A SUPERB SINO-TIBETAN AMBER RESIN COMPOSITE NECKLACE 18" 99grNoble House Collection Gallery4.5(121)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A LOT OF 2 HUGE TIBETAN NECKLACES BUTTERSCOTCH AMBER RESINNoble House Collection Gallery4.5(121)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
SUPERB NECKLACE SINO TIBETAN BANDED AGATE DZI BEAD 18"Noble House Collection Gallery4.5(121)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
SoldTibetan Gilt Bronze Vajrayogini Skull NecklaceTibetan Gilt Bronze Female Diety, Vajrayogini standing on 2 figures on a sealed double lotus base and wearing Skull Necklace. Age related wear to gilding and exposed bronze. Height 9 inches (23 cm.) XSee Sold Price
SoldA Sino-Tibetan gilt-bronze figure of VajravarahiA Sino-Tibetan gilt-bronze figure of Vajravarahi, dancing on human corpse on double lotus throne, holding karttrka and kapala in her hands, wearing skull necklace and billowing scarf, 41cm highSee Sold Price
SoldTibetan style gilt guardian deity Hayagriva, 7"hTibetan style gilt bronze figure of the guardian deity, Hayagriva, standing in the militant pratyalida posture atop a prone human being, having six-arms, a skull necklace and belt, and flaming hair, rSee Sold Price
SoldA TIBETAN FIRE-GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF BEGTSEA TIBETAN FIRE-GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF BEGTSE Tibet, 19th to first half of 20th century. The lord of war massively cast clad in armor and wearing a long skull necklace as well as a skull crown, holdingSee Sold Price
SoldTibetan Gilt Bronze Figure of Mahákála18th/19th century, standing with two hands outstretched, two hands conjoined in front, flaming Mahákála with skull head dress necklace of heads, draped with heads around neck on necklace, set into pSee Sold Price
SoldA Nepali/Tibetan gilt bronze figure of Vajrayogini.A Nepali/Tibetan gilt bronze figure of Vajrayogini, she stands with both feet on a human figure, right hand holds a vajra, the left a skull cup, she is richly adorned with jewellery and a long wreathSee Sold Price
Sold18TH/19TH C ASIAN GILT BRONZE & METAL FIGURES(lot of 2) Asian gilt bronze and metal figures: (1) Tibetan gilt bronze figure of a dharmapala, likely 18th/19th c., possibly Vajrabhairava, the bull-headed deity ringed by a necklace of skulls, sixteSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan Style Gilt-Bronze Shiva StatuetteAn undated archaistic hollow-cast statuette of Shiva on a lotus base, standing on two small human figures, dressed in a necklace of skulls, with bracelets and sashes and a crown of skulls. 1.7 kg, 25.See Sold Price
Chinese Tibetan Style Gilt-Bronze Shiva StatuetteAn undated archaistic hollow-cast statuette of Shiva on a lotus base, standing on two small human figures, dressed in a necklace of skulls, with bracelets and sashes and a crown of skulls. 1.7 kg, 25.See Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE TIBETAN GILT-BRONZE YAMA DHARMARAJAWith a buffalo head, wide gaping mouth and flaming hair, his arms outstretched both hands performing a mudra. He is adorned with a headdress crown of three skulls, snake head ornaments of necklaces, bSee Sold Price
A Tibetan Polychrome and Gilt Bronze Figure of a Deity,A Tibetan Polychrome and Gilt Bronze Figure of a Deity, the figure depicted with flame-form hair having blue pigment, wearing a headdress of skulls and a tiered necklace, seated sideways upon a mule aSee Sold Price
SoldA TIBETAN BRONZE-GILT DAKINIA TIBETAN BRONZE-GILT DAKINIThe figure dancing on one foot on top of a prostrate figure, the deity’s head before a flaming mandarla, wears tiara and necklace of human skulls, holding a kartikaSee Sold Price
Good Sino-Tibetan Petit Gilt Bronze Figure ofDeity Yama, depicted standing wearing headdress, holding attribute with skull necklace, on plinth, h 7cmSee Sold Price
SoldGood Sino-Tibetan Petit Gilt Bronze Figure ofDeity Yama, depicted standing wearing headdress, holding attribute with skull necklace, on plinth, h 7cmSee Sold Price
A SINO-TIBETAN GILT BRONZE MODEL OF A DAKINI, 18THA SINO-TIBETAN GILT BRONZE MODEL OF A DAKINI, 18TH CENTURY, the deity standing alidh asana upon two small human figures, holding a kartrika (curved knife) in her right hand and a kapala (skull cup) inSee Sold Price
SoldGILT BRONZE HINDU GODDESS (TARA)GILT BRONZE HINDU GODDESS (TARA)Sino-Tibetan or Sino-Nepalese gilt bronze figure; of the Hindu goddess Ekjata Tara: wearing a necklace and crown of skulls, holding a small figure in one hand and a bloSee Sold Price
SoldGILT BRONZE HINDU GODDESS (TARA)GILT BRONZE HINDU GODDESS (TARA)Sino-Tibetan or Sino-Nepalese gilt bronze figure; of the Hindu goddess Ekjata Tara: wearing a necklace and crown of skulls, holding a small figure in one hand and a bloSee Sold Price
GILT STANDING BRONZE VAJRAPANI STATUEA fine Chinese Tibetan standing bronze statue of Vajrapani, with a strand of skulls necklace holding symbolic weapons on both hands. H:8 3/8in(21.3cm) W:7 1/2in(19.2cm)See Sold Price
SoldTwo Tibetan Bronze Figures of DeitiesTwo Tibetan Bronze Figures of Deities the first of Vajrayogini standing in action, bearing staff and wearing a necklace of human skulls, the second of a dancing female deity wearing a crown of skulls.See Sold Price
SoldTibaten Gilt Bronze Buddha Mid Qing DynastyThis deity is the guardian god of Tibetan Buddhism, who dominated the underworld. This statue wearing a skull crown with expression of anger, three eyes wide opening and showing swearing tongue. The uSee Sold Price
Sino-Tibetan Gilt Yamantaka Figure19th-early 20th century AD. A two-part bronze figure of Yamantaka, the wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, with a halo of flames and necklace of skulls, draped snake, standing on the back of a bull tSee Sold Price
Sold155 Tibetan Gilt Bronze SkullCa. 16-17th century, from a sceptor. Measures 2 3/4" tall.See Sold Price
SoldTibetan Gilt Bronze Vajrayogini18th-19th century AD. A gilt bronze statuette of the goddess Vajrayogini standing on two small figures of demons on a lotus base with flaming border around the body; the goddess naked except for strinSee Sold Price
A TIBETAN GILT BRONZE VAJRAYOGINI STATUE.Tibetan Gilt Bronze Vajrayogini Buddha Statue.See Sold Price
15th-18thC Tibetan Bronze Skull Cup-Thickly Cast with a profusion of small high relief skulls on theThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
A MAGNIFICENT SINO-TIBETAN BRONZE-GILT PROTECTORBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
QING DYNASTY TIBETAN GILT BRONZE BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNIMega International Auction4.3(62)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A CHINESE TIBETAN GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUDDHA 20th Century. 24 cm x 13 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY CHINESE TIBETAN GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUDDHA Qing, modelled resting upon his wrist.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Tibetan Gilt Bronze Figure of Avalokiteshvara, Qianlong PeriodLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Chinese A 20” large and rare Tibetan gilt-bronze seated buddha status, Ming/Qing Dynasty | Norton's Art4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
Antique Tibetan gilt bronze religious Hindu sculpture depicting the deity Ganesha seated atop throneJoshua Kodner4.2(387)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024