Gigantic Lot of Cameras & Photography EquipmentOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Telephone Emergency Call Box - ALARM Fire & PolicePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Busch Pressman Camera w/ Schneider Super Angulon.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Graflex Graphic View w/ Schneider Symmar 210mm.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
4pc Nikon F3 35mm SLR Camera with Motor Drive MD-4 and AccessoriesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Graflex Crown Graphic Camera w/ Lens & Domke Bag.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
3pc Pioneer Model RT-1011L 1/4" Reel-to-reel Tape Deck with Maxwell ReelsLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SoldTOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Topcon 35mm cameras andTOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Topcon 35mm cameras and accessories. A Topcon B SN 153397 with Auto-Topcor 3.5cm f2.8 SN 291345, lens cap, accessory flash mount, prism- and waist level finders, the latter in leSee Sold Price
TOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Topcon RE Super 35mm camera. TheTOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Topcon RE Super 35mm camera. The first SLR with fully coupled TTL metering. This one (SN 4624935) with RE Auto-Topcor 5.8cm f1.4 SN 1128101 and camera and lens brochures.See Sold Price
SoldTOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Topcon RE Super 35mm camera. TheTOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Topcon RE Super 35mm camera. The first SLR with fully coupled TTL metering. This one (SN 4624935) with RE Auto-Topcor 5.8cm f1.4 SN 1128101 and camera and lens brochures.See Sold Price
YASHICA CO.LTD. / TOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Yashica FX7 andYASHICA CO.LTD. / TOKYO KOGAKU (Japan): Yashica FX7 and Topcon 35mm camera outfits. The Yashica with an FX7 body plus 28mm f2.8 and 50mm f2 primes plus three zoom lenses and various accessories in a mSee Sold Price
Sold3 Topcon Cameras, 1957 onwards3 Topcon Cameras, 1957 onwards Tokyo Kogaku, Japan, 24 x 36 mm SLR for Exakta bayonet. 1) Topcon R no. 154192, with prism viewfinder, Auto-Topcor 1.8/5.8 cm, glass clean under spotlight, aperture closSee Sold Price
SoldBeseler Topcon Super D Camera With LensBeseler Topcon Super D Camera, Re, Auto-Topcor 1:3.5 F=13.5cm Tokyo Kogaku Japan no. 7615780See Sold Price
SoldBeseler Topcon, Tokyo, KogakuBeseler Topcon, Tokyo, Kogaku, Japan made, please note that we are not experts when it comes to cameras, these cameras & accessories came from a longtime collector in New Jersey and have been in storaSee Sold Price
SoldTopcon RE Super and Topcon Super Dm, c. 1963Topcon RE Super and Topcon Super Dm, c. 1963 Tokyo Kogaku, Japan. Cameras for Exakta mount. 1) Topcon RE Super no. 4609865, a milestone, the first SLR with fully-coupled through-the-lens metering systSee Sold Price
SoldTopcon B No.152504Tokyo Kogaku, Japan 1950s. 24x36mm, with Auto-Topcor 1.8/5.8cm No.282651. Topcons first SLR camera. US-import version with "Beseler"-engraving. Minor dent on top of prism.See Sold Price
SoldTopcon RE Super MotorDriveTopcon RE Super MotorDrive Tokyo Kogaku, Japan. Topcon RE Super no. 4662723 with motor and 250 magazine, attached angle viewfinder (cannot be unscrewed), standard baseplate, standard back and cartridgSee Sold Price
SoldTopcon Super D, RE-2 and AccessoriesTopcon Super D, RE-2 and Accessories Tokyo Kogaku, Japan. 1) Topcon Super D, 1971, no. 7101663, with RE. Auto-Topcor 1,8/58 mm, lens hood, long shutter speeds stuck, everything else in excellent condiSee Sold Price
KONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica 35mm SLR camerasKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica 35mm SLR cameras (7). A Konica FM with Hexanon 50mm f2 in maker's ERC, a Konica FS body, a Konica Autoreflex A3 with Hexanon 52mm f1.8 and lens cap, a Konica AutSee Sold Price
KONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica 35mm rangefinderKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica 35mm rangefinder cameras auto S2 (4). Two in maker's ERC.See Sold Price
KONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica 35mm rangefinderKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica 35mm rangefinder cameras models IIIA and IIIM. The IIIA SN 365921 with Hexanon 50mm f1.8 SN 3127306 in Seikosha-MXL shutter, lens cap and makers ERC. The IIIM SN 417See Sold Price
NIPPON KOGAKU K.K (Japan): Nikon F90X 35mm cameraNIPPON KOGAKU K.K (Japan): Nikon F90X 35mm camera outfits (2). The first with F90X, battery grip and 28-200mm in original box, the second with boxed F90X plus Tamron 28-200mm XRDi lens and all documenSee Sold Price
SoldA Tokyo Kogaku Topcon Automatic (R 3) SLR Camera OutfitA Tokyo Kogaku Topcon Automatic (R 3) SLR Camera Outfit Serial No: 311651 Body: VG Shutter: working Lenses: F.Auto Topcor 5.8cm f/1.8 (623304) / Auto-Topcor 10cm f/2.8 (321015) Optics: F-light fungusSee Sold Price
SoldTopcon RE-2, Tokyo Kogaku Japan - 1 appareil photoTopcon RE-2 1:1.8 F=5.8cm Tokyo Kogaku JapanSee Sold Price
KONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica (Konica I) 35mmKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica (Konica I) 35mm rangefinder cameras (earlier version) (3). The earliest (SN 12822) with a Hexar 50mm f3.5 (SN 15847), lens cap and makers ERC. The second (SN 22484)See Sold Price
KONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica (Konica I) 35mmKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica (Konica I) 35mm rangefinder camera (later version). 1950 Type (SN 52111) with Hexanon 50mm f2.8 (SN 16051) in Konirapid-S shutter. With "Made in Occupied Japan" to bSee Sold Price
KONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica Autoreflex T- seriesKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica Autoreflex T- series 35mm SLR cameras (5). Consisting of: A Konica Autoreflex T with AR 50mm f1.4, lens cap, camera strap, body- and rear lens cap and camera manualSee Sold Price
KONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica Autoreflex T- seriesKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): Konica Autoreflex T- series 35mm SLR cameras (4). An Autoreflex T with 57mm f1.4, a second Autoreflex T, this with 50mm f1.4 and one chrome and one black Autoreflex T3 cameSee Sold Price
SoldASAHI KOGAKU (Japan): Pentax PZ-10 c1991, 35mm SLRASAHI KOGAKU (Japan): Pentax PZ-10 c1991, 35mm SLR camera; with transparent body [#5589623] and normal (black) Quantaray for Pentax AF f3.5 28-80 lens.See Sold Price
SoldKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): A Konica III 35mmKONISHIROKU KOGAKU (Japan): A Konica III(MXL) 35mm rangefinder camera with Hexanon 48mm f2 lens, lens cap and maker's ERC. Also a box of Konica accessories including lens cases, lens caps, body caSee Sold Price
Sold13 Minolta Rangefinder Cameras for 35mm Film13 Minolta Rangefinder Cameras for 35mm Film Chiyoda Kogaku, Japan. 1) Minolta Auto Wide, Rokkor 2,8/35 mm, 1958. - 2) Uniomat, Rokkor 2,8/45 mm, 1960. - 3) Minolta A5, Rokkor-TD 2,8/45 mm, 1960. - 4)See Sold Price
Kin-Dar 35mm Camera and Leather Case With Steinheil Munchen Cassar LensDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
4pc Nikon F3 35mm SLR Camera with Motor Drive MD-4 and AccessoriesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
4pc Mamiya-Sekor 1000 DTL 35mm SLR Camera with AccessoriesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
7pc Chinon CM-4s 35mm Camera, Accessories and CaseLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Nobuyoshi Araki (b.: Tokyo, Japan, 1940), Pregnant Girl (recto), Street Tokyo (verso)Medusa Auctioneers4.3(6)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Nobuyoshi Araki (b. Tokyo, Japan, 1940), (after), Bondage(recto), Smoking girl (verso)Medusa Auctioneers4.3(6)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
(7) SUBMINIATURE CAMERAS, MYCRO RUBIX PETIE, TONEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024