SoldTRIANG AUSTIN PEDAL CAR PARTSshell, wheels, trim, assorted parts, possibly complete except for steering wheel, unfinished & used.See Sold Price
SoldTRIANG AUSTIN J40 PEDAL CARserial #18350, pressed steel, 58 in long, professionally restored by automotive restorer, w/opening hood & trunk, operating lights & horn, C9-10.See Sold Price
SoldTRIANG AUSTIN PATH FINDER PEDAL CARmade 1949 only, serial #1233, pressed steel, 63 in long, engine cover left original, rest restored, w/orig & replacement engine cover straps included along w/Austin decals, C7-8.See Sold Price
SoldPressed Steel Austin J40 Triang Pedal Car.English, 1950's. Opening hood and trunk with working headlights. Large sized car is professionally restored. Tires are flat and in need of air.Condition: (Restored).Dimensions: 58" L.See Sold Price
SoldPressed Steel Austin J40 Triang Pedal Car.Description English. 1950s. Opening hood and trunk with working headlights. Very large car. Professionally restored. Condition (Restored). Size 58" L.See Sold Price
SoldPressed Steel Austin J40 Triang Pedal Car.English. 1950s. Opening hood and trunk with working headlights. Very large car. Professionally restored. Size: 58" L.See Sold Price
SoldTriang Police Pedal CarTriang Police Pedal Car - large scale pressed steel pedal car c.1960 has been repainted blue, with plated parts including wheel hubs and wing mirrors, working steering with original plastic steering wSee Sold Price
SoldTRIANG EPOCH PEDAL CAREngland, c. 1930's, all original and all its original parts, done in deep rich brown, black curved fenders, nickeled grille, short windshield, balloon type wheels with rubber tires, license on front,See Sold Price
SoldPressed Steel Austin Summerset Coupe Pedal Car.Made in England by Austin. Motor-electric chain drive, working gear shift, upholstered seating, and working lights. All original body and parts. 56" L.See Sold Price
SoldTriang "Panda Police Patrol" Pedal CarTriang "Panda Police Patrol" Pedal Car. Finished in light blue and white lettering (steering and other parts missing) - overall condition is Fair.See Sold Price
SoldRare early 20th C. Tri-ang pedal car.Rare early 20th C. Tri-ang pedal car {58 cm H x 130 cm W x 63 cm D}.See Sold Price
SoldAUSTIN PEDAL CAREngland, c. 1950's, opening hood with simulated motor, opening trunk for storage, painted in red overall, quite the sports model, completely original structure, a fabulous example with replated chromeSee Sold Price
SoldRARE 1920's-30's Tri-ang pedal carCustom pedal car built for the son of a very wealthy family circa 1920's-30's. The car was shipped from England to U.S. This Pedal car came from the great great grandson of the family. The pedal car iSee Sold Price
SoldLines Brothers Triang Pedal Car *Believed to date from 1950s. Restored during 1970s with green painted metal bodywork and yellow disc wheels on solid rubber tyres. Non-original dashboard detailing, new windscreen and fitted with 'L BSee Sold Price
Sold2338- AUSTIN PEDAL CARA lovely example of a classic pedal car, this Austin is resplendent in robin's egg blue paint and a navy interior with white piping. The details are what make this pedal car so delightful: from the chSee Sold Price
SoldWOOD TRI-ANG PEDAL CAR RACERAn open tourer creation, hand crafted model, made of wood to match originally produced body, restored framework, an exceptional piece with all added details. 55" l.See Sold Price
SoldPressed Steel Tri-ang Pedal Car.English. Complete professional restoration. Opening drivers side door and trunk compartment. 40" L.See Sold Price
SoldDescription English: Triang, pedal car, tractoDescription English: Triang, pedal car, tractor, tin, England, height 72 cm, used Description German: Hersteller Triang, Tretauto, Traktor, Blech, England, Höhe 72 cm, bespielt Description Italian:See Sold Price
RENAULT: A 1960s Triang pedal car in the style of aRENAULT: A 1960s Triang pedal car in the style of a Renault veteran car in green livery with black guards, spoked wheels, solid rubber tyres, wooden dashboard and seat back with Ackerman steering, 86cSee Sold Price
SoldChild's Pedal CarLot including pedal car parts book and child's pedal car (41" L.).See Sold Price
SoldTriangEnglish: Triang, pedal car "Jeep", England, tin, paint damage, condition 2 Deutsch: Triang, Tretauto "Jeep", England, 90 cm, Blech, Lackmängel, Z 2, (6)See Sold Price
A 19th Century wood and copper children's pedal carOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
American National Lincoln tandem pedal carChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
Lines Bros England Tri-ang pedal carChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
Steelcraft Lincoln Zephyr pedal carChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
(18) NOVELTY CAMERAS, RACE CARS, SOCCER BALLSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024