Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 17Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 17 ceramic pieces. All fragments with mostly floral and feather themes. Nice detail throughout lot. Sizes range from 20mm-170mm.See Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 17Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 17 ceramic fragments all depicting the rain god "Tlaloc". All with fine detail, many with original paint. Size from 30mm to 80mm. A nice lotSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 17Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 17 dark brown ceramic bowl shards, similar to above lot all with attractive incised linear and pictorial design. Most pieces with sharp detail. These shards were mSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 1Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 17 mostly small painted ceramic pieces, most with "mountian" symbols. All in nice condition. Also a couple of bowl fragments. Largest mountain fragment is 50mm taSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 6Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 6 ceramic elaborate headdresses and heads. All highly detailed with incised designs. 25mm-65mm in lengthSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of aTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of assorted head fragments, appliques, pottery shards and a one legged standing figure (standing figure is 90mm)See Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of laTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of large bowl fragments. When held side by side pieces match showing squatting demonic figure with glyphs above. Redware with shades of red polychrome. Largest pieceSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 1Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 13 assorted pottery shards including two repaired bowls. Largest bowl is 210mm in diameterSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 56Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 56 small but finely crafted ceramic head fragments. Some with necks, torso and arms still attached. Most wear turbans and have exceptionally nice facial detail. OvSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 8Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 8 ceramic fragments including a larger head fragment with nice detail, a square plaque and several other interesting small pieces. All highly detailed with incisedSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 2Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 2 pieces. Included are a detailed standing shaman with three holes depicting facial detail. Also a small head with similar design. Sizes are 40mm and 85mmSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 10Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 10 assorted body fragments including the largest piece which depicts a mother holding her child in left arm. All others are headless torsos. Most in same light cr�See Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 1Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 10 items featuring a large lot of large highly detailed pottery shards, most likely from cylinder vases 190mm tall and made up of 4 pieces. All with incised and pSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 24Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 24 ceramic elaborate head fragments. All highly detailed with incised designs. L: 25mm-60mmSee Sold Price
SoldMexico, Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 15 ceMexico, Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 15 ceramic fragments. Mostly circular appliques with floral or geometric design. Also one circular plaster cast. Ex. Hasso Von Winning Collection.See Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 3Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 32 mostly red-ware (five are blackware) assorted ceramic shards. Most beautifully incised. Largest shard is 130mm. All slightly different and interestingSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 2Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD., a lot of 22 assorted pottery shards including two small bowls and 4 tall rectangular and hollow large bowl legs. The largest of these legs with a rattle inside of leg whicSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 9Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 9 pieces. Including 7 quite interesting and large ceramic bowl fragments, which form 2/3+ of one beautiful bowl adorned with scallops and shells. (the 3 largest wiSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 6Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 6 ceramic headdress fragments. All well detailed. One with original white polychrome. A very interesting group. L: 50mm-65mmSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 13Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 13 similar to above pieces. All 13 pieces having heads with dagger shaped torsos, all of which have small holes at sides for the attachment of articulated arms andSee Sold Price
SoldTeotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 11Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 11 ceramic pregnant figurines. Some are of torsos, some with head and torso, some missing arms or legs. A very interesting group. L: 25mm-55mmSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 12Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 12 quite interesting ceramic pieces. Mostly pottery shards. Also a small blackware bowl. The most interesting piece in lot being a tripod bowl which is missing oneSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 14Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 14 similar to above pieces. 7 pieces having heads with dagger shaped torsos, all of which have small holes at sides for the attachment of articulated arms and legsSee Sold Price
Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 5Teotihuacan, c. 200-800 AD. A lot of 5 small but finely crafted ceramic head fragments. All with exceptionally nice facial detail. One with atypical and unrealistic facial stylization. Overall conditiSee Sold Price
Richard Pionk (NY,MN,1936-2007) pastel paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Robert Myrrden Barnes (IN,DC,1934-?) oil paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceApr 14, 2024
Roman Sardonyx Snake Gemstone in Medieval Gold RingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Pre-Columbian Mummy Chest Ornament Delantera / PecheraMaterial Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Victorian Inlaid Lacquer Salon Chair, Mid-19th CenturyCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
6 3/8" Mayan Macro Blade. Belize. Kolha Chert. Bennett COATony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983) - Anthony Daniels Collection: Anthony Daniels' HandwrittenPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: PREQUEL TRILOGY (1999-2005) - Anthony Daniels Collection: Collection of Printed AnniePropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS - Anthony Daniels Collection: Autographed C-3PO Topps CardPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS - Anthony Daniels Collection: Anthony Daniels-autographed Early C-3POPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980) - Anthony Daniels Collection: Vintage C-3PO SwitcherooPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS CELEBRATION, ANAHEIM 2022 (2022) - Anthony Daniels Collection: Star Wars CelebrationPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS MERCHANDISE - Anthony Daniels Collection: C-3PO Igloo CoolerPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS - Anthony Daniels Collection: Assorted C-3PO Merchandise and ToysPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS - Anthony Daniels Collection: Collection of C-3PO MerchandisePropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
STAR WARS: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS - Anthony Daniels Collection: Three C-3PO Ties and Pair of SocksPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
William (Billy) Haines, Custom bar stools, set of fourLos Angeles Modern Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024