SoldTOY SAD AND FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TENTOY SAD AND FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TEN comprising six sad irons, two being marked "DOVER / USA" and having wooden grips, and four flat irons, two being hollow and with wooden handles, the other two with wSee Sold Price
SoldSad Iron Toy LotLot of small vintage antique irons including Midget Toy Flat iron in orig box (box is a bit worn) the iron is in mint condition and has a screw base light socket plug for power. Included :Star Sad IroSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CAST-IRON TOY FLAT IRONS AND TRIVETS, LOT OFASSORTED CAST-IRON TOY FLAT IRONS AND TRIVETS, LOT OF 12 PIECES, comprising two sad irons marked for the Enterprise Mfg. Co., five other irons, and five trivets. Together with a brass trivet. ThirteenSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PRESSED GLASS TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF 15ASSORTED PRESSED GLASS TOY ARTICLES, LOT OF 15, colorless, cobalt, and amethystine, comprising ten pieces of lacy including two tureens, one undertray, and a smooth foot cream jug, two flat irons, a pSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWO, colorless and canary yellow (black lighted), each factory-polished under base and rear edge. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Third quarter 19th century. 1"See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF THREEPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF THREE, smoke, fiery opalescent, and colorless, each factory polished at rear edge and under base. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Circa 1850-1870. 7/8" H, 1 3/8"See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWO, deep amethyst and colorless, each factory polished under base and rear edge. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Third quarter 19th century. 1" H, 1 3/8" x 1".LSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWO, emerald green and light amethyst, each factory polished under base and rear edge. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. 1850-1870. 1" H, 1 3/8" x 1". Literature:See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWO, colorless, small example factory polished under base and rear edge. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Second half 19th century. 1 3/8" and 2 3/8" L. LiteraturSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF THREEPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF THREE, violet blue, fiery opalescent, and colorless, each factory polished at rear edge, colored examples also polished under base. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and otherSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWO, canary yellow and colorless, each factory polished under base and rear edge. Rare in canary. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. 1850-1870. 1" H, 1 3/8" x 1". LSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWO, smoky gray and opaque violet blue with opalescence to handle, each factory polished under base and rear edge. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Third quarterSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRONS, LOT OF TWO, smoke and colorless, each with factory polished rear and base. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. 1850-1870. 1" H, 1 3/8" x 1".Undamaged except for a flake toSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CAST-IRON TOYS / FLAT IRONS, LOT OF 11 PIECESASSORTED CAST-IRON TOYS / FLAT IRONS, LOT OF 11 PIECES, comprising a standing Lion still penny bank, and seven flat irons, three with original trivet. Fourth quarter 19th/early 20th century. Irons 1 1See Sold Price
SoldVintage Sad or Flat Irons - lot of 7 itemsVintage Sad or Flat Irons, Lot of 7 items, including: a sad irons by Lebrookdale Co Pottstown, PA with nice wood handle, others are by various makers ranging from 7-8lbs.See Sold Price
SoldAntique Sad or Flat Irons - lot of 22 ironsAntique Sad or Flat Irons, Crimping Iron & Smaller Fine-Work Irons. Lot of 22 irons including: irons by Savery & Co of Philadelphia, Asbestos Sad Iron, Grand Union, Sensible # 5, Enterprise Mfg Co, GeSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Sad or Flat Irons - lot of 19 ironsAntique Sad or Flat Irons. Lot of 19 sad irons. One is by “Chagrin Falls.O”. The others are not labeled. Also included are 3 iron rests or trivets. 2 sad irons are without handles.See Sold Price
SoldRare Antique Coal & Gas Sad Irons-lot of 3 itemsRare Antique Sad or Flat Irons. Lot of 3 items includes 2 rare coal irons, one coal iron is labeled by “Eclipse”, the other coal iron is not labeled. Also included is a rare gas iron labelSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CAST-IRON TOY FLAT IRONS AND TRIVETS, LOT OFASSORTED CAST-IRON TOY FLAT IRONS AND TRIVETS, LOT OF 11, comprising three irons and eight trivets, two irons fit to two of the trivets. One trivet marked "WILTON" on base, and one impressed with a "3See Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRON AND FRAGMENT, LOT OF TWOPRESSED TOY FLAT IRON AND FRAGMENT, LOT OF TWO, pale grayish green and light green with opalescent streak, first with factory polished base and rear edge, second probably an excavated piece discardedSee Sold Price
SoldPRESSED TOY FLAT IRON AND FRAGMENTS, LOT OF THREEPRESSED TOY FLAT IRON AND FRAGMENTS, LOT OF THREE, pale grayish green and light green with opalescent streak, first with factory polished base and rear edge, pale green examples probably excavated pieSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5 Misc Antique Cast Iron Sad Flat Clothes IronsLot of 5 misc antique cast iron sad flat clothes irons. This lot of antique irons aren't sad in the modern sense, but in the old fashioned use of the word meaning heavy. This lovely set of antique iroSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CAST-BRASS FLAT-IRON TRIVETS, LOT OF TENASSORTED CAST-BRASS FLAT-IRON TRIVETS, LOT OF TEN, various decorative motifs, including a Masonic example. 19th century. Various sizes.See Sold Price
HO Trim stakes ladders caboose lanterns marker lightsElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of Pressed Glass Candy Dish & 2 IronsOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Two Antique Cast Iron Sad Flat Iron w/ B and D Footed TrivetChurchill Galleries3.7(216)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
"FLAT IRON PLUG" TOBACCO CUTTER.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
'Lindy' Toy Cast Iron Airplane 3.5 IN WingspanGrant Zahajko Auctions, LLC4.7(1k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Antique Cast Iron Vented Charcoal Sad Iron PressRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19th Century Hand Wrought Iron Hooks And Chains, 20 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024