western Maryland hopper, Western Maryland hopper, Reading hopper, Western MaSee Sold Price
Weaver, Atlas, Industrial Rail freight cars in OBSeven O gauge freight cars in original boxes, C9-10. Weaver U3007 Heinz 57 wood side reefer, two rail. Atlas 6234 Union Pacific caboose. Three Industrial Rail IDM 4002 D&RGW The Action Road hoppers w/See Sold Price
SoldTwenty-seven Ulrich and Walthers HO kits in OBTwenty-seven unassembled Ulrich and Walthers HO gauge kits in original boxes, C8-10. Some boxes have some writing. Four Ulrich freight cars and twenty-three Walthers passenger cars. Most if not all arSee Sold Price
SoldTwenty-one HO gauge freight cars in OBTwenty-one HO gauge freight cars in original boxes, C9-10. Seven Proto 2000 Series, two Branchline Trains, two Accurail, three Inter Mountain, one Kar-Line, two Red Caboose, two Kadee and two Atlas. BSee Sold Price
SoldWeaver 2 Rail PRR RS-3 and 7 freight carsWeaver 2 rail O scale Pennsylvania RS-3 in OB. Loco is C8-9 with light run time, some hand rails are loose. Also included are seven 2 rail O scale freight cars included are unmarked custom painted GT&See Sold Price
SoldTwenty Weaver freight cars in original boxesTwenty Weaver covered hopper freight cars in original boxes, C8-10. They are as follows: two 1530 decorated as C&NW green with trucks and Kadees, two 1500 decorated as C&NW green with trucks and KadeeSee Sold Price
SoldFifteen Weaver freight cars in OBFifteen Weaver freight cars in original boxes, a couple cars have very light surface rust on axles, otherwise cars look C8-9, but are graded C8 due to having been run. 3089 PRR Merchandise boxcar, ninSee Sold Price
SoldEighteen Weaver freight cars in OBWeaver 501 Chicago South shore and South Bend PS-1 boxcar, Monon scale 2 bay coal car No. 41578, U2225 CSX 3 bay coal car, Monon scale 2 bay coal car No. 41668, 56019 Monon hopper, 56016 Monon hopper,See Sold Price
SoldFifteen Weaver freight cars in OBFifteen Weaver freight cars in original boxes. A couple cars have very light surface rust on axles and two cars have a broken step, otherwise cars look C8-9, but are graded C8 due to having been run.See Sold Price
SoldLot of six Weaver freight cars in OBLot of six Weaver freight cars in original boxes. Very clean C6-8. 36 foot ribbed covered hopper sand car, 1052 Norfolk and Western hopper, P. and L.E. 2015 36 foot offset 2 bay hopper, 903 Illinois CSee Sold Price
SoldTwenty-seven MTH freight cars in original boxesTwenty-seven MTH freight cars in original boxes, C8-10. Boxes show little wear, a few price stickers. 20-96015 Geigy tank, 20-98227 Chicago and North Western snowplow, two 20-97104 Illinois Central hoSee Sold Price
SoldTwelve Weaver freight cars in OBWeaver 1600 undecorated PS-2 34 foot covered hopper missing roof hatches unassembled, 980 Monon offset hopper w/coal load, Kadees and weathering, 1109 Illinois central hopper unassembled, 1602 car No.See Sold Price
SoldTwenty-seven HO freight cars in Athearn boxesTwenty-seven HO gauge freight cars in twenty original Athearn boxes, some cars match the box they are in, some do not. Cars look C8-10. Boxes show little to light wear, price stickers, handwritten notSee Sold Price
K-Line L&N Speeder and seven freight cars in OBK-Line K2628-10 Louisville and Nashville Speeder, K742-8031 RathÕs Black Hawk Ham wood sided reefer, two K-644-1491 Rio Grande double door boxcar, K6183 Rio Grande caboose, K-6280 Rio Grande classicSee Sold Price
SoldTen 2 and 3 rail Weaver freight cars in OBWeaver O gauge: 1609 D&RG PS-2 34 foot covered hopper car #1 , unbuilt. 980 Monon offset hopper 2-rail w/Kadees and custom weathering. 1544 United Carbon ACF center flow covered hopper 4-bay w/round hSee Sold Price
K-Line S-2 switcher and seven freight cars in OBK-Line 6-21318 Western Pacific S-2 diesel switcher w/horn, three 6-21357 Norfolk and Western operating hoppers w/coal loads, three 6-21439 Frisco operating hoppers w/coal loads and 6-22163 PennsylvaniSee Sold Price
SoldTen Weaver freight cars in OBweaver freight cars in original boxes, cars look C9-10. 2852 D&M boxcar, 6135 Detroit and Mackinac covered hopper, U1607 Wabash ACF center flow covered hopper, 6009 Detroit and Mackinac covered hopperSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 8363, 8364, and seven freight cars in OBLionel 8363 and 8364 Baltimore and Ohio F3 A units with 17209 B&O double door boxcar, 19010 B&O dining car, 9712 B&O automobile car, 9701 B&O auto car, 9420 B&O Sentinel boxcar, 9783 B&O boxcar and 97See Sold Price
SoldLife-Like 27 Freight Cars BoxedLife-Like HO scale twenty seven assorted freight cars in OBs. Items in this box lot as shown in photo are sold as is with no returns.See Sold Price
116 Used HO Scale Freight CarsJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
76 AHM/Tyco/IHC Freight Cars in Original Boxes-HO Scale-Many are New1JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
80 Model Power Freight Cars in Original Boxes-HO Scale-Many are New!JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
81 Life-Like Freight Cars in Original Boxes-HO Scale-Many are New!JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Seven Mixed Accurail/5th Ave Car Shops Midwest RR Freight Cars-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Seven Mixed Accurail/5th Ave Car Shops Midwest/Eastern RR Freight Cars-HO Scale-NewJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
13 Mixed Freight Car Kits-Roundhouse-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Seven Mixed Accurail Freight Cars-South/West Railroads TP/SLSF/ATSF/WP-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Twenty-Seven Railroad Union Buttons, Pins, and Keychain - Brotherhood and International AssociationRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Ellsworth Kelly (American, 1923-2015) - Yellow (Jaune) (from Suite of Twenty-Seven ColorFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Group of seven Lionel prewar standard gauge freight carsToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lionel Prewar O Gauge Six (6) Assorted Scale Freight CarsHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Postwar O Gauge No. 2293W Set with Boxed Freight Cars and no GG1Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
American Flyer Prewar O Gauge Seven (7) Assorted Freight CarsHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Twenty-seven boxed 1:43 scale die-cast F1 models by Minichamps, (27)Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Twenty boxed 1:43 scale models of Ferrari F1 and road cars, ((20))Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024