Antique Cast Iron Boston and Terrier Dog DoorstopsHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
PAIR OF PUNCH and JUDY CAST IRON DOORSTOPSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
VINTAGE CAST IRON GALLEON-FORM DOOR STOPJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldTHREE VARIED PAINTED CAST IRON DOORSTOPS1900 to 1930. Comprising a lady in a ruffled dress, a cabin and a young girl with her cat. Heights 4.5 in., 6.5 in., 9 in., respectively. (Cond: good, but with wear to paint)See Sold Price
Sold3 Cast Iron Dog DoorstopsThree painted cast iron doorstops, including two Boston terriers. All approximately 9"H. American, early 20th century. Provenance: A Mississippi estate.See Sold Price
SoldThree Cast Iron Doorstops, Men of ServiceThree painted cast iron doorstops depicting men of service, including one in the style of "Scottish Highlander", one in the style of Littco Foundry (American, founded 1930) sailor in uniform, and anotSee Sold Price
SoldShip, Carriage and Covered Wagon DoorstopsAmerican. Three painted, cast iron doorstops including a covered wagon, a horse drawn carriage and a three-masted ship; ship oah. 11.75 in.See Sold Price
Three Cast Iron Doorstops & One Gardening FiguralThree painted cast iron doorstops and one figural sprinkler. 1st item: Metal squirrel garden sprinkler with acorn in mouth, water sprays from forehead. 7 3/4" H x 6 1/4" W x 3" D. 2nd item: Figural "OSee Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron Figural Doorstops.Three Painted Cast Iron Figural Doorstops. Tallest 8-1/4"h. Condition: Good with light rust and wear.See Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron Figural DoorstopsComprising: Bellhop, the solid-cast figure impressed "1244" on reverse; and two full-bodied, solid-cast figures of parade drum majors, painted in blue/white or red/white uniforms. [Height: 8 3/4" andSee Sold Price
SoldThree Whimsical Painted Cast Iron DoorstopsThree whimsical painted cast iron doorstops, of puppy dogs, flowers and a fruit basket, respectively. [Tallest: 11 1/2" H x 10 3/4" W x 4" D]. Some marks and wear to decoration; areas of oxidation.See Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron Asian DoorstopsBy Hubley Mfg. Co., all full-bodied figures, including: "Giesha Girl". [10 1/4" H x 3 1/2" W]."Giesha" playing an instrument, and similar child, each modeled as seated on a floral-decorated pillow. [HSee Sold Price
Three Painted Cast Iron Asian DoorstopsBy Hubley Mfg. Co., all full-bodied figures, including: "Giesha Girl". [10 1/4" H x 3 1/2" W]."Giesha" playing an instrument, and similar child, each modeled as seated on a floral-decorated pillow. [HSee Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron Terrier Doorstops.Three Painted Cast Iron Terrier Doorstops.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Jester Iron Doorstops & One GnomeThree painted cast iron pieces, one doorstop with Mr. Punch with his dog, Toby, one doorstop with jester or clown playing accordion, and one cast iron figure of gnome with red hat Mr. Punch marked witSee Sold Price
SoldThree Antique Cast Iron Painted DoorstopsLot of 3 cast iron painted doorstops. A house, a lighthouse & light keepers residence, and vase of flowers. The house is in nice condition with an excellent patina. This piece shSee Sold Price
SoldSeven Painted Cast Iron Figural Doorstops, threeSeven Painted Cast Iron Figural Doorstops, three Sunbonnet Babies, a Sunbonnet Sue with bouquet, and three belles, ht. to 7 7/8 in.See Sold Price
SoldSix Painted Cast Iron Figural Doorstops, three fiSix Painted Cast Iron Figural Doorstops, three fishermen, a cowboy, a seated toby, and a pirate, ht. to 11 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Iron Doorstops, Figural MammyA group of 3 Black Americana polychrome cast iron doorstops including two "Southern Mammy" / Aunt Jemima Hubley style #337 in red and blue and boy in red riding alligator Unmarked Approx. h.9" (Mammy)See Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Iron Doorstops, AnimalsA group of three cast iron doorstops including a small elephant, alligator and Hubley style #216 "Hunchback Cat" Approx. h. 10", w. 7" (cat), h. 4" (elephant), l.16" (alligator)See Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron CoachesComprising: a doorstop modeled as a coach with driver and pair of horses, the interior cast with "Pat. Pending", and a pair of bookends modeled as London Royal Mail Coaches with driver and attendant,See Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron Duck FiguresIncluding a doorstop modeled as a drake and hen, the reverse impressed "291", and two full-bodied, solid-cast small figures of ducklings. [Height: 4 3/4" and 8 1/4"; Width: 2 1/2" and 7"].See Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron Peacock FiguresComprising: Peacock on Fence doorstop by National Foundry, the reverse impressed "56", a Peacock by Urn doorstop by Hubley Mfg. Co., the reverse impressed "208", and a doorstop modeled as a Peacock diSee Sold Price
SoldThree Painted Cast Iron DogsComprising: a relief-molded and painted doorstop modeled as a seated Malamute probably by Creations Co., apparently unmarked, a relief-molded and painted doorstop modeled as a walking St. Bernard, andSee Sold Price
SoldFive painted cast iron doorstops and a cast-ironFive painted cast iron doorstops and a cast-iron weight 19th and 20th century Including three frogs, a cat, a duck and a weight in the form of a duck.See Sold Price
SoldThree Dog 'Merry Christmas' Doorstop. Painted castThree Dog 'Merry Christmas' Doorstop. Painted cast iron with three black on white puppies in a white tub with red greeting and green and red holly decoration. 8"w. Condition: Good with use wear.See Sold Price
PAIR OF PUNCH and JUDY CAST IRON DOORSTOPSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PAINTED CAST IRON and STEEL CHRISTMAS TREE FENCEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Three Cast Iron Johnny Philip Morris Bell Boy Ashtray Stands to includeNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Three Vintage Cast Iron Black Americana Butler Smoking Stands to includeNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A VICTORIAN WHITE PAINTED CAST IRON GARDEN TABLE, cast with three winged lions, fitted with aAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A VICTORIAN WHITE PAINTED CAST IRON GARDEN TABLE AND A PAIR OF CHAIRS, the table with piercedAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Two Antique Cast Iron Boston Terrier Doorstops, Carved Figural ThermometerHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Painted Cast Iron/Concrete Napoleon DoorstopStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
THREE FIGURAL RECEIPT CLIPS.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Three Old Honesty Cast Iron 5 Cent Cigar Store Indian Coin BanksAbell Auction4.7(633)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
THREE CAST IRON DOORSTOPS 20th Century Lengths from 9" to 10.5".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Vintage Silver Painted Cast Iron Flowers Bookends DoorstopRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024