Travels in America, 1st Amer. Edition, 1808
1889 Black America 1st ed Daddy Jake Runaway Uncle Remus Joel Harris SlaveryMar 31, 20241886 A Larger History of the United States 1st EditionApr 20, 2024Forward March! A Photographic Record of WW1 1st Edition 1934Apr 20, 2024America and the Great War for Humanity and Freedom 1917Apr 20, 2024Robert Louis Stevenson - 12 Volumes 1896-1899Apr 20, 2024From the lakes to the Gulf: the Illinois Central Railroad Story 1st Edition 1993Apr 20, 2024Over There: the Story of America's First Great Crusade Overseas 1st Edition 1964Apr 20, 2024Lost Boys of Hannibal: Inside America's Largest Cave 1st Edition SIGNED 2017Apr 20, 20241797 HISTORY OF VOYAGE TO COAST of AFRICA by JOSEPH HAWKINS antique 1st EDITIONFeb 27, 20241872-74 2 Volume Picturesque America or The Land We Live In William Cullen Bryant.Feb 27, 2024Devout Meditations, 1807 1st Amer. editionFeb 27, 2024Gray's Atlas Map of North AmericaFeb 27, 2024Bradbury's travels along the Missouri RiverMar 07, 2024Catlin: North American Indians. 1926 edition.Mar 07, 20241st Asian cookbook published in AmericaMar 07, 2024Zebulon Pike's Exploratory Travels 1st U.K. edMar 07, 20241st American publication promoting veganismMar 07, 2024Whitney, Metallic Wealth of the U.S. 1st ed.Mar 07, 2024Fanny Wright's travels in America, 1821Mar 07, 2024Edith Wharton France Travel Narrative 1st ed.Mar 07, 2024Fireside Travels in South AmericaMar 03, 2024Fireside Travels in South AmericaMar 03, 2024Sgt Fury #86 & Special Marvel Edition #11 - 1st Captain America and Sgt Fury meetingFeb 29, 2024After Karl Bodmer (1809-1893), "Pehriska-Ruhpa. Moenitarri Warrior in the Costume of the Dog DanseMar 12, 2024