SoldTen Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19thTen Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, five American sterling: C-scrolled border, plain ovoid with monogram, Aesthetic Movement scrollwork, Rococo Revival scrolls, roseSee Sold Price
SoldTen Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tTen Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th to early 20th century, six American sterling: a Whiting Aesthetic Movement, a Gorham with textured ground, a Webster with lily rim, a rocaille scrolSee Sold Price
SoldSeven Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19Seven Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, four sterling: a griffin amidst scrolls, acid etched cartouche on scrolls, Art Nouveau lady's bust amidst scrolls and water lilSee Sold Price
SoldNine Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19tNine Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, six sterling: one engraved English, Birmingham, 1902; five American: two with scrollwork border, one with central acanthus swag,See Sold Price
SoldEight Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19Eight Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, five sterling: four American, including an Aesthetic Movement, a Rococo Revival, one with florals to center, and one with a cheSee Sold Price
SoldEleven Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, lateEleven Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th to early 20th century, five American sterling: one with C-scrolled edges, one with husk swags to corners, Renaissance Revival case with dragons aSee Sold Price
SoldNine Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19Nine Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th-early 20th century, five American sterling: an Unger Bros. with putti riding a dolphin, an F&B with Renaissance Revival strapwork, a Rococo scrolleSee Sold Price
SoldFive Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19Five Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th to early 20th century, four American sterling: embossed with a coiled snake to perimeter, inlaid with turquoise cabochons for the monogram C, acid-See Sold Price
SoldEleven Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, lateEleven Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th to early 20th century, four American: a Gorham Aesthetic Movement, two Rococo scrolled, and a Renaissance Revival fire-breathing dragon decoratedSee Sold Price
SoldEleven Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, lateEleven Sterling and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th to early 20th century, seven sterling: a Kerr scroll engraved, a bead-edged, a Webster with laurel wreath, a wreath, scroll, and shell example, oSee Sold Price
SoldTwelve Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes and MatTwelve Sterling and Silverplate Matchsafes and Matchbook Covers, late 19th/early 20th century, six sterling matchsafes: four with scrollwork borders, an Aesthetic Movement, and oak branch and acorn enSee Sold Price
SoldNine Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19thNine Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th-early 20th century, four sterling: a Watson with Art Nouveau daisies, a Gorham with Renaissance Revival scrolls and grotesque masks, a scroll edged,See Sold Price
SoldNine Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19thNine Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th to early 20th century, five sterling: a Gorham with foliate scroll edge, a Baroque scrolled, a small rococo scrolled, a Wallace souvenir case engraveSee Sold Price
SoldFive Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19thFive Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, three sterling: a leaf-engraved English double-lidded example, an American sterling, with Renaissance Revival edge decoration, anSee Sold Price
SoldNine Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19thNine Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, six sterling: five American (three small rectangular, one with scroll borders, and one with S-scrolls and grotesque mask at top),See Sold Price
SoldSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, five silver: an American sterling example, with Art Nouveau sea nymphs writhing in waves, a diagonally fluted English, a ContineSee Sold Price
SoldSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, four sterling: one English, enameled in turquoise and red with lion rampant, a P.&.P. with rococo scrolls, and two unmarked, oneSee Sold Price
SoldEight Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tEight Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, six sterling: two Gorham, rectangular with foliate decoration, one Webster with grape decoration, a Watrous with scrolled edge,See Sold Price
SoldSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, six sterling: one English, engraved with acanthus on engine turning, and five American, (no maker's marks), decorated with enginSee Sold Price
SoldSix Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19Six Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, five sterling: two American including an ovoid with vertical beading, an acid-etched with an Art Nouveau maiden, and two BirminghaSee Sold Price
SoldEight Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tEight Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, five sterling: a Gorham with rocaille scroll borders, a Whiting with S-scroll borders, and three English, two with scroll engravSee Sold Price
SoldFive Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tFive Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, three sterling: an American acid-etched with foliate scrolls, a Whiting with rocaille scrolls to one corner, and an English (BirmSee Sold Price
SoldSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19tSeven Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes, late 19th/early 20th century, five silver: an American sterling example, with Art Nouveau sea nymphs writhing in waves, a diagonally fluted English, a ContineSee Sold Price
SoldSix Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes and a LighSix Silver and Silver Plate Matchsafes and a Lighter, late 19th/early 20th century, four sterling: a small square with Art Nouveau lilies, an Unger Brothers with niello scrollwork, a rectangular pressSee Sold Price
GEORGE W. SHIEBLER STERLING OYSTER DESIGN SERVING SPOONThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Two Antique Silver Alloy Cuff Bracelets from India plus One Silverplate Wire BraceletArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
GERMAN HENNIGER SILVERPLATE & CUT GLASS EPERGNE CENTERPIECEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sterling Silver & Glass Dresser Jars, Mirror, Footed Bowl, CoastersHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Late 19th Century Swiss Sterling Silver Hunter case pocket watchCV Auction LLC4.4(34)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
AMERICAN AESTHETIC MOVEMENT GORHAM CO COPPER VASEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Cairo Gorham Sterling Silver Trophy Mixed Metals Aesthetic Museum PieceBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Norblin Polish Silver Plate Tzedakah, Late 19th C.Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024