SoldTOOTSIETOY 4630 POMEROY'S FEDERAL VANblue, 1 front fender has a chip, C7-8. Please read and understand the payment and new shipping Terms and Conditions before bidding.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 4630 POMEROY'S FEDERAL VANorange, some paint chips, C6. Please read and understand the payment and new shipping Terms and Conditions before bidding.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 4630 POMEROYS FED VANdie cast, Pomeroys Federal Van, C5-6. Complete information covering terms, conditions, payment & shipping is listed below. Please read and understand the information before bidding.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 4630 POMEROYS FEDERAL VANmaroon, 1 front fender tip broken, 1 windshield strut cracked, paint flaked on 1 roof edge, C5-6. Please read and understand the Terms and Conditions including those for international shipping beforeSee Sold Price
Sold3 TOOTSIETOY 4630 FEDERAL VANSMilk Van, red, Milk Van, orange, Laundry Van, blue, C5-7.See Sold Price
Sold2 TOOTSIETOY 4630 FEDERAL VANSMilk Van, green, Florist Van, gray, 1 front fender tip chipped off, C7-8.See Sold Price
Sold2 TOOTSIETOY 4630 FEDERAL VANSBaker Van, black, paint chips on roof, Market Van, maroon, C5-6.See Sold Price
Sold2 TOOTSIETOY 4630 FEDERAL VANSLaundry Van, blue, fender tips broken, Market Van, maroon, 1 fender tip broken, C4.See Sold Price
Sold2 TOOTSIETOY 4630 FEDERAL VANSMilk Van, white, w/rubber tires, 1 broken fender tip, Grocery Van, blue, C5-6.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 4630 ADVERTISING VANHochschild, Kohn & Co, black & yellow, fender tips broken, van repainted except for advertising panels, C4-5.See Sold Price
Sold087: TOOTSIETOY 4630 ABRAHAMSON-BIGELOW VANdie cast, Federal Van, 3" long, C6-7. Complete information covering terms, conditions, payment and shipping is listed below. Please read and understand the information before bidding.See Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 4630 FEDERAL VAN1 side reads "Mannheimers Brothers Inc", the other side reads "Schunemans", blue, some paint chips on roof, C5. Please read and understand the payment and new shipping Terms and Conditions before biddSee Sold Price
SoldTOOTSIETOY 4630 LAUNDRY VANdie cast, dark green, 1 front fender tip missing because of bad casting, C5.See Sold Price