SoldTurkey - Tahlisiye-Medal for Lifesaving.Turkey - Tahlisiye-Medal for Lifesaving. Siver. Rare.#EF S. 202f, EL S. 246. Ø 37 mm, 24,5 g. Türkei - Tahlisiye-Medaille für Lebensrettung. Silber. Selten.#EF S. 202f, EL S. 246. Ø 37 mm, 24,5 g.See Sold Price
SoldTAHLISIYE MEDALCountry: TURKEY Silver Tahlisiye or Life Saving Medal. Breast Badge 36 mm silver with modified suspension ring and ribbon. Nice dark patina. IISee Sold Price
Lifesaving Medals, Ottoman Empire Tahlisiye MedakThe Tahlisiye Medal was instituted in 1859 and was awarded to those who had saved people’s lives from drowning, fires, earthquakes, or landslides whilst risking one’s own life. unnamedSee Sold Price
Lifesaving Medals, Ottoman Empire Tahlisiye MedakThe Tahlisiye Medal was instituted in 1859 and was awarded to those who had saved people’s lives from drowning, fires, earthquakes, or landslides whilst risking one’s own life. unnamedSee Sold Price
SoldOTTOMAN EMPIRE, group of 5 medals, silver ImtiazOTTOMAN EMPIRE, group of 5 medals, silver Imtiaz Imtiyaz Medal of Merit 40mm; silver Turkish Crimean War medal, silver Tahlisiye Madalyasi (Life Saving medal) instituted 1859 for acts of heroism, RARESee Sold Price
SoldLife Saving Medal instituted in 1860.Country: TURKEY Breast Badge 36 mm silver with suspension bar and ribbon. Comes with awarding document given in 1903 to a French sailor who saved the lives of two Ottoman citizens 340x250 mm. In perfeSee Sold Price
SoldTurkey - Medal of the Red Halfmoon in Silver.Turkey - Medal of the Red Halfmoon in Silver. Silver partially enamelled on movable hanger.#EL S. 413ff ER S. 318ff. Ø 29 mm199 g. Türkei - Medaille des Roten Halbmond in Silber. Silber teilweisSee Sold Price
SoldTurkey - Medal of the red halfmoon, in bronce, withTurkey - Medal of the red halfmoon, in bronce, with oakleaves device. Bronced, partially enamelled, on also enamelled hanger and pin, the ribbon with pin, the ribbon sewn with attached device. EL S. 4See Sold Price
SoldTurkey - Medal of the Red Halfmoon in bronze.Turkey - Medal of the Red Halfmoon in bronze. Bronze partially enamelled on movable hanger ready to wear ribbon with broach.#EL S. 413ff ER S. 318ff. Ø 29 mm225 g m.B. Türkei - Medaille des RoteSee Sold Price
SoldMONTE NEGRO WAR WITH TURKEY MEDAL 1912-13MONTE NEGRO WAR WITH TURKEY MEDAL 1912-13 For avenging Kosovo 1389,See Sold Price
SoldTurkey Medal ot the red demilune, bronze.Turkey Medal ot the red demilune, bronze. Brazed, partly enameled, on made-up ribbon, with buckle. Türkei Medaille des Roten Halbmond, in bronze. Bronziert, teilweise emailliert, am konfektioniertenSee Sold Price
War against Turkey Medal, Unity of Italy, 1848-1918Country: ITALY War against Turkey Medal, Unity of Italy, 1848-1918 Medal, Cross for War Merit (4), Veterans Cross. Breast Badges, different materials, different sizes, original suspension rings and riSee Sold Price
SoldMounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean WarTurkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, 18 mm, silver, original ribbon, Great Britain, Crimea Medal, Breast Badge, 21 mm, silver, original ribbon. Very nice and rare group with dark patina, iSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE RUSSIAN SILVER BOX WITH CATHERINE II MEDALA SILVER BOX WITH A CATHERINE II MEDAL COMMEMORATING A PEACE TREATY WITH TURKEY, MEDAL 1774, BOX 19TH C. , the cover of the round silver box set with a 1774 medal engraved by S. Yudin and G. C. WaechtSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 6 MiniaturesWar against Turkey Medal, Unity of Italy, 1848-1918 Medal, Cross for War Merit (4), Veterans Cross. Breast Badges, different materials, different sizes, original suspension rings and ribbons. (6) 1868See Sold Price
Medal for the Crimean War (Sardinian Issue: 'La CCountry: TURKEY Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures. Turkey Medal for the Crimean War Breast Badge 18 mm silver original ribbon GB Crimea Medal Breast Badge 21 mm silver original ribbon. Very nice and rareSee Sold Price
SoldMounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean WarCountry: TURKEY Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean War( Sardinian Issue "La Crimea": Turkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, 18 mm, silver, original ribbon; Great Britain, CrSee Sold Price
SoldMINIATURE MEDAL FOR THE CRIMEAN WAR (SARDINIAN ISSUECountry: TURKEY Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures: Turkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, silver, 18 mm, original ribbon; Great Britain, Crimea Medal, Breast Badge, silver, 21 mm, original ribboSee Sold Price
Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean WarCountry: TURKEY Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean War( Sardinian Issue "La Crimea": Turkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, 18 mm, silver, original ribbon, Great Britain, CrSee Sold Price
Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean WarMounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean War( Sardinian Issue "La Crimea": Turkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, 18 mm, silver, original ribbon, Great Britain, Crimea Medal, BreaSee Sold Price
Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean WarMounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean War( Sardinian Issue "La Crimea": Turkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, 18 mm, silver, original ribbon, Great Britain, Crimea Medal, BreaSee Sold Price
GROUP OF 6 MINIATURESCountry: ITALY War against Turkey Medal , Unity of Italy, 1848-1918 Medal , Cross for War Merit (4) , Veterans Cross. Breast Badges, different materials, different sizes, original suspension rings andSee Sold Price
Medal for the Crimean War (Sardinian Issue: LaCountry: GREAT BRITAIN "Mounted Group of 2 Miniatures. Turkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, 18 mm, silver, original ribbon, GB, Crimea Medal, Breast Badge, 21 mm, silver, original ribbon.See Sold Price
SoldMounted Group of 2 Miniatures Medal for the Crimean WarCountry: TURKEY Turkey, Medal for the Crimean War, Breast Badge, 18 mm, silver, original ribbon, Great Britain, Crimea Medal, Breast Badge, 21 mm, silver, original ribbon. Very nice and rare group wiSee Sold Price
The Golden Medal of the Order of the Double DragonLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Wilton Court Cotton Easter Tablecloth, TurkeyThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A lot of two Russian silver and enamel military medalsOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1915 Joan of Arc Bronze Medal Circle of Friends of the MedallionDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
2009 Medalcraft Inauguration of President Barack Obama 3 Medal Set; 14k, Bronze and .999 Silver inDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Hereke silk finely signed, Turkey, around 1960, pureHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Hereke silk finely signed, Turkey, around 1960, pureHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Sarkoy Kilim antique, Turkey, 19th century, wool onHenry's Auktionshaus AG4.3(206)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
3 Piece Turkey Tail Cache. Found in Jay County, Indiana.Tony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
[OCCUPATIONAL]. National Surety Medal for Valor presented to African American police officer LeslieFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Iran King Reza Shah Pahlavi 1934 Visit Of Turkey Commemorative Bronze Coin/MedalFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Early Red Cross and lifesaving collectiblesBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Named medal grouping to 231st station hospital's commanding officerEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1807 A.D. NAPOLÉON BONAPARTE BRONZE MEDALPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024