SoldThree Cinnabar Pieces Vase and BoxHeight of the vase: 9 in. Box 7 1/4 in. × 4 1/2 in. × 2 3/4 in. Round box 4 1/4 in. × 2 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldVintage Chinese Chess SetVintage Chinese Chess Set. Carved wood case with faux ivory and faux lacquer inset board. Faux jade and faux cinnabar chess pieces. Unsigned. Good condition. Case measures 19" x 18-3/4". Shipping $85.See Sold Price
3 Chess PiecesLot of three chess pieces, including 19th century, machine age and one dated "1953", 8 1/4"h.See Sold Price
SoldA stained ivory chess set with ring-turned slender piecA stained ivory chess set with ring-turned slender pieces on circular bases, contained in a mahogany box; together with a carved Bavarian chess box of naturalistic log form, having three chess piecesSee Sold Price
SoldWarner (Alan) Checkmate,Warner (Alan) Checkmate, three plaques, each with sliding card, and three chess pieces, with instructions.See Sold Price
SoldWarner (Alan) Checkmate,Warner (Alan) Checkmate, three plaques and three chess pieces, lacking one of the sliding cards, with instructions, a copy of the catalogue in which the trick appears and and an unidentified pSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Three Decorative Chess PiecesLot of three composite decorative chess pieces. Tallest is 31".See Sold Price
SoldAssorted Asian Table Articles, Group of 7Assorted Asian table articles, group of seven, comprising three carved cinnabar pieces, one stoneware jug, one small lacquered dish, one porcelain bowl with chop ink paste, and one oval ceramic box wiSee Sold Price
Three Chinese Carved Cinnabar Pieces19/20th century. Three Chinese cinnabar pieces incluidng snuff bottle(3"H x 2 1/2"W), rectangular covered box(4" x3" x 1 1/2") and a covered round jar(5" x 4 1/2")See Sold Price
SoldThree Carved Chinese Cinnabar PiecesThree Carved Chinese Cinnabar Pieces including two covered lacquer boxes, one with five rectangular jade pieces; additional piece is a lid to a round box. jade box: 2 1/8"" H x 5 5/8"" W x 4"" D, figuSee Sold Price
SoldThree Chinese Cinnabar Lacquer Pieces: Box & Two VasesThree Chinese carved cinnabar lacquer pieces, including: rectangular box, showing floral motifs to sides and metaled edges; together with pair of covered vases, each of ovoid form, depicting mountainoSee Sold Price
SoldThree Chinese Cinnabar Lacquer-type PiecesThree Chinese Cinnabar Lacquer-type PiecesGroup of three Chinese pieces imitating cinnabar lacquer, including: circular box with floral and shou emblem (minor flaws); two plates: one with landscape anSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Wooden Chess PiecesLot three large wooden chess pieces. Ranging 20" to 30" Ht.See Sold Price
Lloyd Ullberg, Assorted Photographs, ca. 1965.LLYOD ULLBERG (1904-1996), A group of eight (8) Modernist photographs including three (3) of chess pieces, one (1) of a French horn, two (2) of bottles, one (1) with detail of a chain link fence, andSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Islamic Jet Gaming Piece Group19th century AD. A group of three carved jet chess pieces comprising: a 'knight', horse's neck and head with drilled nostrils; two 'pawn' pieces, each an octagonal block with tapering sides and domedSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CHINESE & OTHER DECORATIVES: CINNABAR, 13Lot of assorted Chinese and other decoratives. Includes a set of carved stone frogs, a set of carved stone turtles, five resin figures, three pieces cinnabar/cinnabar type pieces, two pieces of malachSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Carved Cinnabar Box & Ashtrays, 3Group of three Chinese carved cinnabar pieces, each with blue enamel interiors and brass trim, comprising two ashtrays, and a covered box, the box and one ashtray with figures in landscape, the otherSee Sold Price
Early Islamic Jet Gaming Piece Group19th century AD. A group of three carved jet chess pieces comprising: a 'knight', horse's neck and head with drilled nostrils; two 'pawn' pieces, each an octagonal block with tapering sides and domedSee Sold Price
Early Islamic Jet Gaming Piece Group19th century AD. A group of three carved jet chess pieces comprising: a 'knight', horse's neck and head with drilled nostrils; two 'pawn' pieces, each an octagonal block with tapering sides and domedSee Sold Price
Near Eastern Lapis Lazuli Chess Piece GroupCirca 19th century AD. A group of three lapis lazuli chess pieces - a rook, a bishop and a queen. Property of a Kent, UK collector; acquired London, 1980s. 102 grams total, 33-54mm (1 1/2-2"). [3]See Sold Price
Near Eastern Lapis Lazuli Chess Piece GroupCirca 19th century AD. A group of three lapis lazuli chess pieces - a rook, a pawn and a queen or king. London collection; acquired in the 1950's. Lapis lazuli, 102 grams, 33-54 mm (1 1/2-2"). [3]See Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Lapis Lazuli Chess Piece GroupCirca 19th century AD. A group of three lapis lazuli chess pieces - a rook, a pawn and a queen or king. 102 grams, 33-54 mm (1 1/2-2"). London collection; acquired in the 1950's. [3, No Reserve]See Sold Price
Early Islamic Jet Gaming Piece Group19th century AD. A group of three carved jet chess pieces comprising: a 'knight', horse's neck and head with drilled nostrils; two 'pawn' pieces, each an octagonal block with tapering sides and domedSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Lapis Lazuli Chess Piece GroupCirca 19th century AD. A group of three lapis lazuli chess pieces - a rook, a bishop and a queen. 102 grams total, 33-54mm (1 1/2-2"). Property of a Kent, UK collector; acquired London, 1980s. [3]See Sold Price
Three Piece Railway Express Agency Colored Porcelain SignJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
CASED MID-CENTURY MODERN ALUMINUM CHESS SETThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A lot of three pieces (probably Flemish) wall mounted tapiseryOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Max Bill (Swiss, 1908-1994) - Combillation (Three Pieces)Freeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Late 19th C. Group of Chinese Export Canton Famille Rose Items, Three Pieces TotalNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Tatum American Folk Artist, Group of Three Pieces, Paintings on MetalNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
THREE PIECES OF DOLL-SIZE FURNITURE.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
STAR WARS: ORIGINAL TRILOGY (1977 - 1983) - William Plumb Collection: Pair of Yoda Chess PiecePropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: ORIGINAL TRILOGY (1977-1983) - William Plumb Collection: Darth Vader Chess Piece MasterPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: ORIGINAL TRILOGY (1977-1983) - William Plumb Collection: Set of Three Obi-Wan KenobiPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Three Pieces Catawba Indian PotteryBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Set of 4 Artist Prototype Design Drawings for Abstract Chess PiecesPUBLIC SALE4.7(225)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
THREE PIECES REDWARE POTTERY.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
THREE PIECES OF TURTLECREEK REDWARE.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
THREE PIECES OF EARLY CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024